
Mod_rails and mongrel running on the same server?

I'm currently running mongrel clusters with monit watching over them for 8 Rails applications on one server. I'd like to move 7 of these applications to mod_rails, with one remaining on mongrel. The 7 smaller applications are low-volume, while the one I'd like to remain on mongrel is a high volume, app. As I understand it, this would b...

Apache w/mod_rails segmentation fault

I am running Redmine on Apache 2 with mod_rails (passenger) 2.0.3 and Enterprise Ruby 1.8.6. Every so often I get a segfault from Apache when I try to login. Anyone know how I can debug this issue? I see something like this in Apache's error.log: [Mon Jan 19 17:09:48 2009] [notice] child pid 8714 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) The...

Is it ok to use different different OSes for production/development servers with Rails?

Say, I love Debian+mod_rails and run it on my laptop which is my development platform. Yet, I am deploying to a production server running Ubuntu+mod_rails. Is it better in a long run if I install Ubuntu on my laptop or are the problems with deployment so miniscule I can go with whatever the hell I like on dev. machine? Thanks. ...

modrails - rogue ruby processes consuming 100% cpu

I'm having ruby instances from mod_rails go "rogue" -- these processes are no longer listed in passenger-status and utilize 100% cpu. Other than installing god/monit to kill the instance, can anyone give me some advice on how to prevent this? I haven't been able to find anything in the logs that helps. ...

is mod_rails or Phusion Passenger finally the answer to Ruby on Rails Deployment?

I read from some books that Phusion Passenger is the answer to easy Ruby on Rails deployment. But my friend said that first there was Apache + bunch of Mongrels, and then lighttpd, and then nginx, and now Passenger, and it seems endless... he also said he uses dreamhost which uses Passenger, and sometimes he sees his request not being ...

Using mod_rails to host multiple apps under SSL, same domain

I'm trying to get multiple rails apps hosted under the same domain, but different directories. My configuration before attempting to host multiple apps (which works great), looks like this: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName DocumentRoot /root/store/public </VirtualHost> I google'd around and found documentati...

says if i develop a Ruby on Rails application using Rails 2.3.2, will that usually be compatible with Passenger on my hosting company?

says if i develop a Ruby on Rails application using Rails 2.3.2, will that usually be compatible with Passenger on my hosting company? If i ssh to my hosting company and type rails -v, i get 2.2.2... so looks like they might be using Rails 2.2.2. So if i develop a Rails app on my Macbook and ftp all files over there, will the Passenger...

How to monitor passenger / mod_rails processes?

Hi there, I searched the site already but couldn't find any suitable information. As there is always some expert around I'm sure one of guys knows exactly what I'm searching for :-) We're on a balanced system: Machine 1: HAProxy load balancer Machine 2 & 3: Apache mod_rails and (of course) our Rails applications Those were the d...

Rails application deployed and working, but MySQL database appears empty

I've deployed a Ruby on Rails application using mod_rails and nginx over Capistrano, and it's working perfectly, but I have a baffling problem. When I run the following command on the server: SHOW TABLES IN application_production; MySQL returns: Empty set (0.00 sec) I know that information is being written to the database because ...

How to uninstall Passenger (mod_rails) from nginx?

I've a running nginx and Ubuntu 8.09 site running a rails app -- but we are not making use of Peassenger anymore and it seems to take up a lot of memory. I google around and there's tons of info on how to install Passenger, but I didn't find any on uninstalling. ...

Phusion Passenger, mod_rails rails 2.3 problem

"The application has exited during startup (i.e. during the evaluation of config/environment.rb). The error message may have been written to the web server's log file. Please check the web server's log file (i.e. not the (Rails) application's log file) to find out why the application exited." I'm getting the above error message when I ...

mod_rails make: command not found

I'm setting up mod_rails on a Debian server but somehow something got screwed up (it wasn't me :P ). gem install passenger Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing passenger: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb creating Makefile make sh: make: command not fo...

mod_rails and Paperclip problem Paperclip::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError

Hello, I am havingn troble deploying my app to a server runing ubuntu with mod_rails. Runing webrick on the server seems fine and I can save files, no problem. But runing the app thru nginx, I get this error when I try to save a file. [paperclip] An error was received while processing: # [paperclip] An error was received while processi...

Configuring Rails CSS Caching with Passenger

I am using Passenger and Rails' :cache => true to cache all my css into one big file. Deploys are done via Capistrano. Now sometimes(!), the mem-generated all.css file can't be found after the app is restarted (and I get an error in the log) ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/stylesheets/all.css" with {:method=>:get}): ...

mod_ruby on apache: Very slow

Even a request from the server itself takes about 7 seconds ( startpage of a "redmine" installation ).. When running ruby under WEBrick the same request only takes miliseconds... I am absolutely new to ruby, so i have no idea where to start the investgation on this.. Or is the best solution to locally redirect the apache request to a W...

Passenger and Rails on

I'm having an issue with Passenger and Rails working together on my Scalr application server. I have Rails 2.3.5 installed and Passenger 2.2.7. I am running ruby 1.8.6 (patchlevel 111). Previous version of both Rails and Passenger worked fine together but now I get shown just a file tree and no application after updating: http://matchm...

How to disable caching in Rails?

How can I disable caching for my rails site? I'm running Passenger (mod_rails) and my site is running in 'development' mode: 'ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development' Any help? ...

Should I give up on deploying Rails under Windows?

I run an instance of a rails application that is developed by another team. Back when I started, the common way to deploy Rails apps was to use Mongrel behind Apache, and that's the configuration that that team used for their own instances. Since I'm a Windows guy, and since both Apache and Mongrel can easily be set up as Windows service...

Passenger/mod_rails fails to initialize in Fedora 12 when starting Apache

I am in the process of setting up a server to run a Ruby on Rails application on Fedora 12, using Passenger. I am at the stage where I've installed Passenger, set it up as prescribed, but get the following errors when I restart Apache: [Wed Jan 13 15:41:38 2010] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Wed Jan 13 15:41:40 2010] [notice]...

Rails file upload size limit

Does anyone know a good solution to limit the file upload size when running a Rails application with Passenger/mod_rails. The request should immediately be declined, so that the file doesn't get transferred to the server. The solutions I've found so far all describe how to patch Mongrel to implement a limitation, but I have to use passe...