
Microsoft Word Macro - Exporting Word Review Comments - How do you reference the sentence related to a comment?

I am trying to export of a Word document review comments. I want to export the sentence selection that was commented on followed by the comment. Screen shot of the image: I have found code to loop through the document comments, but I cannot figure out how to reference the sentence selection that th...

Bizspark Signup problems

My company plainly meets the acquirements to enrol in Bizspark. Yet so far I have not been able to. I first applied via a Networking partner but heard nothing back and then discovered the Networking partner I picked did not have contact details on their website so I re-applied with a different live ID directly to Microsoft and again ...

WinDbg can't find mfc90 version 9.0.30729.4148 symbols on

I think the title states my problem fairly well. Where are those mfc symbols? Some background info: I have a crash dump that I want to analyze in WinDbg. My symbol path contains (and it says h t t p first but I'm a new user here so I'm not allowed to write that twice. The 9.0.30729.4148 version...

Is there equivalences between Microsoft and Oracle/Sun technologies?

Hello is it possible to say what are the Microsoft equivalents technologies compared to Sun? For example: Microsoft | Oracle/Sun --------------------------------------------------------------- Visual Studio | JDeveloper,NetBeans //thanks justin,danswain IIS ...

Microsoft OpenId

Anyone know the status of this? Is Microsoft supporting OpenId? UPDATE: I am asking this because I need to decide if I will use openId or not in my new product, and is very important for my if my user can use Hotmail. ...

AWT Textfield behaves weird with MicroSoft JVM

Hi, I am facing a weird problem when using MicroSoft JVM to run my Applet. I have an AWT panel with 4 textfields which is added to a dialog box. Everything goes fine until I enter a decimal value into the textfield and close the dialog box. When i reopen the dialog box the textfield inside the panel with all the decimal digits (entered...

Which to learn first: Java/J2EE or .NET ?

Possible Duplicate: Should I choose to learn Java or .NET? Is there an advantage to learning Java or .NET first? (ie. would the transition from J2EE to .NET be significantly easier than the reverse?) Do you think that one platform has overtaken the other in terms of industry use? (feel free to be as biased or as objective a...

What is M language ?

Hi All, Microsoft has M language. Can someone explain the use of M, why it is useful and what a programmer of C# can benifit from M. ...

XMLSS Style Inheritance

I am working on creating Excel workbooks in XML, by way of XMLSS, and I've found myself stuck in one particular place. According to the documentation at, the <ss:Style /> tag has an available property, ss:Parent, which allows the given style to inherit t...

Is Microsoft Workflow Foundation really used ?

Today, I had a training on "Microsoft Workflow Foundation". While I think the idea is neat, I still see it as a Proof Of Concept and not as a real-life solution. Building an entire application without having to type a single line of code (or only a few of them) seems just wrong. Have you ever used this technology and if so, can it real...

GridControl doesn't display the data it contains

I am using DevExpress GridControl to display information from my database through a stored procedure (ie. SELECT * FROM aTable). Unfortunately when I run the program it doesn't display any of the information, columns, etc. It displays an empty table. I know that there is information contained by the GridView though as I have print stat...

Where to get really all-in-one .net 3.5 package?;displaylang=en there we can see: Full Package To download the full package, rather than the bootstrapper, click on the link below: .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package) but this "Full" package still requires 50mb to dow...

"Invalid Column Name" error thrown by Access Reports?

I am attempting to sum over a detail grouping on a specific field in Microsoft Access, and assign that sum to a field in the general grouping. When I try to run the report, I get an "Invalid Column Name" error with the detail field getting the error. Has anyone previously encountered this? If so, any ideas what might be causing it or how...

Is there any software made by microsoft using .NET?

I've been reading some blogs and articles lately and one thing I noticed a couple of times was authors stating that Microsoft 'doesn't use their own technologies' with respect to developing applications using the .NET framework (specifically, desktop applications). There's not a whole lot of information that I can see as to what platfor...

microsoft windows driver kit pure C try catch syntax ?

In the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) there are some driver code samples written in pure C, but sprinkled with some try-catch-finally constructs. Does someone know their semantics ? Thank you microsoft for your great tools and standards compliance. Code extract from some_file.c: try { ... if (!NT_SUCCESS( status )) { leave; /...

Excel: How do I take the first character of 3 different cells and last 4 numbers of 1 cell and combine them?

if a1 is bob, b1 is james, c1 is ricky, and d1 is a ssn#(123-45-6789), how do i combine the first charactersos a1, b1, and c1 and the last four of the ssn so that it says bjr6789? ...

How can i seperate the first and last name of a cell?

If A1 is [Jones,Mike], how can I get it to seperate but still use the first name as text in the other cell? Yes, text to columns would work greatly, but it does let me use the first name in a formula. ...

Microsoft products such as Visual Studio 2010 does not require to enter serial number

Hi, I am member of WebsiteSpark and was member of DreamSpark. Both programs enable to download software and provide serial keys to use. Some software like Windows Server has an ISO file to download and a serial number displayed on the website which I must enter during installation. Some other software does not have any serial key. For...

Implementing "View as HTML" for Word and PDF documents on an intranet

I am looking for a way to implement "View as HTML" (as seen in e.g. GMail) for Microsoft Office and Adobe PDF documents stored in an intranet. Can anyone recommend approaches for this? The intranet consists of multiple .NET sites, so I would prefer a .NET library (one that doesn't launch MS Word on the server) for this capability, but ...

open a customer record in Microsoft Dynamic from outside

hi guys, I am new to Microsoft Dynamic CRM. I have a .NET Winforms application which requires to open a customer record in Microsoft Dynamic CRM. I have no idea how to do this. Please help. ...