
Rails -- Possible to run migration methods in generic rake task?

I know this is not best practice, and most likely shouldn't even be used, as thats what migrations are used for, but I was wondering if its possible to execute migration specific commands in a regular rake task. Something like: namespace :dummy do task :update => :environment do add_column :users, :deleted, :boolean, { :null =...

some questions on migrating ASP.NET 1.1 application to 3.5

Hi, I need to migrate a ASP.NET application from 1.1 to 3.5. I have gone through the answers on this forum already, but still have some questions should I convert the application from 1.1 to 3.5 directly? OR convert it to 2.0 first and then to 3.5 and the reasons for doing so. Is there any article that walks through the whole convers...

Converting Ant to Maven: problem with target attribute "depends" on Ant

I am converting ant to maven2. I meet a problem. Please help me: In build.xml, i have <target name="clean"> <delete file="${dir.dist}/${api.jarfile}" /> <delete dir="${dir.build}/**" /> /target> <target name="prepare1" depends="clean"> <mkdir dir="${dir.build}" /> <mkdir dir="${dir.generated.code.junit}/build" /> <mkdir dir="$...

ActiveRecord Migration & Rake tasks not loading models?

I know that you can do something like this to load the rails environment: task :my_task => :environment do MyModel.find(1) end But it seems the code in the models are not executed. I am using acts_as_audited, and there is a nice class function which retrieves all models which are being audited. The call looks something like: ...

Transfer account from one server to another server using cPanel

Hi, I am not a server person and I am having issues with this particular transfer. I have transferred accounts in the past with success. With this particular transfer, I always come across this error: ERROR: tar of split archive ran out of space I increased the quota on the old server for this account but that did not correct the iss...

Codeigniter: Problem after migration!

I just transferred my local web app to my server, and now I'm getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /nfs/c05/h01/mnt/71658/domains/ergo-metric.com/html/application/libraries/Survey_form_processing.php on line 172 This is odd because it works locally! I changed my db settings to the pr...

Migating from CakePHP to Drupal, functionality question.

Hi, (I've posted this on the drupal forum too btw) I'm converting the company websites to use Drupal, or at least trying to check that its going to be the best way forward. I have a background in PHP development, and I'm currently using the CakePHP framwork. I've built this site (not my design) and I can see how to replicate most of the...

Batch Migration of VS 2008 Solutions/Projects to VS 2010?

Does anyone know a fast way of batch migrating VS 2008 Solutions/Projects to VS 2010? A simple test using the Migration Wizard shows that amongst others, the ToolVersion attribute is automatically changed to 4.0, the NoWarn key gets new exceptions added and a couple of other things... If there is no other way, I will have to do it manua...

Drupal migration

Hi everyone, I need to make a drupal migration from 5.1 version to 6.17 or greater. Really, we will appreciate any type of help ...

Liquibase Rollback Custom SQL

Hello Everyone, I can't figure out how to rollback custom Sql within a changeset. Any thoughts? I'd like to do this: <changeSet author="Charlie White" id="15" runAlways="false" runOnChange="false" failOnError="true"> <sql> INSERT INTO `XXXX` (`CONFIG_ID`,`NAME`,`VALUE`) VALUES YYYY; </sql> <rollback> DELETE FROM 'XXXX" WHERE 'YY...

Sqlite on rails problem with relations

I have a problem with relations while using sqlite3 on rails. First i build my scaffolds, add the references to migration files, add belongs_to has_many to models than get my database up and runinig with basic rake db:migrate command. And then it doesn't work, I guess there is a missing step which i cannot figure out :S By the way i ...

Rails migrations - look for changes in old migrations?

If I have two migrations, mig1 and mig2, I run rake db:migrate, then I go back to mig1 and change the default value of a column, will this change be reflected when I run rake db:migrate again? Or do I have to make a new migration just for that column to make the change? ...

Conversion of Data Type in column of migration table

Suppose that I have a table Attendances (id(integer), login_date(date), login_time(time),logout_time (time)). Now I have to change the data type of logout_time from time to datetime. So how it can be possible in Migration ? Because i Tried this statement in new migration. change_column(attendances, logout_time, time, datetime) Please s...

tranform a snippet from c in c#

How do I transform the following code in C#. My C is a little bit rusty (well... very very rusted): short CalcCrc(char *str,int len) { short crc=0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) crc ^= (short)((unsigned char)str[i]) << (i%9); return crc; } Thank you! ...

Migration strategies for SQL 2000 to SQL 2008

I've perused the threads here on migration from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008 but haven't really run into my question, so here we go with another one. I'm building a strategy to move specific SQL 2000 databases to a new SQL 2008 R2 instance. My question comes with regards to the best method for transferring the schema and data. One way I know ...

Gradual migration to a new database schema. ¿Suggestions?

(This question is about the best way to temporarily and programatically keep new records of two databases in sync, having very different schemas, and ignoring the old -outdated and no longer required- records.) I work on a company that provides TV programming information for guides, newspapers and websites. I have an old system that ha...

Migrating Bugzilla to non fresh JIRA duplicate key

I have a JIRA environment which already has some information and i'm trying to merge all the bugzilla bugs into JIRA. I'm trying to use the importer form JIRA "BugzillaImportBean.java‎" But it's failing when it tries to insert into the OS_CURRENTSTEP table because of a unique Key violation, essentially the ID already exists in JIRA in th...

Migration from Struts 1.2 -> Struts2 vs Spring-MVC (primarily vis-a-vis Struts1.2 taglib support)

Primary Question: If my app is CURRENTLY using Struts 1.x - and I am considering migrating to EITHER Spring-MVC or Struts2 for the MVC-framework - is there anything about either one that would make it easier to migrate from Struts1.2? To clarify, I am NOT asking whether SpringMVC or Struts2 is better overall (there are a number of exis...

CSS doesn't load after migration of magento website

Hello friends, I migrated my magento website to a different server, following the steps described here. Everything went smoothly, except for the fact that when I load the page, the CSS won't load, and I just get the page in plain text. I used firebug and noticed that the path the system is using to get to the CSS file doesn't exist in ...

What's the equivalent for PostgresSQL 'localtimestamp' in JavaDB - Derby?

Is there something simiar? I have this definition create table xyz ( fecha_alta timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT localtimestamp, .... ) I tried to execute the same in Derby, but it complains with: Error: Syntax error: Encountered "localtimestamp" at line 3, column 41. What's the equivalent? ...