
How can I return Level Property values in an MDX query?

I've defined a Dimension in a schema file containing multiple Levels. One of my Levels contains multiple properties, like: <Level name="MyLevel" column="MyLevelColumn" nameColumn="MyLevelName"> <Property name="Property1" column="PropertyColumn1"/> <Property name="Property2" column="PropertyColumn2"/> <Property name="Property...

MDX Measure Filtering

I am building a Mondrian Cube that shows information for a large range of dates. One of the measures for this cube is an average of a percentage value. Because some of the items in the cube should not make up the final average, I need to know how to filter them out based off this measure and only for this calculated member. ...

Mondrian MDX Query, Avoid Fatal Error when Member not Found in cube

Hi folks, i want to know if is it possible to avoid mondrian´s fatal error when it doesn't have any member in defined cube. for instance i have this MDX Query select {[Measures].[Unit_Sales], [Measures].[Quantity], [Measures].[Total]} ON COLUMNS, Hierarchize({([Country.CountryHeirarchy].[All Countries].[USA], [Products.ProductHeirarchy...

MDX Filtering at fact level

Hi folks, im pretty newbie at mdx sintaxys. I have the next requirement that i need to be able to solve it using mdx, if its possible. I need to show the number of SALE transactions which amout value is greater than "X" , the number of SALE transactions which amount value is less than "Y" , the number of CREDIT transactions which amout...

MDX Year on Year Sales by Months

Hi all, I'm stuck on a MDX query, I'm trying to retrieve the following results: [Time].[2009] [Time].[2010] [Time].[Months].Members [Measures].[Sales] [Measures].[Sales] So I would like to compare the sales which were in 2009 against 2010 by month. In terms of a chart I would have two series one fo...

MDX Current Month Problem

Hi all, I have the following MDX query: WITH MEMBER [Measures].[TY Sales] AS 'SUM([Measures].[Sales])' MEMBER [Measures].[YTD Sales] AS 'SUM(PERIODSTODATE([Time.Fiscals].[2009], [Time.Fiscals].CurrentMember), [Measures].[Sales])' MEMBER [Measures].[LY Sales] AS 'SUM(PARALLELPERIOD([Time.Fiscals].[2009].[8], 1...

Could not find an aggregator in the current evaluation context

Hi, I have a mesurement which is an average and it mapped as a CalculatedMember to support aggregate tables: <Measure name="AverageFullPercent_sum" column="fullDockPercent" datatype="Numeric" aggregator="sum" visible="false"> </Measure> <Measure name="AverageFullPercent_count" column="fullDockPercent" datatype="Numeric" aggregator="coun...

Mondrian Caché Flushing

Hi folks, in mondrian how can i flush the caché just after my ETL program ends, ETL is running in EJB on the same AppServer where is running Mondrian War. Cheers. ...

Query Optimization

Hi folks, i'm having problem with a query generated by mondrian OLAP Server . it's taking too long. the query look like as follows. select "TABLE1"."column0" as "c0" from "FACT_TABLE" as "FACT_TABLE", "TABLE7" as "TABLE7", "TABLE6" as "TABLE6", "TABLE5" as "TABLE5", "TABLE4" as "TABLE4", "TABLE4" as "TABLE3", "TABLE2" as "TABLE2", "TA...

MDX request to show number of items sold by type ?

I have one data warehouse table that contain one row for each item sold. Each row contains the item's type. What MDX request could show the number of items sold for each item type? What (dimensions,levels,etc) would it suppose to create? In case it is relevant, I am using Pentaho/Mondrian/Spoon/Schema Workbench. ...

How can I use an MDX Level property in the slicer?

Suppose I have a [Sales] cube which has a [Store] level and a store has a "type" property. Which query should I use for showing the sum of sales for all the stores of type "Supermarket"? (e.g. You sold 6M $ in all stores of type "Supermarket") ...

Pentaho: Best way to convert a date into a drill-down-able cube dimension?

My datawarehouse table just contains a single date SQL column, but I want to be able to drill down using the usual year/quarter/month/day levels. I could manually create new column using Pentaho Kettle, and then create the levels one-by-one in Pentaho Schema Workbench. But this is such a common task (I guess everybody creating sales-re...

Which pentaho mondrian library to include in a Java application to have mapping MDX to SQL

I want to implement an application that provides support for MDX queries. For this purpose I would like to use one of libraries from pentaho mondrian (an open source OLTP server with the MDX interface) that transforms MDX queries into SQL of underlining database (based on a xml description), unfortunately I can not find any information w...