
Code for Nginx rewrite rules for serving .html in Drupal on Aegir folder

I have a Drupal website at Typically, Drupal stores files in I have newsletter archives in When a user goes to I would like it to show the content of /files/outreach/../.. Can this be done with rewrite rules, ...

Mod_rewrite rule for /login to login.php

Somebody knows a rule wich transforms http://domain/login to http://domain/login.php ? I want it specifically so I can assign also http://domain/loginplease to http://domain/login.php and also http://domain/login to http://domain/login1.php . Thanks in advance. ...

How to have custom url for user uploaded files using php

How can i offer custom url's for files uploaded by users. For ex: user uploads a file called stack.png and it's uploaded on directory But i want to allow the user to view/download the same file at Please note i don't want to use url shortening/c...

Url rewriting for Zeus - regex help

Hi, I've been landed with the unenviable task of putting a site live today only to find out its not running on Apache but instead is using Zeus. Now this breaks my mod_rewrite script rather messily. Its a simple script which I've rewrote into Zeus format: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule !404.php$ blog/404.php [L] becomes match URL in...

URL Redirect with Python / Django / Mod-Rewrite

I am trying to setup a URL redirect for a Q&A site I am setting up for Boat Repairs. I want to go to I am generally a php guy so I am a bit confused with python etc. used by OSQA. I added this to my apache conf file... <Directory /opt/OSQA/> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^...

Using IIS's URL-Rewrite on GoDaddy - why won't it work?

I have a Deluxe Windows Hosting account with Godaddy, and I'm trying to set up URL rewriting with Web.Config. I read that GoDaddy has the IIS URL Rewrite plugin installed, but they have no support for it whatsoever (see here: I tried a simple rewrite rule in my web.config, but nothing happened: <...

Mod Rewrite and Base Tag Problem

I used modrewrite on my website, it affected the url structure of my website To solve this i used the base tag Now it work well for all links on my website, but the problem is that i cant access absolute links to other websites Pls what do i do? ...

.htaccess SSL rule conflicting with www redirect rule

Hello, I am completely unfamiliar with .htaccess and have been looking through forums and trying several examples to try and construct a htaccess rule that will solve our problem. We have had a rule in place to redirect all traffic to the www. version of our domain name which has worked well. However now we have bought a secure certif...

WordPress Custom Post Types - Pretty Permalinks

Hey there I was wondering if anyone knew how to achieve 'pretty' permalinks with WordPress 3.0 custom post types? Even with the permalink structure set to /%category%/%postname%/ - when you add a post to a custom post type, the default URL is /?post_type=event&p=20 for example. I understand they've re-written how WP deals with custom ...

Url rewrite and forced 404

We serve our content via The next iteration of the application is ready to be rolled out in If a user tried to access directly he would get a 404. I need a to get a rewrite rule that serves the content of under the url and giv...

Wordpress 3.0 MU URL Redirect Disable?

When setting up Wordpress 3.0 Multiuser, I notice that if you try and access it from any URL other than the one configured ( it will redirect you to This is a problem because I have it configured to use, however I need to setup a staging area on a different URL to preview it before it goes live. ...

Remove file extensions from urls

Hi, I've never used mod_rewrite but i want to remove all file extensions from my urls for a website. What is the rule that i would need to do this? I've tried this, but that gives me an internal error every time i click a link on my website RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1.php [L] ...

how can i write the settings with this i want to convert this file like codeigniter

how can i write the settings with this i want to convert this file like codeigniter the results will b can anybody help me on this how rewrite this on htaccess thanks to all ...

Apache rewrite Subdomain to proxy balancer

I'm trying to select a proxy based on a subdomain for a rails installation on apache2 with thin. -> <Proxy balancer://site1>... -> <Proxy balancer://site2>... etc.. for a single domain I'm doing the following: <Proxy balancer://site1> BalancerMember BalancerMember http://127....

Help with mod-rewrite to display a new url

hi all i have my app configured with mod ajp to be as follows: so when i request a page like mypage, the url will be and i want when the user requests the page the url is displayed as: instead of any ideas ...

URL Rewriting on godaddy hosting

Hi, I've just uploaded my site to GoDaddy hosting and experiencing some problems with URL rewriting. Google is full of similar complains but non of the fixes that help the others did the trick for me. My .htaccess file looks like this: DirectoryIndex index.php AddDefaultCharset utf-8 RewriteEngine on Options +FollowSymlinks -MultiView...

How to make subdomains on codeigniter

Is there an easy way to create subdomains on codeigniter like Thanks in advance. ...

Simple URL Mod_rewrite

Why does the following htaccess file generate 300 errors, when this URL is called? URL: hxxp:// IndexIgnore * RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)/$ /index.php?p=$1 Error log: 300 hxxp:// (no trailing slash) ...

Htaccess ModRewrite for CodeIgniter with a parked/redirected domain.

I have this situation: hosting is located at is parked to htaccess is used to redirect all requests for to a subfolder: /site-othersite/ I want to use CodeIgniter on but there are some directories and files in that I don't want to have the CodeIgniter...

Gzip compressed website not working with IE

In my site I have some gzipped copies of the most used and largest files (because my hosting doesn't allow using the gzip compression module). I have inserted rewrite rules in the htaccess file to send the gzipped copies when available, like this: <FilesMatch "\.html\.gz$"> ForceType text/html Header set Content-Encoding: gzip </Fi...