
schema in Oracle

I want to know is there any software design the schema of oracle database?I mean if you work with Microsoft Sql U can easily design your database ,see the relation ,all tables and their fields,I want to know is there any software do same work in oracle. I already try to find it in oracle Developer but nothing found! ...

spell checker in an SDK

Is it possible to add a spell checker tool in an SDK, for example "MS Developer Studio 97" that office (or other word processing tools) uses? Thanks, Sun ...

LDAP Active directory authentication question

I am trying to authenticate users on my site with their LDAP credentials. However the bind to the active directory seems to require my credentials first before I can authenticate any other username/passwords. I don't want to hardcode my credentials in the application. Any suggestions? $self->authen->config( DRIVER => [ 'Authen::Simple...

What Can Cause a NullPointerException in java.awt.Graphics.setClip Under Microsoft VM?

There's a ten-year-old Java applet I've recently been asked to fix some bugs in, and one of those only occurs when running under Microsoft's old JVM rather than Sun's. (Or, at least, it doesn't occur under any recent Sun JRE - I haven't dug out Sun Java 1.1 to try and check.) Yes, I'm aware that Microsoft's JVM is end-of-life, and I've...

ldap_sasl_bind_s(GSSAPI) - What should be provided in the credentials BERVAL structure

Hi, I'm trying to use the ldap_sasl_bind_s method from the Microsoft LDAP C SDK, with GSSAPI as the authentication mechanism. ldap_sasl_bind_s expects the credentials as a BERVAL structure, which is opaque. Given a username (or a DN) and a password, how do I get to the BERVAL structure that I'm supposed to pass to ldap_sasl_bind_s? T...

Nedd we switching from Winforms to WPF?

Is there is any need to pass existing (or developing) projects from WinForms to WPF? or even Silverlight? If the project is OK, worth it to be switched in WPF? Can Silverlight replace WPF in the future? I am asking because there a rumors that Microsoft will abandon WinForm (maintenance and support) for WPF and Silverlight. I believe Wi...

Application crashing in WInXp and WIn2k3 but not in Vista or Win7 after applying KB981793 hot Fix from Microsoft

I have an existing application developed in VC++ 6.0 which has been installed in many customer sites throughout the world. This application was working fine until sometime back when the Microsoft KB981793 hot fix was applied. This hotfix has changes related to Timezones and was crashing a crash due to an array overflow in our applicati...

Difference in memory allocation in WIn 7/Vista compared to WinXP/Win2k3 in following code

I have the following piece of code. This is written for getting the list of timezones from registry and populating into an array. This piece of code works fine in Win7 and Vista OS but not in WinXp and Win2k3. The reason is because of the size of array getting overflown. I have defined only 100 elements. However there are more than 100...

Where can I find reliable information about Microsoft's plans for COM+ support in future versions of Windows?

When looking at a large web application with many competing priorities, one of the things I am faced with is a large number of COM+ components. At some point, these things need to be re-engineered in some other technology (WCF, .NET, whatever). Part of how I prioritize this effort will be "low long before Microsoft stops supporting it?...

Export CSV File to DataGridview in C#

I'm using following Code for Exporting CSV file contents to DataGridView in C# My Windows application is successfully running. but Not display even Datagridview or anything in Output... I Don't know where is the exact problem. My aim is to Display contents of .csv file in datagridview. i hv stored the .csv file in My C Drive.. as speci...

Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table. Exception

I'm using Following code to read CSV file contents. link to download CSV file.. This is the CSV file which is located in my C:\ Drive. The exception I am getting is "Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table". Why might this happen? using System; using System.Collections.Gene...

good knowledge and news resources

Possible Duplicate: What are the best RSS feeds for programmers/developers? Hello, Could You please give me good resources like(podcsats, blogs, news, etc.) about software development and it news specially in Microsoft technology but no only. Good resource to improve skills by reading daily maybe once a few days. I know cha...

SubSonic Active Record Generate Class

hi everyone, i wanna use to subsonic 3.0.4 but i dont know, how can i start to generate class and use to new Template of T4. example: create new solution for generating to table's class and add to my project. ?? thanks ...

Now that Microsoft has shutdown newsgroups...

...where does one go for help on boutique topics like TAPI, for instance? ...

Howto access WMI in SQL CLR Projects

I have a project i've been working on that requires me to retrieve the CPU ID of the computer to create a software licence and check it against the current licens registered. So, said and done i made 2 programs to make this happen. Then i need to implement this solution into my CLR project. I notice that i can't add System.Management ...

Microsoft Asp.Net & IIS & server limits

How can I test my web application limits. User connections etc. And does my application is limited to server & IIS performance or what are the other factors? How can I host an application which will be used by millions of people? ...

Auto Calculation though vba code

I have a excel workbook consisting of 3 sheets. One sheet name is 'importeddata' in which 10 columns exist starting from b5 to k1000(b5:k5 is the heading of the columns). Another sheet name is 'Main Form' in which 10 columns exist starting from b5:K1000. Now i want to put 'column (c6:c1000) and column (g6:g1000)of the importedata sheet d...

Word API: Prevent Conversion of File

I'm opening word documents with the Documents.Open method in the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Namespace. This works fine, except that when I open a file that isn't a word document, it's automatically converted to be a word document. I'd like to find a way to either raise an exception of the document isn't a word document, detect if th...

building a SOA on Microsoft technology stack

so my open-ended potentially subjective question for the day is; if you were given the opportunity to build up a SOA on Microsoft technologies today; what would you choose from the options below; WCF, WF + AppFabric BizTalk + ESB Toolkit Combination of 1 & 2 Some other packaged solution ...

Disallow Microsoft.Reporting from evaluating all properties on an object datasource

Using WPF and MVVM, we have a lot of very useful ViewModels and business objects for reporting. When designing a specific report (so far they're very simple) I'll add the BO/VM as a data source so the report can pull the properties from there instead of having to create and maintain an actual DataTable of properties for each BO/VM. The...