
Lost precision on GMP mpf_add. Where have my digits gone?

I'm summing two negative floats: char * lhs = "-2234.6016114467412141"; char * rhs = "-4939600281397002.2812"; According to Perl, using bignum and Math::BigFloat, the answer is -4939600281399236.8828114467412141 However, according to GMP, using the code below, the answer is -4939600281399236.88281 Where have I gone wrong? What h...

How to create custom project that inherits from c# using MPF?

Hello, Using Visual Studio's Managed Package Framework, how can I inherit from C# so I can have C# property pages and C# project items? I've tried making a flavored project, but it was limited in terms of making our own custom nodes and custom file properties. When using the MPF, however, I cannot seem to obtain those C# properties that...

MPS (Microsoft Provisoning System) How to remove ACE on directory using File System Provider?

Hello guys, I haven't seen much questions (any actually) about Microsoft Provisioning System SDK, but who knows, maybe there is someone that was dealing with same issue. We are using MPS SDK v4.5, works just fine for most of the things. But, there is a problem when it comes to removing ACE on directory for a trustee. In File Share Prov...

Visual Studio 2010 Extensibility, MPF and language services

Hi, I am trying to extend Visual Studio 2010 RC to be able to use a custom programming language. The first two things I've tried to do is a syntax highlight/Intellisense feature (easily done, thanks to "Ook!" sample from PDC09) and a possibility to create new project templates (i.e. be able to open *.myproj files). For this second tas...

MPFR Rounding 0.9999 to 1?

I'm attempting to store the value 0.9999 into an mpfr_t variable using the mpfr_set_str() function But 0.9999 is rounded to 1 (or some other value != 0.9999) during storage, no matter the round value (GMP_RNDD, GMP_RNDU, GMP_RNDN, GMP_RNDZ) So what's the best method to store 0.9999 in an mpfr_t variable using mpfr_set_str()? Is it poss...