
Eclipse Data Source Explorer and MS-Access

I can't see any of my schemas when I try to use Eclipse data source explorer. It's not a problem with JDBC connection because I can connect and execute SQL statements. It's just that the tables don't appear. How do I make them to appear? ...

Database Backup

Scenario i want to take backup from 7 client database to 1 server database. i dont know structure of the db { either server or client db }. both databases are having old data. now i have to make the tool take the backup for that. and should possible to backup old data also[if any updates done on old data.] please help to find the soluti...

Datagridview error

I have two datagridviews. So for the second one, i just copy-pasted the code from the first and changed where the difference was. But i get an error at the secod data grid when i want to view the result of my sql code. Translated in english the error show something like that there was no value given to at least one required parameter. Pl...

access: passing variables from vba to sql

i am clicking a button on a form in access: Private Sub Command29_Click() some_variable = 2 stDocName = "test" DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName End Sub my query looks like this: SELECT * FROM [some_table] WHERE [Occurrence Number]=some_variable; is this possible to do? ...

distinction between using .text and .value in VBA access

i am passing the textbox1.text values into a query and sometimes into a string sometimes i say this: dim combor1 as string combor1 = comboReason1.Text how do i know when i should put combor1=comboreason1.value ?? also why do i need to set focus for a control to reference its property? that doesn't make sense to me also when i set ...

passing combobox value into sql query MS ACCESS

i have a combobox on a form i want the text of the combobox to be passed into a query. my query is: select..from..where something=[Forms]![Enter Data]![comboCup] the form name is enter data and the combobox name is combocup. should i do: [Forms]![Enter Data]![comboCup]![text] or [Forms]![Enter Data]![comboCup]![value] ?? ...

how to check if a combobox is empty without setfocus?

i need to know if any text has been entered into a combobox if i do: If comboReason1.Value <> "" Then it gives me an error, and if i do: If comboReason1.Value <> Null then this doesn't work. how do i check whether text has been entered into the combobox? ...

is it possible to make an EXE out of an access form?

i would like the user to think he's using a regular winform, but in the backend i want to have access handle the DB stuff. is it possible to just use the access form and have everything else disappear in the background? can we make an exe out of the form? what is MDE? ...

a quick overview on access

Hey I am a university student (math major), but programming since I was little (read: 14). I am starting a new programming job tomorrow at a very big company. However I just found out that I might be just working with access for a couple of weeks (macros and whatnot). Can someone just give me a general rundown on how to create and u...

Microsoft Office Access error

Hi All While I am running on MS Access myapplication.mdb, I am always getting this error "Microsoft Office Access Has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience, send error to report , don't send...". I tried to create a new application.mdb then to import the database, the form and the modules but I co...

OpenArgs Problem in Access

I have a code like this: Dim strResponses As String strResponses = Forms!frmResponses.QstnID.OpenArgs If Len(strResponses) > 0 Then Me![QstnID].DefaultValue = Me.OpenArgs End If When I run it, its gives error 438. Can someone help me to know where the error is? ...

Another option instead for MS Access Table

I have a desktop form application that currently uses and Microsoft Access MDB file to store the data. If the users computer does not have access installed on their computer they have to download the MS Access Runtime to run the application or they get errors. Is their a better option than using MDB files to store the data? Should I u...

Grouping records by subsets SQL

I have a database with PermitHolders (PermitNum = PK) and DetailedFacilities of each Permit Holder. In the tblPermitDetails table there are 2 columns PermitNum (foreign Key) FacilityID (integer Foreign Key Lookup to Facility table). A permitee can have 1 - 29 items on their permit, e.i. Permit 50 can have a Boat Dock (FacID 4), a...

access forms: forcing UCASE in a textbox

i would like to force the textbox to immediately change the text to UCASE as soon as the user moves away from the field. is this possible? the important thing is that this text will be used in a SQL query to update a table. ...

ms-access: difference between .value and .text

i am passing values from a textbox into a sql statement in ACCESS i do not understand the difference in the usage of these two properties when i set the the .text property to something, how does the .value property get affected? when i do want something to be displayed in the textbox should i be using the value or text property? ...

Convert MSAccess Project Management Application to PHP/MySQL: Which Methodology?

I've got to convert a not terribly complicated bespoke project management system from MsAccess Application to PHP/MySQL. I've been programming for donkey's years but embarrassingly know practically nothing about modern methodologies. So the old 'learning curve' versus 'improved efficiency' conundrum rears its ugly head once again. Alt...

Is it really possible to access MS Access DB stored on an http server (windows or linux) from a winform app ?

As I can see here one could Open connection to Access database located on a remote server: "Provider=MS Remote; Remote Server=http://Your-Remote-Server-IP; Remote Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\App1\Your_Database_Name.mdb" Did someone try this : access MS A...

is there a group_concat function in ms-access?

is there a group_concat function in ms-access or something similar? ...

VBA for Access 2003 - DDL help with creating access file: setting the Autonumber data type

So I have the below VB that creates an access file in the default workspace, creates a table, create some fields in that table...just need to know the syntax for setting the first data type/field to autonumber...GUID, Counter, etc will not work as in Access SQL ' error handling usually goes here dim ws as workspace dim dbExample as dat...

How to make an access database where both users with and without an ID number can make a transaction

I am trying to create an access 2007 database that allows staff that already have ID numbers to make a transaction and also other guest users who do not have ID number make a transaction. What is the best way todo this in access? A transaction involves taking an item out of inventory. Therefore if one a user (staff or external) has an it...