
vertical scroll bar get disable and bounce back in iphone simulator using phone-gap

Hi folks, I am developing phonegap app in iphone,after successfully viewing pdf file (from server) on new HTML page,the vertical scrollbar get disable ,even i get back to the list page ,the list does not get scroll,this happen only if i run the app directly in simulator (not from xcode),any one know ,how to resolve this issue. thanks i...

Mobile Safari Text Area Background

A text area that's working well in all other browsers is breaking in mobile Safari. See the image below to see the breakdown in action: The default background is appearing over what I've specified in my stylesheet, and on focus some real weird stuff is happening. Here's the CSS and ...

Phonegap Database problem - storing images in the database

Hello - I am trying to make a very basic inventory application with the option to include a photo of items in the inventory. I have everything working except the photo part... I have looked at this and I can get the camera to work, but do not seem to be able to add the image to the da...

Select random row from Safaris client-side database.

I'm experimenting with the built in SQL support in the Safari Browser and I want to select a random query via Javascript. SELECT * FROM questions ORDER BY random() Returns not authorized to use function: random See this screenshot. Any suggestions? ...

designMode or contentEditable on mobile safari

I'm trying to make an iframe editable in mobile safari. Works fine in all browsers (including safari) with both contentEditable and designMode=on, but on mobile safari i can't get any of them working. Is there a way to make it work on mobile safari? ...

What changed in mobile Safari due to the iOS 4.0 upgrade?

Where can I find a list of the changes to iPhone Safari's handling of CSS, HTML, JavaScript etc.? Behaviour changes, deprecated -webkit extensions and also new features and capabilities. I didn't have any luck with a quick Google search or scanning the Apple developer pages, and a changelog would help a lot before I start attempting to ...

How do I get scrollbars to show in Mobile Safari?

The jQuery time-picker plugin that I wrote uses a div as the containing block for the list of times, and on Mobile Safari there are no scrollbars to indicate that there are more available times than are visible. I know about using two fingers to scroll within the div (on the iPad at least), but that only works if the user knows that ther...

iPad Safari: How to disable the quick blinking effect when a link has been hit

Is there any way to disable that? I only mean in the browser... When you click a link or a button or a div that has a click function on it, it flickers a grey box where you clicked quickly. How do i prevent this? ...

<input type="submit"> padding bug on Safari mobile?

(This is similar to the (also unanswered) question #3430506, but applies to input tags instead of HTML5 elements.) On <input type="submit"> buttons, the iPhone/mobile Safari browser adds padding to the left and right. This doesn't happen on the desktop version, nor any other mobile/desktop Webkit browsers I've tried. It appears to add ...

popup targeted for iphone

This is pretty self explanatory. How can I target only iphone for a popup. ...

How do I get the height of the mobile safari chrome?

Hi All- I'm trying to load a div and position it absolutely in mobile safari - think something like the alert box. I tried to use an absolutely positioned div with top set to 50% with a margin half the height/width: #overlay-message { position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; padding: 20px; margin: -67px 0 0 -110px; width: 220...

jQuery trigger click mobile Safari (iPad)

I have stumbled upon a bug in Safari on iPad. $('#next_proj a').trigger('click'); .. does not seems to click on the actual link. Any clues? ...

iphone css: media type not working!

Hi I am working on a site specific to the iphone community. Having read few articles on the net, regarding css for the iphone safari browser I learnt to use the following code: <!--[if !IE]>--> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="iPhone.css"> <!--<![endif]--> However when I us...

how to set initial volume of a very brief WAV audio in iPad Mobile Safari ?

Is it possible to set the starting volume of a WAV audio on iPad Safari? My audio is very brief (512 bytes, a clicking sound) and I haven't been able to lower its volume, either by including a volume="0.1" attribute in the HTML or by setting myAudio.volume=0.1 immediately before invoking Here is a slightly different, tho...

Offline not working in mobile Safari with cache manifest

I'm working on a mobile site for the iphone. I've added a cache manifest and loaded it with a list of resources needed for offline capability. The manifest file has the correct content type. If you view the response header for the file, the content type is text/cache-manifest. The manifest file is here:

Catching "The movie could not be played" error in mobilesafari

I'm developing an iPad web app which plays sounds. From time to time multiple The movie could not be played alert box errors popup. One pops up for each sound that cannot be played, so if 10 sound bytes are (not) played then 10 alert boxes popup, which is a problem for the user. Often the only way to get rid of them is to reset the iPad....

Can I change the viewport meta tag in mobile safari on the fly?

I have an ajax app built for mobile Safari that needs to display different types of content. Some content I need user-scalable=1 other content I need user-scalable=0. Is there a way to update this on the fly without refreshing the page? <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalabl...

Detect the current keyboard language / layout in IOS / iPhone using JavaScript, i.e.

Hi! I want to detect the language of the virtual keyboard of a user visiting my WebApp and set some stuff accordingly. I have found an Objective-C solution, but I need it in JavaScript. Thanks! ...

iphone 4 high res startup image

Hi Guys, I have a fullscreen iphone web app that has a startup screen that works. I am trying to figure out how to get this image looking better on the iP4, but if I change the size from 320x460 it simply will not load. Anyone find a solution yet? Thanks, Peter ...

browse or select file button disable in iphone safari browser

I want to know why select file or choose file button is disable when a web page is view in iphone safari. Can anyone tell explain me why this happens is there any way to enable it ?? Thanks ...