
predefine template for new resource/document

I would like to set the new child documents to default to a set template that is different from the parent. I've looked through managermanager, but looks like it is unable to do this. mm_inherit can only inherit from a parent and mm_default does not support template ...

Modx error page won't display

I've developed a site in modx but after migrating it to the live server if I enter a page that doesn't exist (eg I'm getting the default IIS error page rather than the page specified in Tools->Configuration->site->Error page Any idea why this could be happening? For the record I developed on Apache bu...

How do I show information to users belonging to different groups (web) in modx

Hello Everyone, I have created a website using modx evolution v1.0.2. The website that I have developed has 12 different types of users (categorized in groups). Each user will be shown a different price depending on the group to which he belongs. Till now I have been able to fetch the group name of current logged in user (created a sn...

Inline widget-like templates in MODx

Hi, I'm developing my first ever MODx site and I need to have three blocks on the frontpage that contain headline, picture, image caption, long text and a short text. For these I would like to create a custom template that allows me to create sub-resources of "Home" with only these five fields (of which one will allow me to upload imag...

MODX: Snippet strips and hangs string when parsing the vars.

Hey all i have a snippet call like this: [!mysnippet?&content=`[*content*]` !] What happen is that, if i send some html like this: [!mysnippet?&content=`<p color='red'>Yeah</p>` !] it will return this: <p colo the [test only] snippet code (mysnippet) is: <?php return $content; ?> Why is this happening? My actual snippet is c...

MODX: How to change the "fax" string field on web-users manager to another on non-admin users?

Hi all, as the title describes, i wan't to know hoe to change the "fax" string field on web-users manager to another on non-admin users. Thanks All ...

MODx changing my image path

In the MODx WYSIWYG whenever I click the Image icon to insert an image, followed by browse image it generates the wrong path: /data/12/1/111/99/1111262/user/1169144/htdocs/images/image.jpg instead of assets/images/image.jpg I have checked my Resource URL and Resource Path and they both look correct. Has anyone ever experienced MODx rewr...

mod_xsendfile serving download.php and not the filename

Hello, The apache mod_xsendfile is a good solution for what I want but its not working properly. In firefox it serves the file but as download.php (name of the file with the code in). In safari and chrome it serves an empty file. Here is my code: header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: ...

MODx Wayfinder to limit certain pages

On my current page I have wayfinder defined in a snippet that if this is a top level item, return it's child docs. If it's a child doc, return it's siblings: <? $id = isset( $id )? $id: $modx -> documentObject['id']; $parentID = $modx->getParent($id,1,'id'); $startId = $parentID['id']; if ($startId == 0) {$startId = $id;} $output = ...

Change hidden item when lightbox is open

I have a portfolio section that is set up as a main image is displayed with tiny images below it. When you click on the tiny images the main image is changed (rotator). They are changed by javascript that is run for test.html#slider1, test.html#slider2, etc. When the main image is clicked, a lightbox, or more specifically a jQuery Color...

MODX parse error function implode (is it me or modx?)

Update 4-June-2010: This appears to be a bug in MODx v 1.0.3, nothing to do with the implode function but rather a problem with mis-matched datatypes in the resulting filter clause. Bug has been filed with JIRA: MODX-2035. Hi, I cannot for the life of me figure this out, maybe someone can help. Using MODX a form takes user criteria to ...

Is there any way to edit snippets and templates outside the MODx?

Is there any solution to make snippets, templates and maybe resources of MODx site available to edit with external editor? Besides this hack which make site less "native". Thanks! ...

Running external php files or snippets with starting session in Modx?

I want to include an external php script or modx snippet to the index.php but it causes the blank screen instead (and no document parser errors). Probably the problem is that this script i want to include contains starting session functions and set_include_path function that might somehow conflict with Modx parser.. I tried to use the Mo...

How can I make MODx manager UI work faster?

I am currently involve in developing projects on MODx Revolution. I like this system, it fast and great, but what really annoying is manager interface. It works really slow. Every single action require ExtJs panels refreshing. Is there any way to change this behavior or roll back to Evolution interface? Thank you! ...

ModX: Selecting and outputting specific menu items using Wayfinder

I've been trying to output specific menu items, also wanting to change the names of some, without satisfying results. The problem is that I have three different menu setups throughout the site - the header split into two sections and the footer divided into a couple of columns. This is what I've tried so far - [[Wayfinder? &startId=0 &...

Sort articles by most commented using disqus

Hi there, I'm using disqus for my MODx blog commenting system, but couldn't find anywhere a way to sort my articles based on the most commented one, or the most recent comments. I see that there are already many questions similar to this so any help will be much appreciated us. ...

Which CMS to start over programming with CMS?

I want to start programming web pages with a CMS. Can you suggest a CMS for the beginning? What about MODx? ...

Grabbing a user_group in MODx

Currently I have a Client login area. In this login area I was going to create a snippet that shows certain information for 'Admin' users. I had a feeling I could use <?php if ($modx->getLoginUserType()) { echo 'hi'; } else {} ?> However, all User Types are web. I was also looking around and found a script that prints out web-use...

creating pdf forms from CMS based data on the fly

Hello, I am using modX cms, and would like to have administrators be able to create some form fields in a larger form (basically a label, and form elements of various kind) which is then made accessible to users as a PDF document which is to be downloaded, filled out, saved and sent to appropriate recipients via email as pdf. The main ...

Accessing a template variable without it passing through it's widget

I'm try to ascertain an event time from a date template variable in a modx snippet. However that template variable has a date formatter widget in it which, while nicely formatting the date, doesn't output the time of the event. I know that modx stores dates in unixtime in it's database, is there an easy way to directly access the unixti...