
access: sql statement is not sorting for some reason

my report is generating data that is supposed to be sorted by date and is within a specified date range: SELECT * FROM [lab occurrence form] WHERE ((([lab occurrence form].[occurrence date]) Between [Forms]![Form1]![Text2] And [Forms]![Form1]![Text4])) ORDER BY [lab occurrence form].[occurrence date] DESC; i have two textboxes which c...

ms-access: date/time data type

i have a table that has a date/time field when i display the report, should i make this column a GENERAL DATE? or something else? i am having problems sorting ...

ms-access: difference between control source and row source

i have learning reports in access and i don't understand the difference between these two concepts. i understand that the control source is the column? but then what is the row source? ...

WPF MVVM Pattern, ViewModel DataContext question

I used this side to create my demo application The site was very useful in getting my started and in their example, they created a file called EmployeeRepository.cs which appears to be the source for the data. In their example, the data was hard-wired in code. So I'm trying to learn how...

Programmatically import CSV data to Access

I have an Access database and the source of data comes from generated CSV files. I'd like to have an easy way for the users to simply select the data file and import it. Import should append the existing data to the data already in the data table. Is there a way in Access to create a file selector and import using saved CSV import settin...

[MS Access 2003 SQL] Switch is causing #error, why and how can I fix it...

I have 3 fields in my table: start, end (dates) and length (number, might be blank). My Aim is to calculate an end date using start and length where end doesn't exist... I have: SELECT Switch((g.length<>0) And IsDate(g.end),DateAdd("m",g.length,g.start)) AS field FROM table g If there is no start, end or length, Access displays blank...

Executing Javascript in WebBrowser Control stopped working after upgrade to Access 2010

BACKGROUND: The following works in Access 2007, but broke when I installed 2010 I have a WebBrowser control in an Access Form; I set its location as follows Me.WebBrowser0.ControlSource = "" and then execute a script in the page Script = "StartScript(null);" Me.WebBrowser0.Object.Document.parentWindow.execScript Scr...

ado sql update table with result of group by query

I am trying to update records in an .mdb table with the number of records containing the same value The sql below does not work but I think gives an indication of what I am trying to achieve. UPDATE table1 AS A INNER JOIN (SELECT PH_BSP , Count(PH_BSP) AS PHCOUNT FROM table1 GROUP BY PH_BSP) AS B ON A.PH_BSP=B.PH_BSP SET A.PH_SORT = ...

sql-access: HAVING clause and != operator

i am new to access sql and i built a select statement that looks like this: SELECT [Lab Occurrence Form].[Practice Code], Count([Lab Occurrence Form].[1 0 Preanalytical (Before Testing)]) AS [CountOf1 0 Preanalytical (Before Testing)], [Lab Occurrence Form].[1 0 Preanalytical (Before Testing)] FROM [Lab Occurrence Form...

sql: including data from multiple columns

i have a table that looks like this: another words i would like to take data from columns stuff1, stuff2, and stuff3, and put them together ...

What does Error 3112 indicate when compacting an MDB file?

What does Error 3112 indicate when compacting an MDB file? The Error description is "Records can't be read; no read permission on 'xyz123.mdb'" There is a known issue with the Compact function on some versions of Access MDBs. Is the solution in this case to run the Microsoft utility JETCOMP.EXE on this file? What are the other possib...

Is there a 64bit driver for Microsoft Access?

java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application I get the following error when I try to connect to my Microsoft Access database from an eclipse project using jdbc. I am using 64bit windows and microsoft office 2007. any help on this matt...

MS Access CrossTab query - across 3 tables

Hi, I have the following 3 tables: 1) Sweetness Table FruitIndex CountryIndex Sweetness 1 1 10 1 2 20 1 3 400 2 1 50 2 2 123 2 3 1 3...

access: getting create table string

i have a table in access and i would like to get the SQL string from it that will generate the table like: CREATE TABLE example ( id INT, data VARCHAR(100) ); is there any way to do this? ...

access: implementing autonumber type in mysql

i have a database that is in access and i am converting it to mysql in access there is a type called autonumber. is there such a thing in mysql? if not, what would be an easy way to implement such a type (or not necessarily implement the type but to have the same functionality) ? ...

Creating an Access Database in 32-bit or 64-bit Environments

I don't believe there's a solution to my problem, but I thought I'd ask just in case I missed or misunderstood some aspect of it: I have a C# program that creates and writes to an Access Database. More specifically, a C# library that will be part of a suite of applications. This library cannot be targeted at 32 or 64 bit specifically ...

mysql: inserting data and autoincrement

i am converting from access to mysql i have a table in access where one of the columns is an autonumber when i transfer the data into the mysql database (where i also have a column that is auto_increment), should i be transfering the auto_increment data into the auto_increment column, or will it auto_increment itself? how do i ensure...

best way of importing data into mysql

i have a table with 500,000 rows and about 10 columns that is in access how do i import it into mysql? ...

why is ADODB inserting NULL values on update?

i have: With rs .AddNew ' create a new record ' add values to each field in the record .Fields("datapath") = dpath .Fields("analysistime") = "atime" .Fields("reporttime") = "rtime" .Fields("lastcalib") = "lcalib" .Fields("analystname") = "aname" .Fields("reportname") = "rname" .Fields("batchstate") = ...

SQL algorithm question to convert a table

i have a table like this: number stuff1 stuff2 stuff3 ------------------------------- 1 x y 2 a 3 b 4 c d e i want to use a sql statement to turn it into this: number stuff1 stuff2 stuff3 ------------------------------- 1 x 1 y 2 a 3 b 4 c ...