
Write to a File in Monotouch

How would I create and write to a file in a Monotouch iPhone app? The file should persist between application launches, so I guess it has to be placed somewhere in the App bundle ( documents or resources?). ...

Is MonoTouch a viable platform for iPhone development?

MonoTouch seems like a great platform for iPhone development, but I'm concerned about deploying it to the Apple Store. Are there any examples of applications built with it that are currently available on iTunes? We're starting a new project for the iPhone, and keeping the entire stack in C# would be great, but we don't want to incur th...

Using NSArray with Monotouch

Hi, How to insert items into NSArray object in C# (Monotouch)? I don't find appropriate method to do so? In Objective-C side, there is a constructor called "initWithObjects" but I don't find this on C# side. pom ...

Alternative languages with MonoTouch

MonoTouch is always mentioned along with C#. Are the framework and toolset actually limited to C#, or do other CLR languages like IronRuby and F# work as well? ...

Updating UIImage doesn't work

Hi, I'm loading image in a view's ViewDidLoad() method like this: imgMonthGraph.Image = UIImage.FromFile("A.png"); (where imgMonthGraph is UIImageView) The above code works. However, I'd need at a later phase (not inside ViewDidLoad())to load another image to the same UIImageView. I'm tring with this code: imgMonthGraph.Image = UII...

Web-like tabs for the iPhone

What is the best approach to implement tabs that look like web applications on the iPhone, like the screenshot below (notice the "Checkin-Info-Friends" tabs)? These are not part of the UIKit standard library, but seems to be very common lately. I've spent considerable time developing applications for the iPhone, but not developing contr...

UITableView horizontal cell separator lines don't scroll up or down.

I have written some MonoTouch code to display a Nib'less UITableView and the view looks ok populated with cell data on initial display. However when I touch scroll down to view more data I end up with a double grid patten comprising of static horizontal cell separator lines that don't move with the scroll action plus another set or horiz...

Monotouch framework in existing objective-c app

I would like to use my existing objective-c UI layer, but call on a few monotouch functions from objective-c. How can I do that? ...

MonoTouch and iPhone static libraries

Does MonoTouch allow to create iPhone static libraries? If yes how it can be done? ...

PerformSelector Monotouch Threading

Using this statement calls the selector immediately instead of 6 seconds from now. this.PerformSelector(myStartWaitForSoundSelector, null, 6.0f); Does anyone know how to get this to work with a delay? I am using thread.Sleep(6000) in the function that gets called, but the entire app locks up for six seconds. Thanks ...

[Monotouch] Webservice access error from monotouch (iphone debugging)

The application with webservice (C#) access works well on MAC (iphone simulator), but doesn't work on iphone (release and debug mode). It happens when I tryed to create a new webservice instance. "YNSMS.ynSMSws.Service1 wsSMS = new YNSMS.ynSMSws.Service1();" Could it be a Monotouch iphone runtime bug ? Is there any way to solve it? ...

Monotouch ABAdressBook GetPhones Check For Null

ABAddressBook mybook = new ABAddressBook(); ABPerson[] allPeople = mybook.GetPeople(); foreach(ABPerson thisPerson in allPeople){ if(thisPerson.GetPhones() != null) ABMultiValue<string> myMultiPhone = thisPerson.GetPhones(); } } I have the previous code in my application. With Monotouch build 1.4 my applicat...

Check for internet access with monotouch

How can I check internet access with MonoTouch? I don't care if the internet comes from a WIFI or the Cell Network, all I care is whether there is internet access or not. ...

UIApplication.SharedApplication.TerminateWithSuccess is not there

Why isn't the TerminateWithSuccess method of the SharedApplication implemented in MonoTouch? How can I invoke it? or even better, how can I programmatically close the application? ...

Displaying iso-8859-1 chars in c# with monotouch

I'm reading an XML file from a REST web service, parsing it, and displaying the details in a UITableView. The XML file is in encoded as iso-8859-1 and contains accented characters. If I just add the string to the tableview then I get a junk character displayed, so I've tried to convert it to UTF8 but it gets converted to a question mark,...

MonoDevelop - Arabic and other Unicode in code editor

When I paste in some upper unicode, or even ansi like العربية I get gibberish in MonoDevelop. I am using the MonoTouch framework. Any idea how to get it to allow me to paste in Arabic, Chinese etc.... ian ...

Q:Images in Interface Builder when using MonoTouch

I'm new to MonoTouch and iPhone development. I have my images (PNG) in a resources folder in MonoDevelop, however if I want to set the image property for a button in Interface Builder, how do I do that? It's always a blank dropdown. Do I need to use XCode to access the XIB file and then somehow embed the button image file I'll need in it...

Manually instantiating a view... black screen

I was trying out doing a manual instantiation of a view and all I get is a black screen. Here's the core of my FinishedLoading currentController = new ChoicesScreen(this.window.Handle); window.AddSubview (currentController.View); window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); note: CurrentController is a protected UIViewController currentController Ch...

Monotouch - global variables

How can I store/access global variables within a monotouch application? I am retrieving the GPS Location (using Monotouch.CoreLocation.CLLocationManager) during the FinishedLaunching method of the AppDelegate. How do I then access that information from a property on that appdelegate (from a view, for example)? Or is there another pref...

Reading a plist file using MonoTouch

What's the best way to load and process a "two-level nested" plist file using MonoTouch? I have a plist file with data (structurally) similar to the following: - USA --- New York --- Chicago - UK --- London --- Edinburgh - France --- Paris --- Lyon I have Obj C samples that use NSDictionary and NSArray, but I'd like to get it into a s...