
How can I catch requests in mozswing ?

I would like to catch requests made by mozswing when a the user click on a link, or submit a form so that the socket connection is never made and I can answer the request "myself". ...

highlight the text of the DOM range element,

I am able to highlight the text on the HTML page(rendered through gtkmozembed), which is selected, like below. var range, sel; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); if (sel.getRangeAt) { range = sel.getRangeAt(0); } document.designMode = "on"; if (range) { ...

Memory leak in Mozilla when unloading stylesheets

I'm working with Mozilla v1.7.12 on a constrained device (a Motorola set-top box) trying to resolve some memory leaks. When I dynamically load a stylesheet which refers to some large images, I can see that the amount of consumed memory increases in correspondance with the size of the images. This is what I would expect. Then, when I re...

How to get rid of this annoying effect in jquery?

I have developed a site and i used jquery fancy transitions.... when i saw my sight in firefox my banner moves to right causing an annoying effect..... How to get rid of this? Edit:On initial page load it doesnt work when i pressed F5 jquery effect is working and it is shaky..... ...

avoid dialog box when"UniversalXPConnect"); is called.

Hi i got to create.write,read a local file within the javascript using XPCom. For that i have included the below line at the beginning of javascript."UniversalXPConnect"); But when the above script executes, a dialog box appears saying **Internet security** A script from "fil...

Has anyone got a simple step by step Mozilla plugin tutorial.

I'm trying to create a Mozilla browser plugin for the sole purpose of detecting with javascript whether or not an application that I have written is installed. This was inspired by another stackoverflow question and answer on a similar subject. All I want really is a HelloWorld type example as what I need to write will be even simpler t...

execCommand not working for xml file

I am using execCommand command to 'Hilite' selected text on the page which is rendered with gecko engine/gtkmozembed. if ( !document.execCommand("HiliteColor", false, colour) ) { document.execCommand("BackColor", false, colour); } This is working fine with HTML pages. But i have some XML pages( books in xml format). ex...

Problem with submit button...Not working in IE

<form id="form" method="post" action="1.php"> <input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" checked="checked" value="ON" > <input type="hidden" name="submitted2" value="TRUE" > <input name="submitted1" type="submit" value="Apply" > <input type="submit" name="submitted2" value="OK" /> </form> On selecting the checkbox and pressing...

Why navigator.appCodeName returning Mozilla?

I am using the browser Firefox and IE. I have run the java script program. In that I was found both the browser code name is showed as: Mozilla. Why? The code is <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("Browser CodeName: " + navigator.appCodeName); </script> ...

Using mozilla plataform to develop desktop applications

Hi everyone. From what It seems mozilla platform was designed to be used focused in web development (browsers, e-mail clients, instant message...). I want to use Mozilla platform to develop desktop applications that need most access to computer serial port and some applications that have nothing to do with web. I'm considering mozilla ...

-webkit- vs -moz-transition

I am using CSS3 transitions on my site and the -webkit- seems to be working, whilst the -moz- is not. Here is the CSS: article {z-index: 2; float: left; overflow: hidden; position: relative; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.2s ease-in-out; } .mousedown{-webkit-transform: transla...

building Mozilla Spider Monkey on Ubuntu

Hi. I'm trying to build spider monkey on ubuntu 10.04 (lucid). However, when I run autoconf2.13 on the js/src directory, it tells me there is no file. I can't just do the usual ./configure > make > sudo make install , either. What's up with it? ...

Is it possible to catch keyboard and mouse events in C++ using Mozilla embedded version?

Hi, The situation is this. I would like to catch mouse and keyboard events in html code which loaded using Mozilla embedded. IS there support for it? Thanks. ...

document.elementFromPoint(x,y); not working

Hi i am using document.elementFromPoint(x,y); function to find out the underlying element on the mouse click. It is working fine when i open the corresponding html file with firefox. But i have written an application using gtkmozembed to open html files. When i open html file with my application and clicked on the page it is giving ...

how to use the function " gtk_moz_embed_set_comp_path (char *aPath);"

Hi, How to use the function extern void gtk_moz_embed_set_comp_path (char *aPath); and what is the use of that? ...

not able to open java application on mozilla

Hi all, I have centos 5.3 with Mozilla Firefox 3.5.5 and installed java jre-1.6.0_14 but when i open any web page which include java mozilla ask me that required package is missing. I have also enabled java in mozilla. What else i can check to fix this. I opened to test my java and i got ...

Webbrowser like Mozilla control for VB.NET question

I want to use mozilla control in my application.. But when i use Webbrowsercontrol i just use webbrowser.navigate("") but this commant is not working with mozilla control ant when we try to navigate to any web address it gives following exception. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ...

Why do mozilla and webkit prepend -moz- and -webkit- to CSS3 rules?

CSS3 rules bring lots of interesting features. Take border-radius, for example. The standard says that if you write this rule: div.rounded-corners { border-radius: 5px; } I should get a 5px border radius. But neither mozilla nor webkit implement this. However, they implement the same thing, with the same parameters, with a differe...

<span></span> gets ignored on IE8, not on mozilla

I have something like this: <ul> <li> <div> <div style="display:inline"> <a><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-plus floatleft "></span></a> </div> <input type="checkbox"> <label>good</label> </div> </li> </ul> the bullet goes above the span on IE8, I would like to make it stay bef...

Is there a way using jQuery or Javascript to force a page to open in Firefox?

Is there a way using jQuery or Javascript to force a page to open in Firefox? For example, if the user has their default browser set to internet explorer, but they have firefox on their computer - open a new firefox window with the intended page. If so, I would need to check to see if they have firefox on their machine; otherwise, redi...