
Changing CR/LF output type in Visual Studio

Hi all: I have a c# project in my Visual studio 2008 which when built, outputs a bunch of files in a temp directory for other programs to use i.e. JsTestDriver, JsCoverage, etc (all a bit Unix-related). Trouble is, everytime when the files were generated, they seem to contain weird return carriage/line feed which upsets the programs th...

Which VB6 controls are supported by Microsoft?

I'm looking for a replacement for the Sheridan 3D Panel (ssPanel) and I'm trying to figure out which of the Controls in the Projects>Components I can add to my project which will be supported by Microsoft. (I.e., I don't want to add a control that MS doesn't officially "support", like the MS Forms 2.0 Object Library). Update Microsoft d...

i4i xml doc patent money grab

Since Microsoft got slammed with the recent i4i patent money grab I have a big concern. My own product in development uses XML in a similar way to the Custom XML feature of Word I am very annoyed that i4i can get a patent for embedding some XML and mapping it, it's just a bit too simple and already common place I am changing anyway. Ma...

Using arrows to change the order in which things are displayed in a GridView in ASP.NET

Hi Guys, I'm trying to use images representing arrows to allow the user to change the order in which items appear in a list in a grid view in ASP.NET. I have a class which has a value named "position", the class is displayed inside the GridView and is ordered by position. In each of the rows of the gridview are an up and down arrow wh...

Is static caching DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase acceptable?

Is it acceptable to cache an instance of the database connection on application start? Looking at the MSDN documentation on thread safety, I quote: Any public static [...] members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. Given that, is it acceptable/safe for code such as this example...

does Microsoft JVM support writing cookies in Applets?

I know that sun's can handle that through JSObject but is there some way for Microsoft JVM? I tried using JSObject with Microsoft but's it's unable to write/read any cookies. it returns "undefined" instead. any help appreciated. ...

blocking website via hosts file not working?

Hi, I'm trying to block a website using the hosts file using this tutorial : but It doesn't work, the website I'v blocked In this case facebook still shows up, please can anyone help me out here? Thanks, parastar ...

How DID Microsoft do this? (an OO question about their .NET HttpServerUtility class)

HttpServerUtility contains a public function called UrlEncode. It is not a shared function. HttpServerUtility does not have any public constructors. Doing this fails: Dim encodeMe As String = "a string to be encoded!" HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode(encodeMe) 'Bombs out This works, and is how Microsoft says to do it: Dim instance As...

can ChartArea gridlines be made invisible?

I'm using Microsoft Chart Controls to generate charts from text file data. I centainly won't object to specific answers ;) but mostly a yea or nay will steer me right. Can the chartarea gridlines, axis, etc be made invisible? Can the column chart type be made to hug the leftmost side of the chart area. thanks ...

SQL Server Query - Insert problem

I'm having a problem with an insert query in SQL Server. The full text of the query is insert into franchise (fran_id, name, address1, address2, city, state, zip, email, phone, text) values(0, "DevFranchise1", "101 Main St.", "-", "Brighton", "Mi", "48116", "[email protected]", 8105551234, "asdflkjsadf"); Now "state" and "text...

Does the .dispose() method do anything at all??

I was experimenting with ways to get rid of some memory leaks within my application the other day when I realized that I know virtually nothing about cleaning up my resources. I did some research, and hoped that just calling the .dispose() would solve all of my problems. We have a table in our database that contains about 65,000 record...

SqlBulkCopy with SqlHelper class

I've installed DataAccessApplicationBlock.msi and I got the Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.dll file into my bin folder. I found every other sqlhelper methods except ExecuteBulkCopy. How do I add ExecuteBulkCopy function to the SqlHelper class? ...

Move a SharePoint 2003 site to a SharePoint 2007 Server

I have 2 SharePoint servers, an old pilot SP 2003 server and a new SP 2007 production server. One of the sites in the 2003 server is invaluable and contains a couple of advanced custom lists and document areas that would be a real pain to manually transfer over. I've looked everywhere for a solution to EASILY move or copy the site from...

Excel Programming using C#

Hi there, im trying to manipulate excel file XLS with C# by using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel the workbook im trying to manipulate has shared protection between users i have the file pw and i have the pw of the cells which i want to access and edit. if i try to do that from excel i do the following open the file type the pw go...

Need out of the box e-commerce software that runs with navision

Can you suggest an e-commerce software that runs out of the box with Ms Navision 2009? Commercial options are welcome. ...

MCPD 3.5 certification

This book Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Application Development Foundation is listed as one of the recomended books for the .net 3.5 MCPD certification exam 70- 536. My questions are: 1.) will it help me prepare for the framework ver. 3.5 MCPD certification? since it says 2.0 so clearly on the cover. 2.) Is there an order in particula...

Missing Microsoft XML schema mystery

I downloaded the XML schema's for Office 2003 from Microsoft's download site here so I can validate Excel documents that people upload to our app. Turns out that they don't work. I receive errors where it can't resolve the type like this: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'udcxf:File' to a(n) 'element ...

MS Excel: how to enter free-form text in cell with drop-down-list?

I'm having to do a little bit of user data validation in Excel which will be used for application upload. I have a list of values (LOVs) that I'm providing in a drop down box in an Excel. That's easy. Is there a way to also allow for free form text in the drop down list cell? Excel tries to validate it against the given LOVs. I don'...

Replace Strings with IDs in Excel

I have a Microsoft Excel worksheet that has hundreds of rows of items. The category column in this items worksheet is filled with category names, which are duplicated since it's a many-to-one relationship of items to categories. I would like to replace these category strings with IDs from a second worksheet that has a unique list of th...

Visual Map about Microsoft development products

Hello: I listen much about new Microsoft terminologies such as WPF, WCF, WWF, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight, entity framework, LINQ. I would like to see in a visual map: 1) how these products interrelate 2) Which are complements of which. 3) Order of priority to learn I think all the names that I mentioned, together with the use of Visual ...