
Any plans to use Firefox sync in Thunderbird?

I was wondering if there are any plans to use Mozilla Firefox sync in Mozilla Thunderbird? It would be nice if I can sync my mail profile as easy as date in Firefox. ...

Printing to different printers using mozilla.

I am currently creating a web application that will be deployed in an intranet environment. I chose firefox to be the browser that will run it. However, in the application I am building, I need to be able to print to different printers quickly since they use different paper size depending on what client is coming. To avoid many time-was...

Where's all the XPCOM user documentation?

Google can't find much user documentation for XPCOM. Sure, it can find endless references to making new XPCOM components in C++, but that's utterly useless to anyone who needs to know how to use the existing components from JavaScript. This is a huge gap, occasionally touched on by trivial examples of creating an instance and calling a m...

Location of Firefox throbber/spinner image

I'm trying to locate the "throbber" (or "spinner") image used in the Firefox 3.6x chrome to show that a request is being processed: I'm not familiar with the source code structure for Firefox, and a simple search hasn't yielded the answer. Does anyone know which file I'm looking for? (E.g. can you provide a link to the file in the Me...

Site works perfect in Mozilla but not in IE. Is my js file not compatible with IE

I'm working on a site written in PHP/MySQL. We have a form to reserve time on a calendar and it works great in Mozilla and stores the reservation to our database, but in IE you fill out the form and when you click the "Reserve" button to submit it and nothing happens. All I can think of is that my javascript is not working with IE. I hav...

Capturing Print Events via Jquery/JS/Browser Specific APIs

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if there is a way to capture the print events (like IE onbeforeprint and onafterprint events). Actually I would like to do more. I want to know if I could interrupt printing, cancel it or may be change the print option all together to have a myPrint option. Can this be achieved through plug-ins...

How to register an nsIModule DLL on Windows

I've created a Windows library with an implementation of nsIModule (and nsIProtocolHandler) a while ago. I've only recently got round to debugging it some more, but FireFox doesn't run my library any more. I've tried to register my module again, with regxpcom and deleting xpti.dat and compreg.dat, but my contract-id doesn't get listed. I...

Scripting java : Create a class in a script file

Hello, I want to create a java class in a script file (javax.script). please help ...

Silent install of the firefox addon

I am trying to install a firefox xpi silently through an msi installer. I am doing so by the following method: Unzip my xpi in some temp dir and copy all the contents of that to the %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxx.default\extensions\ I expected the addon to be available the next time my firefox opens, but I am not able to get i...

Scripting java : import a class from an external file

I want to import a class that I already write in an external folder, for example : My class that is located in c:\class\ to my script like using var importedClass = new JavaImporter("c:\\class\\"); or importClass("c:\\class\\"); this is in a script for ScriptEngine rhino how can I ...

Cross-compiling SpiderMonkey

Hey all, I don't know if anyone of you've experienced this before, but I'm having trouble cross-compiling Mozilla's JavaScript engine, SpiderMonkey, on Linux. What I'm trying to accomplish is to compile 32-bit shared libraries on CentOS 5.4 x86_64. I'm using js-1.7.0. Here's the make command I used: CFLAGS="-m32 -DCROSS_COMPILE=1" CXXF...

onkeypress() not working

Hi... i am trying to catch the keypress event on the window (html page opened with an app which uses gecko engine) function onkeypress(){ alert("key pressed !") } i expect this function to be called whenever any button is clicked, when the focus is on window. But the function is not been called. Any idea what is going wrong her...

Accessing Mozilla's ISimpleDOMNode by using IAccessible

I have the following code: IAccessible *pAccessible = NULL; IServiceProvider *pServProv = NULL; AccessibleObjectFromWindow((HWND)0x0025093A, OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**)&pAccessible); HRESULT hr = pAccessible->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void**)&pServProv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pServProv != NULL)) { const GUI...

Firefox: Is there a way to suspend reflow during heavy DOM manipulations?

I need to do heavy DOM manipulations on the whole document of webpages in an Add-On I write. I would like to minimize the reflows so only one reflow happens for all my manipulations. Removing the body element, doing the manipulations and then inserting it again is not an option because this reevaluates all <script> elements. Currently I ...

How does Firefox Version 3 invoke the anti-virus feature on Windows to scan a download?

Another question on StackOverflow is asking how this is done, but the general question of how Firefox manages this is even more useful, and would answer that question also. Without reading all the source code to firefox (I haven't time) - is anyone familiar enough with Firefox V3's ability to invoke a scan on any downloaded EXE file to ...

jQuery ajax is not working on Mozilla only

I have following script $.ajax({ type:"GET", url:"views/jquery/js/private/visual_constructor/proxy.php", data:null, timeout:55000, dataType:"xml", error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown){ alert("error="+XMLHttpRequest+" error2="+textStatus+" error3="+errorThrown); }, success:function(res...

What's the simplest way to persist a small string in my FireFox extension?

I'm writing an extension, and I'd like to save a small API key so that it is always available in future sessions. What's the simplest way to do this? ...

What does the bitwise operator >>> do in Mozilla's map() implementation?

Possible Duplicate: What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it? Mozilla's, described in the Javascript 1.5 documentation, is implemented with the following: if (! { = function(fun /*, thisp*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; if (typeof fun...

Firefox crash instantiating NPAPI plugin

I had the whole plugin working previously as a very simple implementation with lots of global and static variables, i've now converted it to an object based design so I can instantiate multiple instances safely etc. However, since I have done that, when creating an instance of the plugin it gets as far as the MyScriptableNPObject::NewOb...

serving a XUL application

Hi, I wonder if it would be possible to serve a XUL rich application (not an extension) (I would create some files and package the application on the fly on the server side according to the request) and then the user would be able to run the application on the desktop (something like javaws for java) how should I package the application...