
iPhone: monitor data (internet) usage

is there a way to monitor how much data(internet) each application used? if I cannot monitor applications is there a way to get all internet requests information? (get data passed, url, etc) (I would like to use this info in an app Im developing for iphone) Thanks ...

What object should a Monitor wait on?

When using Monitor.Wait(object obj) what should one use for the obj? In this article I'm reading on multithreading in .NET the author instantiates a new Object() to be used only as a monitor lock. Is this what you should do in practice, or is it more typical to Monitor the actual variable shared between two or more threads? ...

Synergy Monitor Setup

I have a unique setup for my monitors [PC1 Monitor1][PC1 Monitor 2][PC1 Monitor 3]                         [PC2 Monitor1 ] I want the left of PC2 to go to PC 1 Monitor 1 I want the right of PC2 to go to PC 1 Monitor 3 This problem can be solved if I can specify the starting X,Y of the target monitor somethin...

c# How to get the events when the screen/display goes to power OFF or ON?

Hi I have been searching but I can't find the answer. How do I know when the screen is going off or on. Not the SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged . I dont know how to retrieve the display/screen EVENTS private const int WM_POWERBROADCAST = 0x0218; private const int WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112; private const int SC_SC...

.NET/WMI how to monitor activity on a windows share?

I refer to this: I am opening a new thread because I feel that thread is very unclear in both question and content. I am in Windows XP using .NET 2.0 VS2008 C# and managed C++. The question is how exactly to monitor the number and nature of open connections to a windows...

Passively Monitoring SQL queries on Linux/Unix

I am currently writing an application for monitoring SQL queries produced by a web application. I am interested in monitoring the SQL queries being sent by a given application passively. That is, I don't want a proxy - instead I want to run the application to sit separate of the web application / database, and simply read the SQL queries...

How do I set a fixed amount of space for a cell in an HTML table?

Hi, I am trying to figure out how to get my text to not wrap when the browser window is maximized to a 24 inch monitor and minimized to a more regular size. I think if I set a fixed number of space for a cell within an HTML table that this will help but I don't know how...any ideas? My monitor is 24 inches and so minimizing it to a norma...

Do VS2010's new "thread monitor/visualizer" features support CLR 2.0?

In .NET Rocks episode #525, they talk about monitors/visualizers new to VS2010 that help you understand what your multi-threaded software is actually doing at runtime (where it's locking, etc). Does that (or related) feature give any new visibility to the behavior of multi-threaded apps running in version 2.0 of the .NET CLR? ...

Windows Spooler Events API doesn't generate events for network printers

the context i use Spooler Events API to capture events generated by the spooler when a user prints a document ie. FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification FindNextPrinterChangeNotification the problem When I print a document on the network printers from my machine no events are captured by the monitor (uses the fuctions above) Notice E...

What is a class monitor in D?

D2.0 classes have a __monitor class property that "gives access to the class object's monitor" (documentation). I searched around a bit and did not find any information except for this bit of detail. So: what is a monitor? Why is one monitor used for all synchronized member functions? Is it a synchronization primitive used for synchroni...

Use a service to monitor when other activites/applications start or end

Hi, Is it possible to make a service running in backgroud to be notified when an arbritary activity/application is started and ended by a user? I want to use it to log how often and for how long different applications are used in Android. ...

Does Monitor.Wait ensure that fields are re-read?

It is generally accepted (I believe!) that a lock will force any values from fields to be reloaded (essentially acting as a memory-barrier or fence - my terminology in this area gets a bit loose, I'm afraid), with the consequence that fields that are only ever accessed inside a lock do not themselves need to be volatile. (If I'm wrong a...

How to monitor the change of the database so as to flush the treeview?

target: whenever the table in the database changes, the treeview will reload the new contents of the table. Is there any good methods to solve this problem? thank u ...

ASP.NET Live activity monitor

I have a lot of HTTPHandlers in my server code. How can I monitor performance of my web server in Live? I need the next statistics: 1. Requests per second (of each handler or summary) 2. CPU-usage Thanks in advance ...

Identifying connections and active SQL in SQL Server

How do I see the currently executing SQL statements in SQL Server? I've poked around in SQL Server Management Studio, but I don't see anything "canned". ...

How To Trace Win32 Socket Calls and Requests

How can I effectively trace the raw data sent to my socket server listening on a win32 machine? I want the trace to be specific to the port my server is listening on, so I can monitor only that traffic. I want to see how the data exchange works on the wire. ...

Syncronization Exception

Hi I have two threads, one thread processes a queue and the other thread adds stuff into the queue. I want to put the queue processing thread to sleep when its finished processing the queue I want to have the 2nd thread tell it to wake up when it has added an item to the queue However these functions call System.Threading.Synchroniz...

monitor http request from non-browser

hi, I want to monitor http request generated out of a exe. Is there any tool that can help me? Actually, an exe would call my web page to register a user. The exe constructs the POST data request and calls my page. when the request reaches my web page, I don't see any data. I want to monitor the Request object and the traffic to...

How can I replace this semaphore with a monitor?

Hi In previous question of mine, someone had meantioned that using Semaphores were expensive in C# compared to using a monitor. So I ask this, how can I replace the semaphore in this code with a monitor? I need function1 to return its value after function2 (in a separate thread) has been completed. I had replaced the Semaphore.WaitOne ...

How to turn off particular monitor with .NET?

OK, I know there are quite a few posts on this topic. However, none of them provide the solution to my issue: I don't want just to turn off my monitor(s), I wish my code to turn off a specific monitor. The URL the most people refer to,, doesn't help here, as it turns...