
mod-deflate does not work with mod-wsgi in daemon mode

My client program is sending a gzip-ed http request, which is decompressed by the mod-deflate InputFilter in Apache. This works when I am using mod-wsgi (without any custom configurations) to serve a django site that is receiving compressed requests. However, when I turn on daemon mode via the WSGIDaemonProcess directive, the django site...

Apache deflate with chucked encoding

I'm expiriencing some problem with one of my data source services. As it says in HTTP response headers it's running on Apache-Coyote/1.1. Server gives responses with Transfer-Encoding: chunked, here sample response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Date: Tue, 30 Ma...

Difference between mod_deflate and zlib output_compression

Can anyone tell me the difference between using mod_deflate and zlib output_compression? I understand that zlib is done in PHP and mod_deflate is done in Apace, my .htaccess file looks like: php_flag zlib.output_compression On or: SetOutputFilter DEFLATE BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-...

.htaccess for compression, browser caching, proxy caching, etc.

Can someone provide me with an optimize .htaccess configuration that handles compression, browser caching, proxy caching, etc. for a typical website? Aside from my visitors, I'm also trying to make Google PageSpeed happy. ...

mod_deflate Supported Encodings for Compression

It seems to me, that mod_deflate in Apache 2.2 will always return: Content-Encoding: gzip and never: Content-Encoding: deflate It was explained to me, that although there may be a deflate algorithm, mod_deflate is named after a file-format, in which the algorithm could be any of: gzip, bzip. pkzip Of those three, mod_deflate provid...

Deflate zlib vs. Gzip compression on apache ... how to enable.

I've read on a couple of blogs, notably here there are some advantages to using deflate zlib compression by comparisson to gzip one. I am trying to setup apache to only do deflate so I can run some tests. However, I am having difficult...

Apache 2 mod deflate strange behaviour

Apache compress content only if receives "Accept-Encoding: gzip" in request header. If i set "Accept-Encoding: deflate" then Apache would not compress the response anymore. Does mod_deflate use gzip compression algorithm or deflate compression algorithm (aka zlib)? ...

How do I enable mod_deflate for PHP files?

I have a Liquid Web VPS account, I've made sure that mod_deflate is installed and running/active. I used to gzip my css and js files via PHP, as well as my PHP files themselves... However, I'm now trying to do this via mod_deflate, and it seems to work fine for all files except for PHP files. (Txt files work fine, css, js, static HTML...

mod_deflate or Gzip which should be used

Hi Mod_deflate or GZIP which should be used . i read Gzip on better explained but want to know extra about deflate Thanks ...

PHP virtual() not using mod_deflate in subrequest

Hi, I am using a custom PHP framework, which makes use of virtual() calls to serve files. The general idea is all URLs are rewritten to index.php which decides what resource was requested, then uses virtual() as a passthrough if the resource is images/ css / js. This works quite well, apart from browser-side caching (which was fixed b...

How to disable compression in Apache on some response header from mod_jk proxied application server

I have a tomcat server configured (by mod_jk) to work through Apache Httpd server. Apache Httpd server compresses (by mod_deflate) all text/html sent to browser. Some jsp pages are interactive and long running, i.e. display progress or log during execution. If compression turned on, all text on these pages comes at the end of page exec...

YSlow tells me site is not compressed even though it is

"Grade F on Compress components with gzip There are 19 plain text components that should be sent compressed" I have checked the compression of the main page, as well as all 19 components individually using "" and it shows compression in all of them. Furthermore, I ensured I'm not using a proxy ...

How to set mod_deflate preferred compression method to deflate

The title says it all. mod_deflate always sends gzip data when the request header Accept-Encoding is gip, deflate. How can I tell mod_deflate to prefer to send deflate (NOT zlib) instead of gzip? If this isn't possible...why would the develpers name the module mod_deflate when it can't deflate. Also, what is the best way, if any, for ...

apache mod_deflate not compressing

Hi, I've done the following to enable and configure mod_deflate in apache running on ubuntu >sudo a2enmod deflate >sudo apache2ctl restart >sudo vi deflate.conf <IfModule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/css text/xml application/x-javascript text/javascript application/javascript DeflateFilt...

mod_deflate for css and js

Hello! I'm using mod_deflate to compress my web pages but I see that only the HTML is compressed no compression for the css. Documents (1 file) 4 KB (18 KB uncompressed) http://localhost/web/ 4 KB (18 KB uncompressed) Images (16 files) 96 KB Objects (0 files) Scripts (2 files) 26 KB (73 KB uncompressed)