
NPE Thrown Marshalling Entity in JAX-RS

I have a JAX-RS webservice that makes use of JPA entity classes. I have a resource class like this: @Path("/entity") public class MyEntityResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("/{entity}") public MyEntity getMyEntity(@PathParam("entity") String entity) { log.debug("Entering getMyEntity w...

Is there any tool to validate @XmlPath annotations ?

Is there any tool to validate @XmlPath annotations used from MOXy JAXB at a specific xml file at compile time from Eclipse or IntelliJIdea java framework or something else? ...

Using EclipseLink MOXy with Java 1.5

Has anyone got EclipseLink MOXy (I'm using eclipselink 2.1.0) to work with Java 5? Whenever I try to unmarshal I get a null pointer exception in org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record.UnmarshalRecord, in the startCDATA() method (xPathNode is null). The exact same code and XML works wonderfully in Java6. ...

Mapping a Java property to several xml attributes using JAXB and MOXy

Hello, I have a simple class CustomQuoteRequest: public class CustomQuoteRequest { private String requestId; private String currencyPairCode; public String getRequestId() { return requestId; } public void setRequestId(String requestId) { this.requestId = requestId; } public String getCurrencyPairCode() { r...

Can JAXB/MOXy map element value and element attribute to same POJO field?

Hi I've just started working on web services using JAXB to unmarshall the incoming SOAP documents to our domain classes. I've run into a technical challenge, which is dictated by the OIO XML format used within danish govermental institutions. The format states among other things, that it is not allowed to use the xml schema attribute n...