
iPhone: MKMapView Strange crash

Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with a MKMapView, hope someone can help me. I have a view that embed a MKMapView and a navigationController. I push in my navigationController another viewController then another one again. Then if I go back to the MKMapView and touch the map, the application crash. so MkmapView > View2 > View3 > View2 ...

MKAnnotation . CLicking on the text in MKAnnotation info view should call a number.

I am using a MKMapview to display a map in my Native iphone application and I add two markers to the map view. On clicking the annotation marker i want a phone number to be displayed and clicking on the phone number should make a call to the number. How can I do this ? ...

MapKit fix zoom

I have mapkit view and i need to fix zoom step. User must only increase or decrease by 4 times. How i can do it in MapKit? ...

Access MKMapView from another controller

I have a MKMapView on the first of my tab bar items. From my second tab bar item, i want to tap a button "View on map" which loads the first tab ( currently using appDelegate.rootController.selectedIndex=0; in my -buttonClicked method ), and then places a pin annotation view on the map using coordinates i want to pass in... How can i ac...

showsUserLocation returns pin instead of blue dot in iPhone simulator

This is my -mapView:viewForAnnotation method which drops pins when i create annotation views. But when i set mapView.showsUserLocation = YES; in -viewDidLoad, i get a pin dropped on Infinite Loop (expected - in simulator) and not the normal blue dot. - (MKAnnotationView *) mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id <MKAnnotation...

Adding a clickable annotation to a UIMapView

I want to add an annotation to a MapView with disclosure button on it and I can't figure it out. I have created a PlaceMark class that conforms to the MKAnnotation protocol and then create the MapView and add the PlaceMark: // Add annotation information PlaceMark *venuePlacemark = [[PlaceMark alloc] initWithCoordinate:location]; venueP...

mapViewDidFailLoadingMap delegate method gets called with error == 0

In my viewcontroller, I create a MKMapView object. I set the delegate to self, and in the ViewController, I implemented: - (void)mapViewDidFailLoadingMap:(MKMapView *)mapView withError:(NSError *)error This method gets called, but in the debugger, I see that error has the value 0x0 This happens on the device, and in the simulator. ...

check if a user allows the app to use their location

The first time the app tries to get the users location they are prompted with "Would like to use your current location" and they can hit Don't allow or ok. Is there any way to find out if the user has hit ok or don't allow? I'm trying to have the MKMapView show the users current location but I would like to take different actions based...

mkmapview.userslocation property set to 0,0 after allowing app to use current location

Hello, On the first time the user tries to use the current location the map.userslocation property has coordinates of 0,0. The next time I load the view containing the map the users location is always found. I am setting the map.showsUserLocation property to YES on viewDidLoad and when the map loads on the screen the blue dot is ther...

displaying address on pin drop in map

Hi, Currently in my map code pin is dropping at current location and on pin click address is displayed. I want to display address without user interaction. How to do it? ...

Crash when zooming into a MKMapView with a MKPlacemark

I'm trying to add a placemark to a map. The placemark is built from an address completely outside of Address Book. My placemark is appearing on the map, but when I try to pinch to zoom in I get a crash: *** -[CALayer objectForKey:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4569dc0 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvali...

Blurry UILabel text in accessory view of MKAnnotationView

Hello there, I'm trying to add a UILabel to an MKAnnotationView as a leftCalloutAccessoryView right after a pin got selected for the first time in the MKMapView. Adding the label is not a problem: The callout gets selected and opens, and this is when I add the label to the callout view. The callout gets automatically expanded to the lef...

how to setup mkmapview to display pois at 100 meters range from my current location?

i have 200 pois in my app. i want to display the nearest pois to the user within 100 meters range in a mapview. How is this possible? ...

Force MapKit use cached map tiles only/disable network programmatically

We have stumbled upon such a problem. We are developing an application for travelling. To make sure the user doesn't spend much money on roaming charges in our app we decided to implement a settings option for user to view cached maps only. So we let the user decide whether he wants to load the maps from internet or he wants to save mon...

How can we pause adding annotations while MKMapView is animating or moving. [iPhone SDK 3]

I have a MKMapView and another class has a thread adding annotations to the MKMapView. But the problem is, MKMapView.annotations is nonatomic. So while the other class is adding annotations.... It looks OK if user do not move the map's visible area. But if you keep moving it, and the other class was adding annotations to the map at tha...

Routing, polylines in iPhone Google Maps

In our iPhone app we need to draw a route on Google Maps (GMaps is the only option, we can't consider other maps). We draw the route while the user walks around - GPS tracking basically. Then we display all saved routes on the map. The problem is that Google Maps is almost unusable. It is impossible to scroll the map, zoom it (everythin...

iPhone MapView interrupted

I have a mapkit / view and it works fine - but I scroll around and after 2 - 10 moves my app crashed... and this only with a "interrupted". Here is part of my code. I think it's a problem with the background threads and an array release / override problem. Some background info: I generate a "session" key (MapKey) on mapview startup an...

How does the Maps app on the iPhone 3Gs rotate as you turn the phone?

On an iPhone 3Gs, if you click the little "show my location" symbol on the lower left of the window twice, it switches to a mode that causes the map to rotate so that north on the map faces towards north according to the compass. I don't have a 3Gs, so I just found out about this from a buddy who does have one. I tried applying a rotati...

MKMapView in a UITableView and editing

I have a UITableView with two sections that needs to be editable. The first section is a few cells with text, numerical and date content that are provided a separate view controller for editing the values. The bottom section is jst one cell that displays a custom cell which has a MKMapView. This cell is used to visualize the location f...

Obtain user location from a MKMapView

Is it possible to use the MKMapView's own location manager to return the users current location to pass into a webservice? I have mapView.showsUserLocation=YES; and this does return a valid blue dot at my location, but in the simulator, its Cupertino - which is fine, but when i look at mapView.userLocation.coordinate.latitude, its equa...