
Explicitly Prevent ContextMenuStrip from Loading in C#

Hi, I have a requirement to hide the contextmenustrip when a particular flag is not set. As i don't think we can explicitly control the show/hide of the context menu strip, i decided to trap the right mouse button click on the control with which the contextmenustrip is associated. It is a UserControl, so i tried handling it's MouseClick ...

WPF: Button single click + double click problem

Hi All, I have to handle both the single click and the double click of a button in a WPF application with different reaction. Unfortunately, on a doubleclick, WPF fires two click event and a double click event, so it's hard to handle this situation. It tried to solve it using a timer but without success...I hope you can help me. Lets...

Routing Mouse Events through a Sprite in Actionscript 3

In a pure Actionscript 3 project, I have a sprite that overlaps another sprite. The lower sprite normally handles mouse clicks. The lower sprite no longer processes mouse events when it is overlapped by the higher sprite. I understand that this is normal behavior. I would like the lower sprite to handle mouse events when it is over...

Is it possible to capture mouse events for a Silverlight control via JavaScript?

Since it appears Silverlight does not support the middle mouse button click event, is there a way to capture this event in JavaScript when the user middle button clicks on the Silverlight control? That way, I could pass the event on via a javascript to silverlight bridge. ...

How can I get MouseLeftButtonDown to work on TreeViewItem like it works on TextBlock?

How can I attach a click event on to a TreeViewItem? The following works for the TextBlock but not the TreeViewItem: XAML: <Window x:Class="TestClickTree2343.Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="...

In WPF / C#, how can I check if the center button is clicked or released?

In WPF / C#, there are events on MouseRightButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonDown, but what about the center mouse button? Is the Center Mouse button down/up e.g. events in WPF forgotten? How can I check if the center button is clicked or released? ...

WPF Datagrid Hyperlink Right Click

Hi, I have a datagrid which has one hyperlink column with the following code: <dg:DataGrid Style="{StaticResource DataGridStyle}" x:Name="movieGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=This, Path=movieData}"> <dg:DataGrid.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu Name="cm"> <MenuItem Header="Copy" Click="CopyC...


hi , i want that at run time i can move any control in using mouseclick, i think i have to apply logic in mousedown and mousemove event but how can i apply this logic in WPF i tried this logic in simple C# desktop application but how can i achive in WPF ...

Send mouse click to window outside of screen retangle

I have an application running which I have outside of the screen limits. I want to send a click to this window without bringing it to the front and without affecting the cursor. I have tried mouse_event and SendInput but these doesn't seem to work in that way. Have I missed anything when trying these APIs or/and is there another way of...

What type of click should I use in my web app?

Background: We are developing a web application that includes charts. Currently one can left-click on a chart point to zoom/drill-down into that section of the data. We are adding some other functionality that allows users to add meta data to data points. I know users will be exclusively using Mozilla, though I shy away from anything tha...

Detect background click in jQuery

Say I have the following HTML: <div> <span>span text</span> div text <span>some more text</span> </div> I want to make it so that when I click on span, it will trigger some event (e.g. to make the text bold), that's easy: $('span').click( ... ) But now I when I click away from the element, I want another event to trigger (e.g. to...

How can I get jquery to toggle-fade a flashcard div open and closed on click?

What do I have to change to the code below in order for the user to click on a flashcard header to open and close the flashcard answer? I couldn't get toggle() to work with fadein/fadeout the version below doesn't respond to the click code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "

Click event in Google Map InfoWindow not caught

With Google Map v2, I would like to be able to trigger a function when clicking a text in the InfoWindow of a GMarker. $(".foo").click(myFunction); ... marker.openInfoWindowHtml("<span class=\"foo\">myText</span>"); does not work. Why the event isn't caught inside the InfoWindow ? ...

Does Selenium or WatiN have property like QTP's Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2?

There are some buttons and menus in the application I am testing that require actual clicks to send all the information through and FireEvent style clicking does not seem to cut it. Both TestPartner and QTP can use actual clicks. TestPartner does this always (slow) and QTP does this by changing the 'ReplayType' to 2 from 1. Setting.We...

Which tab was clicked on tabcontrol MouseClick event

I am learning how to develop Windows Forms applications with Visual Basic Express 2008, and my testing/learning application has a TabControl with a few test pages (3, for example, the number isn't relevant here). Now, I am handing the MouseClick event on the Tabcontrol, and I can't seem to be able to figure out how to get which tab was ...

Checking for a series of clicks in java swing GUI

I'm working on a GUI for a chess game and I was wondering if there's any way to check for a series of clicks, for example: user clicks on jPanel THEN user clicks on another jPanel that exists in valid move array. I know I could use a variable to store some kind of state like "isSquareClicked = true" or something but I'd rather not unless...

Handling multiple click event in jQuery where order is important

I am working on a php that application that uses ajax. On all the links where i want to get the link hijacked by jQuery I add the class ajaxlink directly into the link <a class="someclass ajaxlink" href="somelocation1">goto1</a> <a class="someclass ajaxlink" href="somelocation2">goto2</a> <a class="someclass ajaxlink" href="somelocation...

how to obtain mouse click coordinates outside my window in Java

hi, I need to implement a class, using Swing, which can obtain the mouse coordinates when the user clicks anywhere on the screen. if I wanted to obtain the mouse coordinates inside my own window, I'd use a MouseListener, but I want it to work even when the user clicks outside my program. I want my class to behave just like KColorChoose...

How to propagate a click from an invisible div to an embeded flash ?

Hi, i need to propagate a click from an invisible div to an embeded flash (the two are superposed). <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="800" height="600"> <param name="src" value="pub.swf"> ...

How to simulate a mouse click on a UIWebView in Cocoa for the iPhone?

I'm trying to setup automated unit tests for an iPhone application. I'm using a UIWebView and need to simulate clicks on different links. I've tried doing this with JavaScript, but it doesn't produce the same result as when I manually click on the links. The main problem is with links that have their target property set. When you manual...