
Is Active Directory Really LDAP-Compliant?

I'm working on a plug-in to one of our products (an RMS) that will allow customers to import employee information stored in their LDAP directory into a corresponding Person record in our application. Our RMS allows Person records to have multiple names and addresses (it's a public safety system: this feature is for supporting persons wi...

How to detect changes to all MS Exchange 2007 users' calendars?

How can one detect changes to all Microsoft Exchange 2007 users' calendars? For single users or small groups, you can register push/pull event subscriptions. However, if you have many users (30k+), this seems unfeasible as you have to keep up with user additions, expiring notification subscriptions. COM+ event sinks can be registered o...

How set a text at particular XY coordinate in MS Outlook 2007 ?

Using C#, i need to send a mail with set the texts at particular XY coordinates in MS Outlook 2007. What is the way to set text at XY coordinates. In MS Outlook 2003 mail generate properly using style but style is not working in 2007.Please suggest ...

_CrtMem* and the debug heap

When I use the following code, it detects a memory leak. How can I make it not? _CrtMemState startState; _CrtMemState endState; _CrtMemState temp; _CrtMemCheckpoint(&startState); const char* foo = "I'm not leaking memory! Stop saying I am!"; _CrtMemCheckpoint(&endState); _CrtMemDifference(&temp, &startState, &endState); // Returns ...

Which universities/colleges teach Microsoft ASP.NET and other MS technologies?

I saw "Which universities teach Python?", so I thought I would ask one about Microsoft technologies. Do you know of any schools that teach beginning to advanced Microsoft programming languages? ...

What are equivalent open source libraries to these closed source ones?

I have a project (.NET 3.0, c#) that needs to be converted to open source (probably GPLv2). The project uses some closed source libraries at its core that need to be replaced with open source ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of the best open source replacements for the following libraries? Infragistics (Windows Forms) (prim...

How to handle drag event on a maximized window

I have an MFC application running in Win7 with no Titlebar (i.e. My title bar is home-cooked, with custom buttons for restore, maximize and close). In Win7 it responds to the maximize event generated by the Win 7 API when a user drags the window to the top of the screen. However, once it's maximized, I can't capture the restore event tha...

What are good resources to learn about creating a custom WS_CAPTION style for Windows 7?

I want to learn more about creating my own, custom WS_CAPTION style, the end of which would allow me to build a custom CMainFrame for my application that will respond appropriately to Windows 7 drag events. Any books, web sites, etc that people recommend for learning this kind of thing? ...

How Microsoft makes money out of silverlight? How Adobe makes money out of Flash? c#

I am just wondering how companies make money by offering free RIA application development platforms.They invested lot of money & human resources to create & improve those platforms. Of course no commercial company does that for free, there will be some sort of strategy. But How Microsoft makes money out of silverlight? How Adobe makes mo...

I can't find Microsoft Test and Lab Manager 2010 beta 2

I'm looking to install the beta2 version of MTLM for evaluation purposes, but I can't find a download for it. I can find Visual Studio 2010 beta 2, but that doesn't seem to have it. There's "Team Lab Manager" beta 2, which appears to be concerned with managing lots of Hyper-V VM's and nothing to do with testing There's "Test Elements" ...

Encryption key generated by java program is not accepted by Microsoft encryption API

We have generated RSA public key by our java program to encrypt the data in C++ before transmitting it but when we use this key to encrypt the data using Microsoft encryption API, it doesn't accepts this key. Do anyone has any ideas on this? ...

Is there an RSS / notification to MS KB's?

There seem to be many interesting KB relevant for us developers. For example: Is there any way to get these updates by rss / mail? ...

Licensing for MSDN code samples

I am preparing several in-depth code samples for prospective employers. Within the sample I have included references to several open source projects, Moq and StructureMap. For some of the functionality I need to modify portions of an expression tree and the standard method is using an ExpressionVistor such as this example/code sample fr...

MS Enterprise Library validation problem

Hello, I have a problem with the Microsoft EnterpriseLibrary validation framework. Let's say we have a DateTime? field. When using the NotNullValidator with another validator (let's say, the datetime validator) I always run in an exception. The scenario is: I pass a null value. The NotNullValidator works fine (it sets the validation i...

What's the point of XPS?

When I read books about WPF, I saw the authors mention XPS like it was something important. Windows also includes its XPS viewer, and I've seen that listed as a "feature" of Windows. But why? What's the point? Who the heck uses it? It's my understanding that XPS is, basically, like PDF, xhtml, or ePub (which is just xhtml)...or even Wor...

Microsoft and SAP

For many years I have used the old "SAP DCOM Connector" to communicate between Microsoft based applications and SAP. Unfortunately this old but good and performant technology is no longer supported by SAP since years. Therefore I want and must migrate to another newer technology. First there is the "SAP Connector for .NET 2.0". At first...

Visual Studios 6 Enterprise to VS 2005/2008/2010 Upgrade

Good Evening, To all who know Microsoft's upgrade policy. I own VS6 Enterprise. Is VS6 Enterprise eligible for upgrade? I also own pro vs 2005/2008 but would like the enterprise edition upgraded. I have found posts that say yes and no. What is the real policy? Thanks again for your comments. I love stack over flow! Brennan ...

Passing parameter to report in Report Viewer

How can I do to pass a parameter to the report? Not windows forms and the parameter is an image array of byte? I need to do this too, if anyone knows, please!! Thank you, ...

What's your opnion about Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle ?

Hello all, I have read some stuff about Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, and I want to know, if it's contains any useful information. ...

Setting up a Microsoft development environment (Enterprise level)

I have tried this many times. Every single time I get some problem or the other - Management Studio Express setup tells me .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 is missing in Windows 7!! or unable to create user instance or, blend SDK didn't install properly or default settings of Visual Studio are screwed up or unable to remove visual studio, unable t...