
Update MSI table using MSI programming API

Hello *, I need to update an Attributes column in an MSI file. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any documentation (esp. for C++). Here is a code snippet of what I am trying to do: DatabasePtr db = /* opening db succeeds*/ ViewPtr view = db->OpenView(_bstr_t("SELECT Attributes FROM Component")); view->Execute(NULL); RecordPtr record...

Modify Style from GWT

I executed but only FF and chrome moves the textarea 0px from top and 0px from left but in IE textarea is in default position. Here is my code: public class MyGWT implements EntryPoint { TextArea ta= TextArea.wrap(DOM.getElementById("t")); public void onModuleLoad() { ta.getElement().setAttribute("style", "position:absolu...

Dynamically Modify CSS from GWT

for example I have a css in test.css given below. .test { top:100px; } how can i increment top property from GWT ? ...

Modification of the list items in the loop (python)

I'm trying to modify items in a list using a for loop, but I get an error (see below). Sample code: #!/usr/bin/env python # *-* coding: utf8 *-* data = [] data.append("some") data.append("example") data.append("data") data.append("here") for item in data: data[item] = "everything" Error: Traceback (most recent call last): Fil...

linq2sql: how to modify not-mapped entity member in query?

How to modidy entity in query? I have code like this: var res = from p in dc.Folders group p by p.FolderId into gr let DDate = gr.Where(a =>a.status ==5).Max(g=>g.MDate) from c in gr select c; Folder class has extra member not mapped to db called DDDate, just for example. How I can set this memb...

Change the mbr signature with dd

Hi, I use the linux kernel module CONFIG_EDD. I would change the mbr_signature, I can do that with the tool hexedit but I have to integrate in a script. I use this command: dd if=/dev/mydev bs=4 count=1 skip=110 | hexdump -e '"0x%08x\n"' to recover it without using the file (/sys/firmware/edd/...) created by EDD. I wonder how ...

How can I modify a POST request using a custom IHttpModule and an HttpRequest filter?

Overview I want to be able to modify request parameters and content to 3rd party web services (ArcGIS Server). This will be used to create a security layer that exists between any client application and the server application. I think that I have found a solution but I am current having some difficulties in the implementation. Pote...

CakePHP - Caching HABTM while (un)publishing children

Hi, I'm caching an HABTM relation in CakePHP. Some children (Showcases) of the root model (Client) get updated once in a while because they get published or unpublished. That means that the Cached query should expire. But... it doesn't. It only expires when one of the children is added or removed. How do I properly make the update actio...

How to using gdi+ to write Exif info into a exist image file in C++ windows?

How to using gdi+ to write Exif info into a exist image file in C++ windows? I get a part of code in the following way, however I think most of the following code is not necessary: BOOL bRet = FALSE; CString cstrFormat = TransferImageFormatToString(eFormat); if ( !cstrFormat.IsEmpty() ) { CLSID clsid; int fd = _open(CSTRI...

modify model istance

What is the best way to modify programmatically (add or delete information) a model conforming to a metamodel conforms to Ecore? ...

Modifying the html output of a gridview

I'm trying to modify the output of my GridView in the RowDataBound event handler, but it's not working - nothing happens. My code: Private Sub MyGridView_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles MyGridView.RowDataBound e.Row.Attributes.Add("data-xkoordinat", 0) End Sub What I expect to see: <...

Edit ini file option values with ConfigParser (Python)

Anyone know how'd I'd go about editing ini file values preferably using ConfigParser? (Or even a place to start from would be great!) I've got lots of comments throughout my config file so I'd like to keep them by just editing the values, not taking the values and playing around with multiple files. Structure of my config file: [name1]...

Modifying existing pdf elements (particularly images)

I am reading in template PDFs, customizing them, and appending pages before outputting the final document. What I want to do is modify the elements in the template I load before I append it to the output. In particular I want to hide or remove images (and potentially other elements). I'm not even sure if elements in the imported pag...

Modify Time for simulation in c++

Hi everyone, i am writing a program which simulates an activity, i am wondering how to speed up time for the simulation, let say 1 hour in the real world is equal to 1 month in the program. thank you the program is actually similar to a restaurant simulation where you dont really know when customer come. let say we pick a random num...

using jQuery to modify DOM element after page content has fully loaded

Hi there, I apologise in advance if my question seems a bit misleading, but I'm trying to wrap my head around this one. I have a flash-based MP3 player ( that exposes a Javascript API that is really handy for my situation. I am using jQuery and swfObject to embed the Flash player and tha...

How can I compile C++ code using another C++ program?

I want to create a program that modifies another c++ source,compiles it and runs the exe. I mean with something like gcc may be I can but on a windows os gcc may not be present. Is it possible? ...

jQuery visible targeting issue

I've made this script that lets you navigate through multiple divs with jQuery, but I want to make a css change to the parent if the 6th div is shown and using .is(":visible") hasn't given me any luck. $(document).ready(function() { /* Set the frame to #sf1 */ $('#sf2, #sf3, #sf4, #sf5, #sf6').hide(); /* Slide Animation for Nex...

jQuery slideshow: how do I modify this code to show a custom pager per slide ?

Right now the code is spitting out 1 pager item per slide existing. I'm trying to get it to show a custom pager graphic per slide. IE: slide 1 shows pager1.gif, slide 2 shows pager2.gif, etc. Thanks! appendControlls: function() { if (options.slideControlls == 'items') { var elementToAppend = options.appendControlls || slideWra...

Scheme list modification

I am trying to write a scheme function that takes a list of the form: ((#f ((1 1) (2 1))) (#f ((1 3) (5 1))) (#f ((1 4) (7 1))) ) and removes all the #f to give a list like: ( ((1 1) (2 1)) ((1 3) (5 1)) ((1 4) (7 1)) ) I have tried the following code but cannot get it to work: (define meth (lambda lst (if (equal? (cdr...

How to change variable values between namespaces / classes?

Hello! I have a main form with a textBox1 with string value : asd namespace Crystal { public partial class MainForm : Form { //here is a textBox1 with text "asd" } } I want to change this textBox1 text from this class: namespace Crystal.Utilities { public class Logging { //textBox1.Text = "dsa"; } ...