
How can I receive emails in C++ via POP3?

Hey guys, I've been trying to find a POP3 C++ client on the internet but I haven't found any luck. We are working on a project for school that is essentially a C++ course (so I can't use C#...), and we are making a Email client that has to support sending and receiving emails and attachments. We are also working with .NET (because app...

BPOS Automatic Outlook Sign In - How?

I'm looking to implement something similar to Microsoft's BPOS Sign In tool:,2357-7.html However, I'm having trouble finding information on how they manage to pass the credentials on to Outlook. The main issue I'm trying to resolve, is signing in to Outlook on a non-domain joined ...

How to remove unwanted blocks from MS enterprise Library?

Hi, I installed MS enterprise Library in my system. Out of all blocks i want to use only Exception Handling block. How to use it in my application.Also i want to remove all the other block from my system. How to do that. ?? please guide ...

Problems using key emulator in Java

Hello, I am writing some java code so that in the code, when an event happens, it opens Microsoft powerpoint from the program and then emulates some key presses which are defined in the code. My problem is that when I ask it to emulate a key press and pass in the decimal value of the key I want it to emulate, It does it wrong. The code ...

Microsoft Communicator 2007 R2: How to set custom Presence States ?

How do you configuring Custom Presence States in Communicator 2007? I've read the following articles... Technet: Customer Presence States I've tried the tool called 'Communicator 2007 Custom Presence Tool.exe' (this only works with Communicator 2007 (not Communicator 2007 R2) I've tried putting the file on the local disk (file://) an...

MS ISA Proxy connectivity

Why are there so many programs that cannot work through an ISA proxy in Windows. I can understand programs in OS's other than Windows and/or open sourced programs cannot connect through proxy. But I see many propitary Windows programs that can't. Does it have to do with the libraries used in the project, or just plain laziness? ...

Prerequisite for learning directx

Hi All, I am from .net C# background and I want to learn DirectX. I have knowledge of C++ but I am fairly new to graphic world. I am little confused about how to start learning directx, should I start learning direct directly or buy a basic graphic book like hern and baker and then jump to directx. Which is the recommended book for l...

Update Full Name in Active Directory

Hi, I've been thrust into the deep end with Active Directory (I'm a web developer, go fig) I have a user that I've changed first/last name on but the Full Name hasn't changed which is causing issues with sharing off a BCM database. How do I refresh it so the Full Name is updated. I have no idea how AD works but for some reason the high...

Are the PDC 2009 videos released?

Last year they had but I dont see Do they plan to release the videos this year? EDIT: Within about 24 hours of the breakout session occuring, they will publish the media from the session over on EDIT1: Not a lot changed yet but they have the l...

ASP.NET 2.0 or 3.5?

There was a time that I thought the current non-beta ASP.NET claimed the version number of the current .NET CLR (2.0), even though the .NET Framework was version 3.5. Whenever I saw "ASP.NET 3.5", I felt that whomever had written it was incorrect. However, I'm starting to feel that I'm incorrect. Has the official ASP.NET version number ...

Is it possible to stream to an Android phone with Microsoft Media Server?

Let's say that I have Microsoft Media Server stream (i.e. mms://[some ip address here]). This stream contains both audio and video. Is it possible to stream this to an Android phone? How would I go about doing this? Preferably with video, but if it is an audio stream only that would also be okay. ...

Method of simulating views on a SQL Server with read-only access?

I'm trying to do quite a lot of querying against a Microsoft SQL Server that I only have read only access to. My queries are needing to work with the data in very different structure from how the DB architecture is. Since I only have read access, I can't create views, so I'm looking for a solution. What I'm currently doing is using com...

Change C# code with multiple button controls.

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to change the code "DefaultValue" in the C# file that is used by "example.aspx" by using a few button controls. SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["id"].DefaultValue = "value"; As you can see I already have part of what I need. I would just like to be able to insert different numbers (e.g. 14) ...

Live meeting/Shared view like real time screen sharing service on top of Azure?

What might be the considerations for building a real time screen sharing service (some where close to shared view or live meeting) on top of Windows Azure? Please share your thoughts. For this, it is obvious that we've to create a custom TCP/IP server - to which clients can connect to and exchange (publish/retrieve) data real time, over...

Why wouldn't Microsoft want to hinder Mono and Moonlight?

Microsoft has all interest in preventing cross-platform software to happen. The incompatibility between Windows and Linux is the main reason why people don't migrate to Linux in large numbers. Both the Mono and Moonlight projects are trying to eliminate exactly this obstacle. Because of this, I wonder whether it isn't very risky to sta...

C#/Access Interop DoCmd value combobox

Hi All I've succesfully connected to a Microsoft Access database through the interop/COM.. I need to put some data into a combo box and Requery so I can get the information displayed. // Create app MsAccess.Application app = new MsAccess.Application(); // Open the database app.OpenCurrentDatabase( ...

TimeZoneInfo, if a timezone changes in the world, how quickly will microsoft roll out an update

I'm just wondering what happens in the case of a time zone changing, when your product is using .net. Is all you can do wait for Microsoft to update .net or write your own system for handling it? I'm assuming this stuff doesn't happen very often, but is this an example of why a close system may not be a good idea? ...

Microsoft Certification Exams 70-562

I just wrote the 70-562 exam (Asp.Net 3.5) and passed with 715 (700 required). The exam was a huge disappointment for the following reasons: The exam guide has a large section on Linq - no Linq questions in the exam The data access section focuses on using data sources (both Xml and Sql) - isn't there a law against using them in a produc...

Webservice on Navision / Microsoft Dynamics version 5... or else?

Go bounty! This question has earned me a tumbleweed badge (7 views in 7 days!), which is somehow a strong confirmation that Navision has a very limited market share, which - I suspect - should be a confirmation Navision is neither all that great piece of software... But hey... that's what we got as a back-end, so I am ready to fight w...

Is MS SCSF-CAB framework outdated, is there a better framework now?

Seems no more discussion about MS SCSF-CAB, is this framework outdated? is there a better framework? ...