
RGB to monochrome conversion

How do I convert the RGB values of a pixel to a single monochrome value? ...

Convert a image to a monochrome byte array

I am writing a library to interface C# with the EPL2 printer language. One feature I would like to try to implement is printing images, the specification doc says p1 = Width of graphic Width of graphic in bytes. Eight (8) dots = one (1) byte of data. p2 = Length of graphic Length of graphic in dots (or print lines) Data =...

Monochrome Bitmap

Should be an easy one. I'm working on Scala trying to handle long sequences of binary data. That is long lists of 0's and 1's. What is the 'best' way to store/access this kind of data. The important point here is memory optimisation, so I would like to avoid using an entire byte to store a boolean. Also access is somwhat important, so ...

thresholding grayscale image minimum error method algorithm

Hello, I am writing software that thresholds 24-bit color JPEGs. Currently the system uses a threshold value that I have calculated manually through trial and error using 1 sample of each document type. This method works but is prone to error if there is significant dirt/smudges on the document. The software uses IPP for decoding th...

Problem with monochrome windows bitmap scanlines...

I am trying to figure out the format of a Windows bitmap file that is monochrome. From what I can tell, the scanlines are padded on the end to maintain DWORD alignment. However, any data I save is garbled like it's interleaved when viewed from mspaint. However, if the width and height of the image are the same, the data is not garbled wh...