
Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition

My 90 day trial period has ended, I tried repair/reinstalling the program but that didn't work. Is there anyway I can get another trial period? ...

NTFS alternate data streams

Today I have seen this weird magic NTFS system supports: each file can have multiple data streams. Basically one could have a file a.txt of 0b size but there can be any number of bytes hidden in a separate data stream for that file. This is strictly NTFS related magic and I don't see any noble reason for having these streams around. You ...

.net certification

I am planning to take a 70-536 certification, also i plan to take a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Applications certification. Could you please let me know 70-536 is a mandatory certification before taking Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Applic...

Is there a Sync Provider (for Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0) for an FTP site?

I'd like to synchronize a file directory with an FTP directory using Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0. There is a provider for the file system. But is there one for an FTP site? Or I need to write my own? ...

How To Get My Solutions Into Windows Problem Reports and Solutions

Windows Vista added a Problem Reports and Solutions facility that records software problems, reports them to Microsoft, and then say they collect and make solutions to those problems available to users. So when my program hits a bug and crashes, the user gets an exception report: This then gets captured by Windows as one of it's prob...

Can I use Microsoft Sync Framework to synchronize two SQL 2008 databases?

I've seen examples about synchronizing SQL 2008 with SQL CE. But not two SQL 2008 databases. If it can be done, have you seen example code about how to do it? ...

Generate Image with Microsoft .NET Chart Controls Library without Control

Is it possible to generate images (jpeg, png, etc) using the Microsoft Chart Controls library without instantiating a WinForm or ASP.NET Control class? All the examples I have seen utilize a control component. I need to create a library which contains simple methods that take data to be plotted and returns a new chart image. Examples:...

Microsoft Chart Controls best fit line

Anyone know any resources that will help me implement a best fit line in Microsoft Chart Controls. ...

Question regarding my MCPD roadmap

Hi, I'm planning to obtain my MCPD certicate. I have completed exam 70-536 but I'm unsure if I can obtain MCPD by completing these two (in order): Windows Presentation Foundation (70-502) Designing and developing Windows Applications Using the .NET framework 3.5 (70-563) If I'm correct, 70-536 + 70-502 would make me MCTS and in adit...

convert a microsoft document imaging file (.mdi) in java or under linux

Hi experts, I am looking for a peace of java-code that is able to open a .mdi file (microsoft document imaging) and save it as a tiff or pdf-file. I googled a few hours but did not find any. All I know now is that .mdi is derived from tiff, but I could not find an exact format description anyway. Any linux-tool, that could do the conver...

mcts 70-431 exam

i wish to give MCTS 70-431 exam which is SQL Server 2005 Implementation & Maintenance. I have not so many days left with me hence i am giving this exam as the exam would be sponsered by my company. If i had much time i would rather go for mcts in .net 3.5.(Web based) My question. if i give mcts 70-431 and i pass. Is it possible for me t...

Sum diff problem/bug in XSLT 1.0

I have this XML data and try and make a sum of it using the XSLT snippet below. Xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <values> <value>159.14</value> <value>-2572.50</value> <value>-2572.50</value> <value>2572.50</value> <value>2572.50</value> <value>-159.14</value> </values> Xslt <?xml version="1.0" en...

MICROSOFT.XMLDOM -- selecting a node that contains a specific node

Here is an extract from the XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <usa_map_locator> <map_data> <state> <id>2</id> <link/> </state> <state> <id>3</id> <link/> </state> </map_data> </usa_map_locator> I need to assign a value to the link node for state 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5 and so on)...

Need help with windows live api contacts importer example in php

I am trying to find a php example code where it imports contacts from the windows live contacts api. I have examined the microsoft api manual - but it only gives code examples in C# ( . I am new to this and need help to get started. This is the place where it looks like I could get i...

Does Microsoft Team System support ant?

We are using cruisecontrol to build our projects, which are ant files. I'm now checking to use Team System (Microsoft) in the future. Is it possible to use ant scripts in Team System? We have a lot of Flex development (and .NET development) and the scripts to build the Flex side would need to be integrated in Team System. ...

what is the need of assembly ? why we use them?

what is the need of assembly ? why we use them? is it possible to program without an assembly? is the assembly is created automatically? suppose i develop an web project is there any assembly involved? could you list example? ...

Where to get started for Microsoft Systems Management Server?

Hi guys, I am an absolute noob as far as the Microsoft's SMS technology is concerned. Can anyone point me to some getting started links, blogs etc. I am exploring different strategies for deploying our to be built framework for a large organization. Any help appreciated. ...

Microsoft Outlook Addon

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System can only be installed on a machine with the corresponding Visual Studio localized edition. Please install the matching Visual Studio 2005 localized edition and then run Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System setup again. ...

can't change owner to partition table

i got error when i run exec sp_changeobjectowner 'testtable','dbo' 'testtable' table - Unable to modify table. The object with name "testtable" already exists. ...

Re: Please guidance required on Microsoft Certifications

hi guys I had some queries about microsoft certifications. I have been working on web applications and windows applications for about a year and a half.(i.e .net 2.0 on vs 2005) I checked online that the 70-536 exam,is mandatory. So after writing this exam i will be eligible to write exams specific to windows and web development wanted ...