
What type of saves options does SharePoint 2010 have?

Hello I am interested about how SharePoint 2010 saves. Does it do incremental / transactional saves? In other words, when you edit a document, does it save a whole new document, or does it only actually save the edited portions? This to me is very important and could sway whether or not I get it. ...

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Programmers

Is there anyway to encorporate Dragon NaturallySpeaking into an event driven program? My boss would really like it if I used DNS to record user voice input without writing it to the screen and saving it directly to XML. I've been doing research for several days now and I can not see a way for this to happen without the (really expensive)...

Finding data file location while using Microsoft Test Framework

I have been using NUnit and now I am switching to the Microsoft Unit Test frame work. In my test project I have a folder called TestData and I kept all my test input data files there. I want to use that files for my unit testing. In my test code, I am using Application name space and assembly name space but I can not get to the data fold...

What is equivalent LDAP attributes for Active Directory

What is equivalent LDAP attributes for Active Directory I am looking for password using Net::LDAP. I dont know to how to set the user password using Net::LDAP ...

Microsoft Access Error 2482

I am using MS Access application and I am getting an error on just one user's pc: Microsoft Error: 2482 - Microsoft Access can't find the name ... you entered in the expression.You may have specified a control that wasn't on the current object without specifying the correct form or report context. To refer to a control on another form o...

Windows Phone 7 without db support

Hello, I'm disappointed in seeing that no DB support has been added to the new MS mobile platform ... what do they think about great and full Sqlite integration in iPhone and/or Android?? I think that in a mobile app a local db is a good good thing. ...

Enterprise Library - configuring exception handling

I'm having some problems configuring the exception handler the way I want it. What I want is to log the warnings and above in one file (errors.txt) and everything (including the warnings and errors) in a file named all.txt. The problem is that I can't get the errors to be logged in all.txt, I only get an entry in errors.txt and a separa...

ABout Microsoft Certification Exams

Hi, I have graduated in Dec 2009. I completed Masters Degree in Computer Science. I am at very basic level of .NET programming using C#. I have experience working with ASP.NET and other web technologies for 6 months. Currently I am working on the application developement using .NET framework in C#. I am planning to give some certificat...

How To Disable Inertia in ScatterView

Using ScatterView control shipped in Windows Touch WPF. I want to prevent inertia from happening on a scatterview item. But I still want to allow user to move, scale and rotate the item. So I try this... ScatterviewItem svi = new ScatterviewItem(); svi.ManipulationDelta += OnManipulationDelta; ... void OnManipulationDelta(...

What does BizSpark currently offer?

I am looking at bizspark but the page with the software seems outdated. I am wondering if anyone has a current list or can confirm if that is the current list. Like it still say you get Vs 2008? How about 2010? What version of 2010? How many licenses? ...

what's the point of microsoft 'windows genuine advantage' validation

why do I have to jump through hoops to download bugfixes and upgrades? Is it a scam to collect information about my computer? ...

MSDN Subscription Expression Studio 4 licence details

I logged into my MSDN subscription (Premium) today to download the new expression studio, and I noticed that unlike Expression 3, it requires you to enter a key, and they only provide 1. Previously I installed Expression 3 on 2 computer, my home and my work computer. So my question is, is this no longer allowed? or is it a key that can ...

What is a way to access .accdb files for reading and writing?

I have an Microsoft Access Database (.accdb) that stores information needed in an application. Is there a way to distribute my application with the access database without having the user have access installed or get the user to go and download and install the office runtime? The windows form application that uses the access database i...

How to set the correct Visual Studio version as JIT debugger?

I have VS2003, VS2005 and VS2008 installed on my machine. The C++ application is compiled with VS2005 but when it crashs and i select debug the Just-In-Time Debugging dialog comes up and only offers me "New instance of Visual Studio .NET 2003". Debugging a 2005 compiled program with 2003 is not possible. If i attach the process to ...

Why do IDL defaultvalue values look rounded?

I have a COM object with a function with an optional last argument. The IDL is a bit like this: interface ICWhatever: IDispatch { [id(96)] HRESULT SomeFunction([in,defaultvalue(50.6)]float parameter); }; This works fine: if I don't specify the parameter, 50.6 is filled in. But in several development environments (Excel VBA, VB6) the...

Can expiration policies be configured in entlib caching application block?

Hi, Is there a way to tell a CacheManager that every item added will have the same expiration policy? For example in: <cachingConfiguration defaultCacheManager="DefaultCacheManager"> <cacheManagers> <add name="TestCM" expirationPollFrequencyInSeconds="60" maximumElementsInCacheBeforeScavenging="10...

Microsoft sublanguage string to locale identifier

I can't seem to find a way to convert, or find, a local identifier from a sublanguage string. This site shows the mappings: I want the user to enter a sublanguage string, such as "France (FR)" and to get the local identifier from this, which in this case would be 0x0484. Or...

Programatically rebuild .exd-files when loading VBA

Hi, After updating Microsoft Office 2007 to Office 2010 some custom VBA scripts embedded in our software failed to compile with the following error message: Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found. As far as I know, this error is a result of a security update from Microsoft (...

How to silently import a Certificate into a specific Certificate Store?

I am attempting to import a Certificate into the Current User -> Personal store using the command line "importpfx -f [certificate name.p12] -p [password] -t USER -s Personal". It works, but for reasons I don't understand there are now two Personal stores under the Current User, and the imported certificate is in the new Personal store. W...

Silently import a Certificate into a specific Certificate Store.

Hi. I am attempting to import a Certificate into the Current User -> Personal store using the command line: "importpfx -f [certificate name.p12] -p [password] -t USER -s Personal". It works, but for reasons I don't understand there are now two Personal stores under the Current User, and the imported certificate is in the new Persona...