



I am using MS Access application and I am getting an error on just one user's pc:

Microsoft Error: 2482 - Microsoft Access can't find the name ... you entered in the expression.You may have specified a control that wasn't on the current object without specifying the correct form or report context. To refer to a control on another form or report, precede the control name with the name of a collection, usually either Forms or Reports, and the name of the form or report to which the control belongs.For example, Forms![Products]![Units In Stock].

Any help will be appreciated Thanks


Check the references in the code window. Missing reference can lead to quite odd error messages and if you are only getting a problem on one PC, a missing reference is not unlikely.

From your recent comment on your post, it seems that may be relevant to you. Among the problems listed is:

945280 Combo box controls and list box controls display no value or incorrect values in Access 2003 after you install Office 2003 Service Pack 3

Thank you Remou. We will try to rearrange the references of Access on this pc
Missing references will be marked MISSING. There is an issue with Access 2003, and I have added a note about it.