
Is the WCF REST Starter Kit dead in the water... now?

Looking at an older stackoverflow post (back in June 2009,, a Microsoft employee said they were pretty close to releasing the next version of the Starter Kit. That was a looong time ago and... they haven't released one. So I'm asking again, Micros...

Move Microsoft Dyamincs CRM 3.0 database from one SQL Server 2005 Server to another SQL Server 2005 Server.

I found this documentation: Does anyone have a better suggestion to accomplish this task? ...

Is Google’s CDN for jQuery available in China?

Does anyone know if Google's CDN for jQuery is available in China? I might have a project where I'll need to support localization a variety of countries, including mainland China, and want to know if I'll need to find alternatives such as: Which is okay, but my unders...

App_Code in Web Client Software Factory, Is it a good idea.

Hi guys, Just want to hear some opinion on adding App_Code in Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) project. The main purpose is to put reusable UI rendering codes which can be use by various pages. For WCSF, I guess only controller can share across pages within a module which does not seems to be a good place for UI stuff. Suggestions?...

Deploy Connectivity Platform Folder/Files

I'm using the Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity features, but I do not know how to get the CoreCon Folder and files under "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\corecon\1.0\1033" deployed as part of an install project. The "new DatastoreManager(1033)" fails becouse users of my app do not have that folder and dev...

Why do I see MS jQuery samples use `$(domReady); `?

I don't know if anyone ELSE has noticed this, but I noticed the jQuery samples I see on MS tend to use a different format: <script type="text/javascript"> $( domReady ); function domReady() { $('#btn').click( showMessage ); } function showMessage() { $('#message').fadeIn('slow'); } </script> Isn...

Django SMTP and secure password authentication

I have an SMTP server that requires secure password authentication (e.g. Outlook requires to check SPA). Is there a way to deal with it with Django SMTPConnection? Or maybe ideas about any python solution to deal SPA? Honestly, I couldn't find enough about SPA, to understand what is it exactly: en.wikipedia:Secure_Password_Authenticat...

Targeting .NET Framework 4.0

I just downloaded MSVS 2010 from university MSDN AA. The IDE itself is wonderful, I can't complain, but... I'm developing project that combines C#, C++/CLI and C++ (native core, cli bridge DLL and c# GUI). But the VS 2010 seems NOT TO support targeting .NET for C++/CLI projects unless VS 2008 is installed. Requiring both VS 2010 and 20...

Options to develop professionally with Microsoft tools and Technologies without spending a lot?

I would like to develop applications for the Windows platform & at the very least I need a server based Windows OS (2008), SQL Server, IIS and Visual Studio. Looks like VS2010 professional alone will cost over $1K. Is there a cheaper option to get hold of Microsoft software? I remember long time ago there was an MSDN subscription option ...

How to compile Microsoft Silverlight for Symbian as .SIS (stand alone) application?

So in nokia we can have sort of Microsoft Silverlight installed to system. We can see Silverlight apps in browser, interact with them. But how to compile that silverlight application into .SIS applications? ...

How can I get JSLint.VS Addin to work with Visual Studio 2010?

I love the JSLint add-in - very useful. Having just upgraded to VS2010, I want it working in my new environment. The problem is, regardless of location/path, it does not show up in the Addin Manager (under Tools menu). Any ideas? ...

Microsoft Agent Speech Recognition

Hi folk ; i've been working on project where i can make Microsoft Agent Read a Text that i wrote , but i wonder can i make Microsoft Agent Recognize Speech or don't bother trying . ...

help in saving data in GP original table

Hi all, I am new to microsoft great plains technology. In this post my concern is to save the scroll window data in original sql table. I am selecting the values from lookup window and displaying in scroll window and saving it to temp table. While i am running temp table i see data is saved there, my motto is to save the data from temp t...

Microsoft Silverlight Unit testing framework can I inject javascript file into the test page...

I want to write some tests that involve communicating from javascript from Silverlight and I want to know if it is possible to inject javascript at runtime? So in my test project I have the following method in the app.xaml file and I want to be able to dynamically include\insert some javascript. private void Application_Startup(object ...

Getting the Folder Path via the Browser using Internet Explorer

Hello all, I would like to create a folder selector for my application which will only run on Internet Explorer Browsers (IE6+). I would like to get the full folder path a user wishes to use via a HTML browse button or similar and then pass this to my server side application which is written in PHP! This can not be done via JavaScript ...

Add date to log file name in Logging Application Block

I'm using the Microsoft Logging Application Block (version 5 beta 2) and I'm trying to dynamically set the file name of a log file to the year month and day (and then write a new log file every day). However, at runtime, the logger ignores any dynamic environment variables such as %date%, %time%, or %cd%. I can add static environment va...

Retrieve data like rework %, schedule and effort varience from Microsoft Project

Hi, I need to generate various metric from my MS project file for the period of one month. I need to generate following reports Schedule Variance Effort Variance Rework Percentage Wasted Efforts For rework percentage, I am using condition like the task.Start date should be greater than or equal to the start date and task.Finish da...

Why is there no Microsoft Certified Master program targetted at developers?

In the lower level certifications, developer technology is all over the place. At the highest level (Microsoft Certified Architect), the Solutions track appears to be a good fit for high level application designers and architects. MCA requires an MCM as a prerequisite. However, none of the MCM tracks are targeted towards development. ...

Using FTP from PHP CURL

I can't figure out how to use CURL's FTP, specifically, how to issue FTP commands from my PHP code: <?php $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE,array('CWD bussys/','LIST')); /* ?!! */ echo '<hr>...

C/C++ Detours Library - where to find?

Hi! I came to a piece of code that includes "HookEngine/CDetours.hpp", search for a bit of info and came ot that is Microsoft Project, but i cant find what i'm looking for. I downloaded the Express Edition but this ediotion doesn't contain the HookEngine. ...