
Ruby Mongo or Mongoid concurrency problem

I am having what I think must be a concurrency problem. I am using passenger, rails 2.3.5, mongoid 1.9.2, and mongo ruby driver 1.0.9. I am using jQuery to request data that is pulled from MongoDB and then rendered in the browser. Everything is working great until I started to make two such requests at the same time. In the model the...

mongoid querying problem

I have a Three documents, here is a sample with fields not shown class College include Mongoid::Document references_many :students,:stored_as => :array, :inverse_of => :colleges end class Student include Mongoid::Document embedded_in :college, :inverse_of => :students embeds_one :mark end class Mark include Mongoid::Docum...

Embedding message replies inside message parent with mongodb using mongoid

I think it's a best practice to embed replies to a specific message inside that message and I'm trying to implement it using mongoid. here is what I have class Message include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Mongoid::Paranoia field :subject field :body field :sender_deleted, :type => Boolean, :defaul...

How can I query mongodb using mongoid/rails without timing out?

I have a rake task that processes a set of records and saves it in another collection: batch = [] Record.where(:type => 'a').each do |r| batch << make_score(r) if batch.size %100 == 0 Score.collection.insert(batch) batch = [] end end I'm processing about 100K records at a time. Unfortunately at 20 minutes, ...

Mongoid Pagination problem

Hi, I'm struggling to paginate using mongoid. I'm able to call paginate on my collection object like @results = @collections.paginate :page => 1, :per_page => 10 but how it needs to be referred in view? In my view I have rendered the collection in partial as <%= render :collection => @collections, :partial => collect.xml %> <%= will...

Rails: Store JSON in MongoDB

Hello, I am getting multiple similar JSON object from a remote site and looking to store them in a local MongoDB. What would be the best way to do this ? (Preferably via Mongoid or Mongo-mapper gems) Thanks ...

Problem converting mongodb id (_id) to string

Im having serious issues converting mongo id from object to string. The following code $cursor = $connection->mydb->collectn->findOne(); var_dump($cursor['_id'].''); var_dump((string) $cursor['_id']); returns string(12) "Object id #6" while what I was expecting is a textual representation of the hex digits of the id. It however wo...

How connect to db depending on value?

How connect to different db depending on value? Using Sinatra and MongoDB with Mongoid. I need to read a Sintra application's menu, data ... from different databases. I wish to deploy it only in one place and depending on value to serve the specific pages. ...