
Junit and EasyMock understanding clarifications

Still Now I am using JUnit, I came across EasyMock, I am understanding both are for the same purpose. Is my understanding correct? What are the advantages does EasyMock has over the Junit? Which one is easier to configure? Does EasyMock has any limitations? Please help me to learn ...

Mocking a non-settable child property with Rhino Mocks

I currently have interfaces much like the following: interface IService { void Start(); IHandler ServiceHandler { get; } } interface IHandler { event EventHandler OnMessageReceived; } Using Rhino Mocks, it's easy enough to mock IService, but it doesn't assign any IHandler instance to the ServiceHandler property. Therefore w...

Delphi Mock Wizard

Let me preface this by saying I'm fairly new to Unit Testing, Mocks, Stubs, Etc... I've installed Delphi-Mock-Wizard. When I select a unit and "Generate Mock", a new unit is created but it's very basic and not anything what I understand Mocks to be. unit Unit1; (** WARNING - AUTO-GENERATED MOCK! Change this unit if you ...

How to mock Request.Files[] in MVC unit test class?

I want to test a controller method in MVC unit test. For my controller method to test, I require a Request.Files[] collection with length one. I want to mock Request.Files[] as I have used a file upload control on my view rendered by controller method. Can anyone please suggest how can I mock request.file collection in my unit test. th...

Is it possible to set properties on a Mock Object in Simpletest

I normally use getter and setter methods on my objects and I am fine with testing them as mock objects in SimpleTest by manipulating them with code like: Mock::generate('MyObj'); $MockMyObj->setReturnValue('getPropName', 'value') However, I have recently started to use magic interceptors (__set() __get()) and access properties like so...

EF4 - possible to mock ObjectContext for unit testing?

Can it be done without using TypeMock Islolator? I've found a few suggestions online such as passing in a metadata only connection string, however nothing I've come across besides TypeMock seems to truly allow for a mock ObjectContext that can be injected into services for unit testing. Do I plunk down the $$ for TypeMock, or are there a...

simpletest - Why does setReturnValue() seem to change behaviour depending whether test is run in isolation or not

I am using SimpleTest version 1.0.1 for a unit test. I create a new mock object within a test method and on it i do: $MockDbAdaptor->setReturnValue('query',1); Now, when i run this in a standalone unit test my tested object is happy to see 1 returned when query() is called on the mock db adaptor. However, when this exact same test ...

Mocking objects with complex Lambda Expressions as parameters

I´m encountering this problem trying to mock some objects that receive complex lambda expressions in my projects. Mostly with with proxy objects that receive this type of delegate: Func<Tobj, Fun<TParam1, TParam2, TResult>> I have tried to use Moq as well as RhinoMocks to acomplish mocking those types of objects, however both fail. ...

Unit test tools for iPhone development with Xcode

When developing iPhone apps with Xcode 3.2.1/Objective C, which unit test tools are recommended? I am new to the iPhone OS platform, and I am interested in your best practices. ...

Unit test complex classes with many private methods

Hi, I've got a class with one public method and many private methods which are run depending on what parameter are passed to the public method so my code looks something like: public class SomeComplexClass { IRepository _repository; public SomeComplexClass() this(new Repository()) { } public SomeComplexClas...

How can I use OCMock to verify that a method is never called?

At my day job I've been spoiled with Mockito's never() verification, which can confirm that a mock method is never called. Is there some way to accomplish the same thing using Objective-C and OCMock? I've been using the code below, which works but it feels like a hack. I'm hoping there's a better way... - (void)testSomeMethodIsNeverCal...

In few words, what can be said about Mocking process in TDD

I'd like to brush my brain to avoid confusions. In few words, what can be said about Mocking process in TDD What's the GREAT idea behind MOCKING? Mocking frameworks are meant to be used only to avoid accessing DB during tests or they can be used for something else? For new comers (like me), are all the frameworks equal or I need to ch...

Is TDD broken in Python?

Hi! Assume we have a class UserService with attribute current_user. Suppose it is used in AppService class. We have AppService covered with tests. In test setup we stub out current_user with some mock value: UserService.current_user = 'TestUser' Assume we decide to rename current_user to active_user. We rename it in UserService but ...

C# testing framework that works like JUnit in Eclipse?

Hello all, I come from a Java/Eclipse background and I fear that I am spoiled by how easy it is to get JUnit and JMock running in Eclipse, and have that GUI with the bar and pass/fail information pop up. It just works with no hassle. I see a lot of great options for testing in C# with Visual Studio. NUnit looks really nice because it co...

How to return a dynamic value from a Mocha mock in Ruby

The gist of my problem is as follows:- I'm writing a Mocha mock in Ruby for the method represented as "post_to_embassy" below. It is not really our concern, for the purpose of describing the problem, what the actual method does. But I need the mock to return a dynamic value. The proc '&prc' below is executing rightly in place of the act...

Version control - stubs and mocks

For the sake of this question, I don't care about the difference between stubs, mocks, dummies, fakes, etc. Let's say I'm working on a project with one other person. I'm working on component A and he is working on component B. They work together, so I stub out B for testing, and he stubs out A. We're working in a DVCS, let's say Git, be...

Mocking Autofac's "Resolve" extension method with TypeMock

I'm trying to mock an Autofac resolve, such as using System; using Autofac; using TypeMock.ArrangeActAssert; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { var inst = Isolate.Fake.Instance<IContainer>(); Isolate.Fake.StaticMethods(typeof(ResolutionExtensions), Members.ReturnNulls); Isolate.WhenCalled(...

removing dependancy of a private function inside a public function using Rhino Mocks

Hi All, I am new to mocking, and have started with Rhino Mocks. My scenario is like my class library i have a public function and inside it i have a private function call, which gets output from a service.I want to remove the private function dependency. public class Employee { public virtual string GetFullN...

Request for advice about class design, inheritance/aggregation

I have started writing my own WebDAV server class in .NET, and the first class I'm starting with is a WebDAVListener class, modelled after how the HttpListener class works. Since I don't want to reimplement the core http protocol handling, I will use HttpListener for all its worth, and thus I have a question. What would the suggested w...

Rhino Mocks Partial Mock

I am trying to test the logic from some existing classes. It is not possible to re-factor the classes at present as they are very complex and in production. What I want to do is create a mock object and test a method that internally calls another method that is very hard to mock. So I want to just set a behaviour for the secondary meth...