
Exclusively open/modify an XML file?

I need to open an XML file exclusively, make a modification, and save it. I can open it and make the modification pretty easily like so: DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(filename); DataTable table = ds.Tables[0]; DataRow[] rows = table.Select("Inventory== 1"); DataRow row = rows[0]; row["Inventory"] = "2"; ds.WriteXml(filename)...

How to modify the default Saveas dialogue Box

Am working on a project that needs me to modify the save as dialogue box. I Intend the users of the application that am developing to always save a particular group of files in a particular directory specified during installation of my application. I have been reading around and i think i need to deal with modify the OPENFILENAME Struct...

Java - Is it possible to print text that can be edited by the user (for console programs)

Say I allow the user to edit something, like the phone number in an Address Book (actually, that's exactly what I'm doing). Is there something that I can add to println that will allow me to insert a variable to display as fully editable text? The assignment that I'm doing this for doesn't actually call for this, but I think it would be ...

Modify Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox display settings

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to modify Chrome or Firefox display settings, so that it would only show rectangles of HTML DOM objects? What I want to do is to decrease rendering engine job amount as much as possible, so it would only build layout of the page. Thank you! ...

How to replace attribute value of *all* matching elements with XQuery?

Hi, I'm trying without luck to create a modify() statement to change the value of an attribute in all elements that have that attribute value -- so far I can only get it to change the value in the first matched element. I created an example below of what I have so far, which I'm running in SQL Server 2005: DECLARE @x XML SELECT @x = ' ...

How to change matched element text with XQuery?

Hi, I'm trying to piece together all the examples I've seen for finding elements and modifying them, but I haven't come up with something that works yet. I created an example below of what I have so far, which I'm running in SQL Server 2005. I'm trying to change the ItemID 4 to 999: DECLARE @x XML SELECT @x = ' <ValueCollection> <It...

Modify all HTTP traffic on an OS X

Imagine an application that while running injects a "Hello world" message on every web page you visit. How do I monitor and modify all HTTP traffic happening on an OS X machine? Monitoring and modifying all browser traffic would be good enough as well. Solution can be language agnostic; Python would be awesome. ...

Changing graphics when using iPhone Simulator

To increase productivity I'd like our external artists to be able to change graphics in our new iPhone game directly from the iPhone Simulator, so that he can experiment with various graphics without having the source code (for security and practical reasons). I've already provided him with the simulator, and he got a copy of the game f...

How do I modify the internal buffer of std::cin

Hello, I am writing a software that grabs a password using std::cin However unlikely, i am trying to avoid the possibility that the password get paged to the disk from memory so I want to modify the buffer of std::cin to overwrite the password as soon as I'm done with it. right now i have this: std::cin.clear(); std::stringstream ss;...

How do I create series of div and make them accessible for jquery to modify them after a while?

I want to create some DIV from javascript. I don't know how many I will need to create, but I will need to change the back-color of it after a while. I'm using jQuery in my project. So if it's easier the solution can use jQuery. ...

Self modifying PHP script

Hi all. I'm trying to modify a part of a PHP script structured like this barebone example <-- part A --> function modify_B($string) { some code to modify part B } <-- end A --> <-- part B --> <container>some XML</container> <-- end B --> <-- part C --> <-- end C --> I'd like to modify part B without changing the rest of the fi...

Cocoa - Whats the best way for modifying NSOutlineView

Resuld shout be an settings panel with an OutlineView and "add item", "add group" and "delete" buttons. The buttons add entries to an NSOutlineView. The data is stored in a NSMutableDictionary (or whatever is suitable). Sorting/DragDrop enabled for the OutlineView . What is the best or most compfortable way for this (and write less code...

Firefox basic modification

Hello friends, I have to modify firefox to make it an automated client for testing some personal servers. I have to:1.Have firefox connect normaly, send the GET HTTP, and run all scripts on that web page. 2.Firefox does not display the page but save it to a file. I have not yet red the documentation, or the source, sorry. I want some hin...

JSP/Struts/JS form submission: how to modify inputted text data before submission?

Noob at javascript etc. here. I’m a php/core Java programmer tasked with maintaining a bunch of JS code in JSPs using Struts. What I need to do is simple, but I can’t figure out an easy solution. Given the following code excerpt for a struts’ed HTML form and a JS submit function, I need to modify the text field “query”’s data after the ...

smartgwt calendar

Can anyone let me know if it is possible to modify the time column in the smartgwt calendar widget. It's currently broken up in to 30 minutes blocks, I would like to be able to change it to 15 minutues increments. Also I wanted to know if it was possible to add columns to the day tab of the calendar. I would like it to look like the week...

Network service vs AspNet (Asp.Net Machine Account)

I've a small application which write logs on the file system in a directory 'Logs'. I've given the modify permission to Asp.Net machine account for this folder which works fine. However when I tried to deployed it to the another server it doesn't work. I have to give the same modify permission to Network service account also. Wh...

Changing .bin file's data in C

Hello, I have a lot of data stored in bin format as a sequence of structs. I want to be able to read randomly any of the structs and modify it in C. I am trying with the following code but it doesn't work. Can someone fix it for me please? Also, would it be possible to delete an intermediate struct from the file in between? The code i...

SQL Server: How do I use modify() to alter XML data in a column with a TEXT data type

Hey guys, I'm trying to modify some XML values in a database. I can get it to work on columns that contain XML that are using the XML data type. However, I can't get it to work on TEXT columns. Also, I can SELECT XML data on TEXT columns (by using CAST() to convert it to XML), but still can't UPDATE. Example: UPDATE [xmltest] SET [...

building android platform partially

Hi, I want to modify the Skia graphics library in Android slightly. Is it possible to only rebuild the modified library without downloading and building the whole platform? The platform is massive and this is too much a bother.. Downloading and building the small number of projects Skia depends on seems ok to me, but the build script ...

Modifying platform/frameworks/base package

Hi, I'm planning to modify some bits in the platform/frameworks/base project in Android Donut r2. The modifications are very small and goes into java packages and android.text (the API isn't affected). What jar libraries do I have to copy from the recompiled platform? the modifications are small and I don't want to rep...