
Click in ModalPopup IFrame changes URL in Parent Window

Hi all, I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.NET MVC 1. I have a View where i open another View in a modal popup using fancybox. In this popup users can edit some data. It works great and the data is presented by the modalpopup, but when i click on the save button, the parent window changes to the modal popup content. <script type="te...

Parent page spawn modal window, button on modal windw cause trigger postback on parent?

Hello, I have a webform. There's a few fields on the form that the user will fill out. There is a hyperlink that opens a modal window (I'm using jquery & prettyphoto, but may switch to because his documentation is better) The modal window contains an iFrame where the user makes a ...

modalpopup vs url rewriting

Why when i use url rewriting then modalpopup( ajax controltoolkit doesn't work?Why? my code ...

Editing a Gridview row with drop-down lists gets too wide - how can I use popup panels instead?

I have a series of GridViews in a Tab Panel - databound to a generic List of Business Objects. The columns in the Gridview are all similar to the following: <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Company" SortExpression="Company.ShortName"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblCompany" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Company.ShortName")...

Google Docs in iframe AND Save & Close button

Hello, I am using Google Docs in my project using its API. I am loading docs in modal window iframe using a jquery plugin It works fine but when in Google Docs Save and Close button is press, it closes the iframe and redirects the current page to Google Docs, So is there any way I can prevent the redirection to Go...

How can I create a non-modal dialog in Perl/Tk?

I am learning Perl/Tk. I want to give alert to the user whenever he/she receives the mail. I have planned to use message box in Tk, but it is expecting the user to click ok or cancel button. Until user clicked the any one button it wont do any further operations. But I want, it just needs to give alert to the user and user can continu...

Problem after dismissing a modal view used in conjunction with a uisplitviewcontroller

I'm having a hard time understanding why the following is happening (and how to fix it). I've created an application using the split-view based application. I've added a UiBarButtonItem called showTheModal which calls this method found in RootViewController.m: - (IBAction)showTheModal:(id)sender { theModalController.modalPresentationS...

Modal login popup like digg

Hello guys, I need to add login modal popup in my project like Digg login popup, Please suggest me different modal box popups to achieve this, Any pointer or suggestion without be helpful thanks ...

icefaces modal popup timeout issue

Hi Guys, Have a question regarding something which has been bugging me for some time now.I'm using icefaces to generate a modal popup with search fields.Clicking search kicks off a screen scraper for a particular website. My problem is this.If you enter some pretty generic terms,obviously the scrapper will take longer to complete which...

ASP MVC 2: Jquery modal popup, how to return data

Hey I'm looking into adding a jquery modal popup to my mvc project. I have been looking at posting. My scenario: I have a page with a few input fields (textbox, checkbox). I want to have a link that will open a modal popup to select an ...

iPhone UI Design question - Best way to design forms?

Hi, I want to design an app that needs user to input few things like start date, end date, bunch of other options and some text comments for which I am planning to use pickers to select the data that will slide up modally. I will need to move the view up and down to make sure that the element being filled stays in focus when the pickers...

jqModal jQuery Plugin - How to Set Timeout on Modal Popup?

Hi All, I'm using the jQuery Plugin jqModal. New to it, so i'm still learning its usage. What i'm trying to do is show the popup for say 3 seconds, then automatically close. Basically, here is the flow of events i want: My page loads. Show modal popup saying "Connecting to MySite.." (after 3 seconds) modal popup automatically cl...

Ajax modal popup loads behind the activex control

In a page there is an activex control as well as a button whose onclick opens an ajax modal popup. The problem i face is that whenever the button is clicked the ajax pop up loads behind the activex control and thus it is hidden.So I am not able to use that control at all. I have not found a proper solution to this. I tried a solution wh...

How Do I make this SimpleModal to onLoad??

Hi, How do I make this SimpleModal script to load when the page loaded instead of clicking the button? Thank You =) < div id='basic-modal' > <a href='#' class='basic'>Demo</a> </div> Basic Modal Dialog For this demo, SimpleModal is using this "hidden" data for its content. You can also populate the m...

jquery autosuggest issue with ajax modalpopup extender.

I am using ajax modalpopup extender and jquery autocomplete. when i search in the textbox, the autosuggestion is displayed to the back of the popup. Its not sticking to the textbox that i am searching. is there any work around so that i can display the suggestions which would stick to the textbox. ...

How do you close a modal window from it's parent?

Hi all, Is it possible to close a modal window from it's parent? It is a little hard even to try to do this. Basically, I am opening a non-modal window. From that non-modal window the user might some times open a modal window. Now suppose I close the non-modal window... I would like the modal subwindow to close also. How can this b...

How to put ReCaptcha in a popup?

I want to show Recaptcha in a Popup. Like i have a page where the user can submit a note. If someone is submitting a note i want to show a popup where recaptcha control will be there and after validation the note will be submitted. How can i do that? Can someone please help. ...

Validate at least one checkbox in a Modal Window using Java

I have created a Modal Window with several checkboxes. How do I validate that at least one was checked. ...