
ASP.NET MVC - Passing a Model referencing a different assembly from a Controller to a View using C#

Given two assemblies: project.web project.lib The project.web assembly references project.lib which contains some business logic. A simple class from project.lib: public class Person { public string Name; } In project.web.Controllers: Using project.lib.models; public class PersonController : Controller { Person perso...

Why does attr_accessor clobber the existing variables in this model in Ruby on Rails?

I was bitten by this recently, and it'd be useful to know precisely what's happening to make this happen, so others avoid this mistake. I have a model User, with a schema like so: create_table "users", :force => true do |t| t.string "user_name" t.string "first_name" t.string "last_name" t.string "email"

do properties work on django model fields?

I think the best way to ask this question is with some code... can I do this? (edit: ANSWER: no) class MyModel(models.Model): foo = models.CharField(max_length = 20) bar = models.CharField(max_length = 20) def get_foo(self): if return ...

Doctrine ORM: Models not respecting case

I have a mysql database table called UserDegree, when i try to import back to PHP using Doctrine it generates a model name Userdegree, is there a way to solve this? i really can't find any good doctrine documentation. thanks! ...

Ruby on Rails User Setup

Currently, I have a 6-model ruby on rails application, that I added authlogic to. The overall setup is User :has_many categories, topics,messages Categories has_many topics, Topics has_many messages (With and the corresponding opposite belongs_to links). When I try to access current_user.categories.find(2), no results are returned i...

Updating Models

Due to my little confidence with Django and my sheer horror at the thought of seriously messing up my beautiful project, I shall ask for proper advice/instructions here. The database that my Django project is sitting on top of has been changed (a few field types have been changed) and my models are now out-of-sync. Funnily enough, my Dj...

iPhone Core Data Generated Model Files and Custom Code

After I've generated the interface/implementation files for entities of a model file in XCode, I've not found a way to keep any custom code (validation methods, etc...) I've added to those generated files, given the scenario where I've added an attribute to a model entity and need to re-generate the interface/implementation files. Does ...

Django: Making model with undefined number of fields

Hi I am trying to create a model for Article site. I want to link each article with 3-5 related articles, so what I am thinking of is creating code this way: class Article (models.Model): # Tiny url url = models.CharField(max_length = 30, unique=True) is_published = models.BooleanField() author = models.CharField(max_le...

Django: Admin, adding some new filters to a multiple choise field

Hi! I am building an article site using django. I've added many to many relation between my articles this way: class Article (models.Model): # Tiny url url = models.CharField(max_length = 30, unique=True) is_published = models.BooleanField() author = models.CharField(max_length = 150) title = models.CharField(max_le...

Should I normalize the intermediary model in django?

Say I have four pair-wise M2M related models: A, B, C, D. I have created an intermediary model ABCD to establish relationships between them. If there are many duplicate column pairs in the database, is it a normal practice to normalize the intermediary model into multiple models? What I am concerned about are: 1. Breaking down ABCD wil...

ASP.NET MVC models when using external web services

I'm getting started on a new MVC project where there are some peculiar rules and a little bit of strangeness, and it has me puzzled. Specifically, I have access to a database containing all of my data, but it has to be handled entirely through an external web service. Don't ask me why, I don't understand the reasons. That's just how it i...

MVC Design Patterns: seperating model and datasource

Obviously MVC promotes separation of concerns. One thing we are struggling with is proper separation of Model from the datasource, with IDs being the main sticking point. The interfaces that define our model call for an ID of type X Currently the datasource is SQL server.. but what if it is an xml file for some reason and our ID is of...

Django 1.1 forms, models and hiding fields

Consider the following Django models: class Host(models.Model): # This is the hostname only name = models.CharField(max_length=255) class Url(models.Model): # The complete url url = models.CharField(max_length=255, db_index=True, unique=True) # A foreign key identifying the host of this url # (e.g. for http://w...

Can Django automatically create a related one-to-one model?

I have two models in different apps: modelA and modelB. They have a one-to-one relationship. Is there a way django can automatically create and save ModelB when modelA is saved? class ModelA(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=30) class ModelB(models.Model): thing = models.OneToOneField(ModelA, primary_key=True)...

Zend Models not being found

I'm having a strange problem with Zend. I have an application that works great on localhost, and can access it from outside using my IP address as well. When I move it to our staging server, it fails to load any of the classes. I am using autoloading with a modular structure. All the models are in the Default module, then the models ...

Rails Validation for users email - only want it to validate when a user signs up or updates email address.

I have a User model with the usual attributes such as email and hashed_password etc. I want to write a validation that checks for the presence of an email address but only when 1) there isn't one stored in the database for this object (i.e. this is a new user signing up) 2) the user is trying to update their email address. My current...

Django fetch model objects based on time with interval on the model itself

I'm trying to fetch all expired objects for a model in my Django application. The model looks like this: MyModel(models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey(User) last_check = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) interval = models.IntegerField(default=1800) I need to fetch all matching objects where last_check is earl...

Django / Automatically retrieve models names

Hi, I'd like to retrieve automatically, in a loop, the names of the models located in a specific Django app inside my project. Does someone know how to do that ? Best Regards Guillaume ...

Problems with updating records in django-admin

I'm using Django (specifically django-admin) to be the admin panel for a site that uses PHP for client-facing features. I've been messing around making the admin look exactly the way I want and so far so good. However, I've run into a few problems that I need solving. Here's the models that I'm working with: class Permissions(models.Mo...

accepts_nested_attributes_for not generating foreign key

I have a model class ServiceRequest < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :services accepts_nested_attributes_for :services ... end and the child class Service < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :service_category, :foreign_key => "wsi_web_serv_cats_uid_fk" belongs_to :service_type, :foreign_key => "wsi_web_serv_types_uid_fk" belon...