
Databases using JSON as storage/transport format

How many database systems there are that use JSON for storage or transport? I know of: CouchDB MongoDB DBSlayer I remember I saw yet another vendor in a SO user's profile. That systems was using what they called binary JSON, but I can't remember the name of the product. Lately, it appears that more and more DB projects are looking t...

MongoDB or CouchDB - fit for production?

I was wondering if anyone can tell me if MongoDB or CouchDB are ready for a production environment. I'm now looking at these storage solutions (I'm favouring MongoDB at the moment), however these projects are quite young and so I foresee that I'm going to have to work quite hard to convince my manager that we should adopt this new tec...

Updating nested documents in mongodb

Say I have a data structure something like this: { 'name': 'test', 'anotherdoc': { 'something': 'someval', 'somenum': 1 } } Now, say I wanted to set something. Initially, I though it would be done like so: collection.update({'_id': myid}, {$set: {'anotherdoc.something': 'somenewval'}); This, however, see...

MongoDB and visual C++ 2008 linker errors

i'm trying to get the c++ client for mongodb working in visual studio 2008. i can reference the includes, but whenever i tell the linker about the mongodb .lib file i get the following error: "fatal error LNK1257: code generation failed". if visual studio can't find the .lib, then i get a bunch of unresolved externals errors. i'm really ...

What are the required functionnalities of ETL frameworks ?

I am writing an ETL (in python with a mongodb backend) and was wondering : what kind of standard functions and tools an ETL should have to be called an ETL ? This ETL will be as general purpose as possible, with a scriptable and modular approach. Mostly it will be used to keep different databases in sync, and to import/export datasets ...

Unique IDs with mongodb

If I were building a blog I could use the blog title as the unique identifier and parse it through the URL. However, what if I wanted to use numbers. You know how twitter has Has anyone figured out a nice way of making this work? using "_id" is out of the question since it's way too long. ...

Symfony (PHP framework) and MongoDB ( or any json-based database)

I was wondering if its possible to use a json-based schema-free, document-based database like Mongodb or Couchdb on a symfony project like its used for ruby-on-rails websites? And if yes, how can it be done? ...

[Django] Custom storage system for GridFS (MongoDB)?

Can anyone point me to any projects/django apps that provide a plugable custom storage system so I can use GridFS with Django to store file uploads? I've found django-mongodb but it doesnt seem to support GridFS, nor does django-storages. Edit: I plan to run mysql for the normal database requrements and only use mongodb for file stora...

When to use MongoDB or other document oriented database systems?

We offer a platform for video- and audio-clips, photos and vector-grafics. We started with MySQL as the database backend and recently included MongoDB for storing all meta-information of the files, because MongoDB better fits the requirements. For example: photos may have Exif information, videos may have audio-tracks where we to want to...

Which is the most suitable Key-Value Store for a RDBMS background person?

Is there a distinct winner among all the key-value stores? Cassandra, MongoDB, CouchDB? and do they all follow some central guidelines? or they all have their own say in defining their APIs. I'm asking this question, especially from a perspective of a RDBMS skilled person who is new to key-value stores. Which one should we follow to bes...

Bittorrent tracker

Hi, I'm building an application that will serve bittorrent video downloads. Which BT tracker is scalable, fast and efficient, and easy to integrate into an application? I'll probably be using MongoDB's gridFS to store files to be served. I'm not hosting a public tracker, only a tracker for my own video files so that is an important fea...

Document based database for .NET

Hi, I would like to use some kind of nosql database in my web application which is written in mvc , but cannot find anything useful. I have a looked at MongoDB and CouchDB but i'd like to have better api (strongly typed not magic strings) for my queries than they have. Is anything like this exists for .NET ? ...

Storing Directory Hierarchy in a Key-Value Data store?

What is a clean/efficient method for storing the directory Hierarchy/tree in a Key-Value database (in my case MongoDB but any of them). For example a tree structure - Cars + Audi + BMW - M5 + Ford - Color + Red - Apple - Cherry + Purple - Funny The method I am using now, each object links to it's p...

using sphinx search with mongodb as datasource

hello, we decided to use mongodb for some web application (instead of mysql) but want to stay with sphinx for indexing/searching all data stored in mongodb. as the mongodb object-id is a hash per default -- and we want to stay with this -- now there's one problem in using sphinx. as it says in the sphinx documentation: ALL DOCUMENT IDS...

How to run this query in mongodb?

My doc has an array field Keys Keys1 and Keys2 are two arrays I want all the docs where Keys contains any value in Keys1 AND any value in Keys2 Any advice? Thanks ...

MongoDB: How to update multiple documents with a single command?

I was surprised to find that the following example code only updates a single document: >{"_id":1, "foo":"bar"}); >{"_id":2, "foo":"bar"}); > db.test.update({"foo":"bar"}, {"$set":{"test":"success!"}}); > db.test.find({"test":"success!"}).count(); 1 I know I can loop through and keep updating until they'r...

mongodb, pymongo querying

Hello, I've been browsing through the documentation, but I can't seem to figure out a way to perform a find on my mongodb collection using only a key. For example, let's suppose this is what's inside my collection { 'res1': 10 } { 'res2: 20 } How can I query the collection using only the key 'res1', in order to get 10 ? Thank you ...

Two questions about mongodb and indexing

Hello, Two questions: If I remove all the data inside a collection (db.mycollection.remove({})) will the indexing information I created previously be lost? How often (how many more entries must I have) should I recreate the index? Thank you ...

MongoDB takes long for indexing

I have the following setup: Mac Pro with 2 GB of RAM (yes, not that much) MongoDB 1.1.3 64-bit 8 million entries in a single collection index for one field (integer) wanted Calling .ensureIndex(...) takes more than an hour, actually I killed the process after that. My impression is, that it takes far too long. Also, I terminated the ...

MongoMapper and migrations

I'm building a Rails application using MongoDB as the back-end and MongoMapper as the ORM tool. Suppose in version 1, I define the following model: class SomeModel include MongoMapper::Document key :some_key, String end Later in version 2, I realize that I need a new required key on the model. So, in version 2, SomeModel now loo...