
Difference between Microsoft Unified Communication Products

What's the difference between the difference some of the Microsoft Unified Communication Products? Primarily Microsoft Office Live Meeting and Microsoft Office Communicator? The two seem very similar, but I don't quite know what each one is especially useful for. Or are they all integrated into one product, but marketed as different pro...

Can ClickOnce deployment be used with USAF-SDC policies?

Can Windows Forms ClickOnce deployment be used within USAF-SDC guidelines? From the white paper below, it appears that the SDC policy is a contract between Microsoft and USAF. Since Microsoft also built ClickOnce/.net framework/Windows Forms, do they allow "ClickOnce" deployments within SDC? I know that I should probably just call M...

Format of EML files used by System.Net.Mail.MailMessage and Microsoft SMTP Server

I'm trying to wrap my head around the EML files I see generated by System.Net.Mail.MailMessage and generated or consumed by Microsoft's SMTP Server. I've been reading RFCs 5322 and 5321 and I'm trying to make sense of the format. Granted, the majority of the EML files I see are adherent to the message format described in 5322 (or 2322 ...

Minimal standalone install of Microsoft Device Emulator

I have installed the Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0 and the Windows Mobile 6.5 DTK on a clean Windows 7 system. From the Start menu, I can start an emulator. However, the Device Emulator Manager does not show any of the emulators, so it is impossible to Connect and Cradle the emulator. How can I install apps to the emulator using the Wi...

C# listview items into Microsoft Report

Hi, I want to fill my report with all the data which are already listed in the listview. How can I add all listview items into Report ? I have tried to add datagridview data before. and successfully did it. But at this time I'm confused. ...

Reporting Services Hebrew Text Display Problem

Hello, I'm having trouble displaying Hebrew strings in SSRS. The problem is that whenever a string has both characters AND numbers (for example, an address), the spaces around the numbers either dissapear or change positions to the opposite part of the number. This seems to be a display/configuration issue. The SQL query is returning ...

Regarding English Query - Request help

I work as a researcher at Tata Research Development and Design Centre, India . I am exploring the available Natural Language Interfaces for database.While exploring MS English Query, I found that certain type of relationship does not give appropriate answer. Our schema looks like as shown below: Schema: Customer ( customer_id , cust...

How to use Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 against classic asp website?

Can anybody tell me how to use Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5 against classic asp website? is there any links available for this? I had gone through the Guides along with the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit 5.5, but i couldn't get anything. ...

ASCII-EBCDIC Java converter, using COMTBLG Microsoft SNA Server GTable

Hi, I'm actually working on a Java Host integration. The actual system uses Microsoft SNA Server, where an ASCII-EBCDIC conversion is done based on local COMTBLG Gtable. Do you know the specification of this file? Is there anyone having coded a Java program to read it? Thanks in advance. Esteve ...

Programmatically hiding properties in a PropertyGrid

Hi, I'm looking to hide/show properties depending on what selection the user makes in a drop. I am handling the event fine, but cannot actually make the correct properties disappear. The solutions I have found on line are mainly from 2005 and as I've had very little experience with it I thought I must be doing something wrong if hiding ...

Using Microsoft ACM without a sound card

Is it possible to make use of the Microsoft acmStreamConvert() method and associated ACM functionality without the machine in question having a sound device? I wish to do conversion/compression of various audio types in my application on a machine that may not have a sound card. Thanks. ...

Will I have copyright problems with Microsoft if I add Microsoft YaHei Bold Font in my commercial webpage? (using CSS3)

Will I have copyright problems with Microsoft if I add the @font-face CSS3 property in my commercial webpage with the font: "Microsoft YaHei Bold" (The Cleartype Chinese font for Windows Vista).? ...

Microsoft report viewer subreport, footer of subreport not showing up.

I'm using the MicrosoftReportViewer in VS2008, to display a report in a applicaiton (mvc). I have a subreport on my report. In my footer on the subreport, I have a textbox that displays the sum of one of the columns. and another text box with a label for the sum box. Neither of these show up in my report when I run it. All o...

Are all future versions of C# covered by the Microsoft Community Promise?

I was wondering if open-source implementations, such as Mono, are theoretically going to become legally forced into only implementing old versions of C# which the community promise covers. Thanks, Mack ...

Integrating Open ID and also leveraging Microsoft HealthVault

I've seen serveral articles/questions regarding Open ID integration but I'm curious if I integrate this into my site and then try to integrate with Microsoft HealthVault which accepts live id or open id, how smooth that is or if there is a potential of multiple login actions (obviously undesired). Ideally I would love to do something li...

Rendering Microsoft Surface Identity Tags in Java for Android

I want to write an application for Android devices that interacts with the surface and I need to be able to have the Android device display Microsoft Surface Identity Tags. I was able to create a class to draw the Byte Tags using the Byte Tag documentation but all I could find for the Identity Tags was this MSDN documentation and it doe...

How do you find a COM's interfaces without typelib?

Is it possible to find all interfaces (classes, parameters, ect..) normally registered with Component Object Model's (COM) TypeLib even though the TypeLib is completely empty? If so how would you go about doing this? I believe another term for this is an "Anonymous COM". I am sure that accessible interfaces exist for this COM because i ...

How do you hyperlink to Word 2007 help pages?

I want to hyperlink to a page within the Word 2007 Object Model Reference documentation, that ships with Word 2007. These are webpages that use the ms-help:// protocol that Firefox cannot understand. So I wanted to specify the ms-help:// path of the help page as a command line argument to the viewer, CLVIEW.EXE. C:\Program Files\Mic...

Distributing Windows environment with application

I am interested in distributing an application that will need to have an integrated Windows environment included with it. This environment would be something like BartPE. Basically the application needs to create bootable media with a minimal Windows subsystem included on that media that can be inserted in a system with no operating sys...

What is the easiest set of tools to get started with Source Control, TDD, and CI for Microsoft.Net 2008/2010

I work on a team with three other developers and one business analyst writing internal business applications. We're primarily building apps in ASP.Net, and do so in a very 2003-ish way. It's like going back in a time machine. Although two of the other developers are amenable to learning new things, one of the developers is not. He's ...