
Explicitly Prevent ContextMenuStrip from Loading in C#

Hi, I have a requirement to hide the contextmenustrip when a particular flag is not set. As i don't think we can explicitly control the show/hide of the context menu strip, i decided to trap the right mouse button click on the control with which the contextmenustrip is associated. It is a UserControl, so i tried handling it's MouseClick ...

Right mouse click is disabled in MinGW bash shell, how to restore

When I run the MinGW bash shell, I can no longer open the right-mouse menu. when I exit the shell, and return to the cmd.exe shell, the right mouse button works again. Is the MinGW bash version disabling the mouse button somehow? and how can I prevent this? ...

Jquery: detect if middle or right mouse button is clicked, if so, do this:

Check out my jsfiddle demo, if e.which == 1 then when you left click the h2 it will e.which == 2 or e.which == 3 then it wont work. 2 is the middle mouse button, and 3 is the right mouse button. i found this too: JQuery provides an e.which attribute, returning 1, 2, 3 for left, middle, and right click respectively. So you could also us...