
Question About Microsoft Sharepoint and BPMS

Hi everybody. Can I use Microsoft Sharepoint for implementing business proceses without writing code and without any knowledge about web development and database design? ...

Replacement for the site "Dll Help"

I just found out about the site DllHelp, and it turns out it was retired yesterday! :-( The site is: (according to Joel on software) a complete database of every DLL Microsoft has ever shipped, and which versions of which product it shipped with. Is anyone aware of a replacement / equivalent site, or is this information simply no ...

Compatibility View - Microsoft didn't get it right

Can someone comment on why Microsoft decided to have sites in IE8 Compatbility View report the user agent as IE 8 AND why they didn't allow specific urls in the compatibility view sites list? this is a REAL pain for our line of business sites, which don't have their own host. ...

assemblies required for silverlight charts

i want the assemblies (*.dll) files for silverlight charting controls or give me path that where does it stoer when we install the toolkit in our computer ...

Browsing Sharepoint site for the first time generates 404 Error

Hi, In our team we have a Sharepoint site where news, guidelines and files in general are posted. But the weird thing is, when browsing it for the first time, we get a 404-Not Found Error. All the subsequent attempts to access it are sucessful. This isn't a major problem at all, but I wonder, are there known causes for this behavior? ...

How to format a datetime in Powershell

Hi, So I can format the Get-Date commandlette no problem like this: $date = Get-Date -format "yyyyMMdd" but once I've got a date in a variable, how do I format it. This errors: $dateStr = $date -format "yyyMMdd" saying: "You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '-f' operator" ...

Using MS Visual C++ to make a Windows Forms Application in C?

I'm learning C, and I want to use the Windows Forms tools in Visual C++, so I can do Rapid Application Development with C. I've tried changing the compiler mode to C, but then, I can't use the RAD tools in VC++, it seems. ...

Is there an open source web based management for MS SQL server?

Does anyone know of a web based MS SQL manager (in ASP.NET or classic ASP)? I'm getting sick of using their studio software, and use MySQL a lot too, so I'm used to the web based management. Thanks :) ...

Code-Signing: which file types should I sign and why?

I've got a brand new code-signing certificate and have been wondering which files I should sign. Clearly, the setup .msi package and all .exe which run elevated should be signed to avoid "unknown publisher" warnings, but should I sign other executables, e.g. .exe which don't need elevation, .dll or .oxc? Microsoft themselves seem to ha...

MS E-Open Madness: Anyone know how to register and download e-open software?

I went to, logged in, and spent two hours looking for some sort of "register your license, download your keys and license" button, but found none. There was a "request permission" which you could put in your numbers, but it said it would notify the Admin... I am the Admin... Any thoughts? I really want to s...

Features of Visual Studio 2005 that is not in Visual Studio 2008

Currently I have both Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 on my machine. If I uninstall Visual Studio 2005, would I be missing something? If there is, what are they? Let's assume that I did a complete (not default) installation for both releases. Thanks in advance for your time and expertise. ...

How to prevent automatic truncation of leading zeros in Excel cell

I have list of STD Codes. If I paste a STD Code as 04562 , it automatically truncates the leading zero and store it as 4562. But I want it to to store it as 04562 Plz Give me a solution. Any Help will be highly appreciated ...

NotNullValidator problem

Hello, I'm using Microsoft Enterprise Validation Library. If i have a [NotNullValidator(MessageTemplate="Cannot be null!", Ruleset="validate_x")] public string x{ get; set; } and then, in a test class i have: MyBO target=new MyBO { x=null }; and i wanna check if this is valid (using ValidationResult), and also that ruleset, the test...

How to convert from IEEE Python float to Microsoft Basic float

I got Python float value and I need to convert it in to Microsoft Basic Float (MBF) format. Luckily, Got some code from internet that does the reverse. def fmsbin2ieee(self,bytes): """Convert an array of 4 bytes containing Microsoft Binary floating point number to IEEE floating point format (which is used by Python)""" as_in...

Microsoft programming language for children

Hi, about half a year ago I read about a programming language from Microsoft which is easy to learn (also for kids) and which uses .NET. But unfortunately I am not able to find something about this language right now. The only thing I find is "Boku" from Microsoft, but I am pretty sure this is not the language I read about. I hope someo...

Line Graph incomprehendible and congested with too many data points. Microsoft Report Viewer

Want to view a line graph report in Microsoft Report Viewer. But line graph that we obtained is congested and incomprehendible because there are too many X-axis data points. Is there any way to split the graph horizontally or vertically and view the report or specify the maximum number of points in the X-axis? ...

Buying Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web Edition

Hello, Probably this isn't the right place... but ill give it a try. I want to buy Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web Edition in order to remotly install it on the server. The question is: Can i buy a licence in USA? and pay in dollars? or do i have to buy it in my country (Portugal)? However since the servers are in Germany, should i buy ...

Bizspark Renew Link

I enrolled in a Microsoft BizSpark program last year and recently got an annual renewal notice. I clicked on the link and it takes me to the BizSpark homepage page. Even after signing in I can't seems to find the damn renewal link. Sent three emails to microsoft bizspark team but no reply. Does anyon...

Why can't convert TCHAR* to char*

error C2664: 'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'TCHAR *' to 'char *' code: LPCTSTR name, DWORD value strcpy (&this->valueName[0], name); error C2664: 'strlen' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'LPCTSTR' to 'const char *' LPCTSTR name; strlen (name) The code above to a class which works fine in another project, I c...

Class names that start with C.

The MFC has all class names that start with C. For example, CFile and CGdiObject. Has anyone seen it used elsewhere? Is there an official naming convention guide from Microsoft that recommends this style? Did the idea originate with MFC or was it some other project? ...