
Diversify programming knowledge

I've taken courses, studied, and even developed a little by myself, but so far, i've only worked with Microsoft technologies, and until now I have no problems with it. I recently got a job in a Microsoft gold partner company for development in C#, and I'd like tips on how to diversify, learning technologies other than th...

What are the best practices for testing an application that uses an MSOffice environment?

I have an application that I am testing that writes to Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Excel. I test this application on all windows platforms (winxp -> win7 32 and 64) and I have found numerous cases where I find failures based on my user environment, the most recent of which is that I could not automate the saving of a word document o...

Development of Visual Studio IDE

What does the Visual Studio development team at Microsoft use to develop new versions of Visual Studio? Do they use VS2005 to develop VS2008? Thinking about it makes my head hurt a little... ...

Newbie Building Reports with Microsoft Reporting Services

I have an Access db file, and I need to slice and dice the data for various reports that my boss wants. Is Microsoft Reporting Services a tool that is appropriate for this kind of activity? If so, would I import the Access data in SQL Server, then the reporting services is a tool that works on SQL Server, allowing the report builder to ...

Choosing between .NET Service Bus Queues vs Azure Queue Service

Hi Everyone. Just a quick question regarding an Azure application. If I have a number of Web and Worker roles that need to communicate, documentation says to use the Azure Queue Service. However, I've just read that the new .NET Service Bus now also offers queues. These look to be more powerful as they appear to offer a much more detai...

Is iCalendar (.ics) the only way to push calendar data?

If you were building an application that tracked event data, how would you push that event data out so it could be on people's personal calendars and smartphones? My thought was to create an .ics file and subscribe to it via Google Calendar, Outlook, Exchange, etc. But they appear to subscribe to a "snapshot" of the file, and don't cons...

whats the difference between c compiler and c++ compiler of microsoft c/c++ compiler?

I could compile the void main() as c++ source file with microsoft c/c++ compiler 14.00 (integrated with visual studio 2005).So does it means that the compiler does not conform to the c++ standard on the main function prototype? Is the microsoft c/c++ compiler only one compiler,that is,it is only one c++ compiler?Because C source file co...

Log parser flooding security eventlog

When querying event logs with Log Parser the security eventlog gets flooded with Logon/Logoff eventid's. For example if querying the Application log on Machine X, it appears there is an entry for Logon/Logoff put into the Security log for every record pulled out of the Application log. This could result in thousands and thousands of ent...

How to use animation in Microsoft chart control?

Hi all, I need to implement animation in Microsoft chart control like in this link. Is it possible to implement this? If yes then how to implement? Please help. Thanks in advance. ...

where can I bring* packeges to build

I'm trying to build mS-java compatible applet and I have references to classes in*. But I can't find the required libraries. ...

Restricting database access to specific Windows groups in SQL Server 2008

Hi, I'm trying to restrict access to a database on my server to only allow users from a specific Windows group. I have enabled Windows authentication for the server, but it seems as if I can only allow access to specific users, not specific groups... is there any way I can do this? Most of the resources I've found contain SQL Server 2...

Python2.4 and 2.6 behaves differently for os.path.getmtime() on Windows

Getting two different modification time when calculated from different Python versions on Windows XP. Python2.4 C:\Copy of elisp>c:\python24\python Python 2.4.4 (#71, Oct 18 2006, 08:34:43) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import os >>> os.path.getmtime("aut...

What is the reason of _tcs prefix for common string functions in Visual C?

Visual C++ CRT has several _t prefixed functions for both unicode and Ansi compatibility in the same source. So strcmp becomes _tcscmp, which I could never remember easily. So what is the hungarian notation meaning of _tcs and why Microsoft choose the way it is now instead of just simple prefixing, like strcmp -> _tstrcmp ? ...

Shadow maps unable to properly project shadows in some situations?

In the shadow map sample provided by Microsoft I've noticed an issue where shadows are not properly projected when thin geometry is projected at high angles, see here the shadows being projected, notice the poles from the lights are not projected: And in this screenshot we see things from the lights perspectiv...

Website spark training

Just joined the website spark program, which is a great deal in my opinion. But i still have one question, at the program details page ( the following is mentioned as a benefit: 'Free online training Managed newsgroups on MSDN (a community of over six million dev...

Mocking framework from Microsoft?

I want to start using mock objects on my c# project. After a quick google I've found that most folks use one of the below: NMock EasyMock.Net TypeMock Isolator Rhino Mocks Moq Does Microsoft provide a similar framework for mocking? I'm using Visual Studio tests for my unit test now. ...

SQL Server Analysis Services - Do I have it?

Hi I have access to SQL Server at work and I've heard some interesting things that can be done with SQL Server Analysis Services. How do I know whether analysis services is running? Is it installed by default on the server? Would it be installed locally on my machine? Forgive what probably seems like a pretty dumb question, but I couldn'...

Where's the best samples of Microsoft for developing c# win-based programs which connect to SQL Server Data base?

Hi all I searched within Microsoft web site. But you know, there were lots of samples and I didn't know which one is suitable for my purpose. I'm looking for the best samples of Microsoft for developing c# win-based programs which connect to SQL Server Data base. What I mean is, samples which use OOP concepts, use .NET 3+ features.... C...

Linking error VC++

I download Neoncube downloader and tried to compile. After I resolved some linking issues, there's still three that I can't solve. 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _UnEmbedBrowserObject referenced in function "long stdcall NoticeWindowProcedure(struct HWND *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)" (?NoticeWindo...

php mssql_query() fail without any error and only when selecting a particular table

Hi, I don't understand why this piece of code miserably fails. The first pass of the for() loop works fine but in the second pass mssql_query() fails, no errors are reported and the program just die. for($i=0; $i <2; $i++){ $query = "SELECT * FROM Viaggio "; $result = mssql_query($query, $link) or die("query fallita:".msql...