
TFS 2010 - how to re-add MS Project, Excel, etc

I installed TFS 2010 (RC) on my servers then installed VS2008 Team Explorer and SPs on my client. Next, I installed VS2010 Team Explorer (VS Shell). I've been using it for a few days now and I've been able to right-click/open in Project with no problem. Today, I am getting: Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Inter...

Restore VisualSVN server from client copy.

I am running VisualSVN on a windows VM box. The VM crashed and corrupted the image. After restoring an older image (2007) we discovered that our data backup is not functioning properly. Hence I have a bunch of projects (~20) siting on my laptop (client side) and I want to push them back into the VisualSVN Server, which is now empty. I ...

How do I change the code page MS Visual Studio 2008 uses to open files?

Hi. I have a cpp file that uses ibm cp437 and Visual C++ keeps reading it with windows-1252. How do I make Visual C++ use the right code page for the file? ...

Where are the settings for multiple startup projects on a solution stored?

I've got a Visual Studio solution containing a couple of console app projects, and used the solution property pages to launch both of them when debugging. For some reason, this setting isn't saved in source control so when I check out the solution on a different computer it has to be set up over again. Where is this info stored and how ...

Can I distribute Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client

I made an application (called WI Assistant) that is a TFS Application. I got a bug report with this error: Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client. I assume that they don't have this because they don't have Team Explorer installed. Can I package that DLL up and distribute it with my app? Or ...

How to use listview as an Data source?

Hi, I want to use a listview as a data source of my Microsoft Report file which is having a rdlc extension ? Is it possible ? ...

How to use Microsoft Agent

hi Folks ,do u know guys how to make the Microsoft Agent takes my voice and understand it and put the words into text or string ? i really could manage to make Microsoft Agent speak the text i gave him ,but i couldn't do the opposite . thanx all ready for the answers ...

Safely move Microsoft SDKs folder

I have a folder on my hard drive, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs, and I was wondering if it is safe to move it to an external drive. Does Visual Studio or any other tool depend on this particular folder? ...

Microsoft Chart Control

Hi, Simple question but cannot find answer anywhere. When using a MS Chart Control of type 'Bar or 'Column'. My X Axis are only labelled every 5 steps. I want it to label every single bar/column on the X Axis. How do I change this? Thanks. ...

XSLT and MVC Certification

Hello, I want to learn xslt and also mvc, but I'd like to have an exam so I can get a certification. Are there exams for xslt or mvc from Microsoft or from another company? Thanks. ...

How to change the axis divider line colors in Microsoft Chart Controls (column chart)

See the chart below. I'm building the chart programatically, so no control syntax please. How do I change the grid line colours that cross horizontally and vertically behind the bars? As you can see I've worked out how to change the actual axis colours, but the grid colours remain black. public ActionResult RenderChart() { ...

Microsoft DBMS on-the-fly aggregation

Some time ago i was reading an article about new MS DBMS technology. It's some kind of OLAP but on the fly. This technology can bind to data flows and then provide a real time aggregation. So the question is "what is it's name?". I need such a technology now but can't remember it's name... Or maybe there are some similar technologies? ...

=rand(100,60) - MSOffice Problem

Oho ! Have you tried this one ?? Very simple office utility question. The question is something like this. Open Microsoft word ( 2003 or 2007 ) whatever you use. After opening the word. Let's have a new empty blank document. ( It's up to you to have it or not ) Press enter to go to a new line. now type "=rand(100,60)" in new line No...

Microsoft Accelerator Divide Operation

I would like to perform a fairly simple divide operation in Microsoft Accelerator: X = P / (1 + K * O') where P, K and O are vectors, and K * O' performs a dot product operation. I tried PA.Divide(P, 1 + PA.Sum(PA.Multiply(K, O))), however this does not work as it gives an error saying the matrices supplied to the divide command are ...

Microsoft Charting Histogram Zero With Line

I am currently developing an application that uses chart control to create a histogram. The histogram displays data correctly however I would like to center the data. Right now the Min and Max are automatically set. I would like the graph to always force its to be displayed symmetrically. Here is an example of what I'm trying to accompl...

Get Active Directory Attributes for Users on Legacy Exchange Servers

I would like to create a CSV file of the users on our Exchange 2003 servers, and include some attributes from their AD account. In particular, I would like to pull certain AD values for the users with RecipientTypeDetails = LegacyMailbox. I have tried a few different methods for targeting and filtering (ldapfilter, filter, objectAttrib...

What is the best way to get support from microsoft developers

I have a problem at my production web, that I am not able to solve. I am not able to reproduce the problem in stage or development. It only appears when the website is under heavy load. I think it is solvable if somebody who has a very good understanding of the internals of FormsAuthentication would have a look at it by logging into ou...

Guide to MS/.NET/C# certifications?

We've started looking at getting MS certifications at my job, trying to get a more even level of skill and knowledge in our teams. So I'm left wondering if there is any "roadmap" or guide from Microsoft that you can look at/follow to know what certifications are applicable to your organization, what the contain, cost, etc. ? ...

Exception_Record in python2.5 problem

I'm using Python2.5 & the following code produce 2 errors. Can any body help me? class EXCEPTION_RECORD(Structure): _fields_ = [ ("ExceptionCode", DWORD), ("ExceptionFlags", DWORD), ("ExceptionRecord", POINTER(EXCEPTION_RECORD)), ("ExceptionAddress", LPVOID), ("NumberParameters", DWORD), ...

Azure, SLAs and CAP theorem

Azure itself is imo PaaS and not IaaS. Do you agree? MS gurantees an availability of 99% and a strong consistency. You can find MS SLAs here: (three SLAs Uptime: ) I can't find anyhing about how they are going to archive that. Do they do b...