
Upload a .pdf file to a Sharepoint Document Library using Access vba

Within an Access 2007 application, I'm creating a static report in .pdf format. I want to create it, then export the static report (not the data itself) to a Sharepoint Document Library. The intent is for it to be a public repository, no versioning. Each report will carry a unique name. I'm a seasoned vba programmer, but using Sharepoin...

MS Access : How do I update a field using two other fields?

I've an access database table with 3 fields : Purchase date Warranty time Warranty expiry Warranty time has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in it which corresponds to years. How can I auto-populate the 'Warranty expiry' field (which is a date field) by looking at the 'Purchase date' and then adding on the 'Warranty time' (warranty time will be 1 = 36...

How to use value from primary accessdatasource control as parameter in select query for secondary accessdatasource control

Hi, I'm trying to display all orders placed and I have a primary accessdatasource control that has a select query to get the customer information and the orderID. I want to use the orderID value from this first query as a parameter for the secondary accessdatasource control that selects the product information of the products in the ord...

What is the best file format to parse?

Scenario: I'm working on a rails app that will take data entry in the form of uploaded text-based files. I need to parse these files before importing the data. I can choose the file type uploaded to the app; the software (Microsoft Access) used by those uploading has several export options regarding file type. While it may be insignific...

Access MDB: do access MDB files have an upper size limit?

Do access .MDB files have an upper size limit? Will, for example, applications that connect to an .MDB file over 1GB have problems? What problems/risks are there with MDB files over 1GB and what can be done? ...

What do Repair and Compact operations do to an .MDB? Will they stop an application crashing?

What do Repair and Compact operations do to an .MDB? If these operations do not stop a 1GB+ .MDB backed VB application crashing, what other options are there? Why would a large sized .MDB file cause an application to crash? ...

Can splitting .MDB files into segments help with stability?

Is this a realistic solution to the problems associated with larger .mdb files: split the large .mdb file into smaller .mdb files have one 'central' .mdb containing links to the tables in the smaller .mdb files How easy would it be to make this change to an .mdb backed VB application? Could the changes to the database be done so t...

Access Error 3443: Unrecognized database format 'databasename.mdb'

What could be the cause of the above error when trying to use an MDB file from a VB app? The access version of the MDB file is 6.68. I have a feeling this might have been caused by someone trying to open the .mdb file from a newer version of Access and it may have corrupted the MDB. How can this problem be solved? ...

Passing DataAdapter.InsertCommand into method results in null value for OleDbCommand

I'm trying to learn ADO.NET from "Programmers Heaven: C# School" Thats the code I've created basing on that ebook, but running it causes: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. When trying to add Parameter (cmd.Parameters.Add("@" + col, OleDbType.Char, 0, col);) to the Command. Could ...

Access Data Project (ADP) - Access 2007 or 2003?

I have been tasked with writing an ADP application using Access. The back-end data will be stored in SQL Server. We have SQL Server 2000, 2005, and 2008 available to us. Requirements dictate that Access must be used but I may have a choice of using Access 2003 or Access 2007. My first thought was to push for Access 2007, because it was n...

MS Access 07 - Q re lookup column vs many-to-many; Q re checkboxes in many-to-many forms

Hello, I'm creating a database with Access. This is just a test database, similar to my requirements, so I can get my skills up before creating one for work. I've created a database for a fictional school as this is a good playground and rich data (many students have many subjects have many teachers, etc). Question 1 What is the differ...

Max Value for MSAccess Date/Time

What is the largest (latest) date that can be represented in Microsoft Access? ...

Access database query locks ability to edit table?

I created a query in Microsoft Access like the one below: SELECT Deliverables.ID, Deliverables.Title, Deliverables.Summary, Deliverables.Header_Code, Deliverables.Header_Code.Value, Deliverables.Sort_order, Deliverables.Pillar, Deliverables.Pillar.Value, Deliverables.Misc_ID FROM Deliverables WHERE (((Deliverables.Pillar.Value)="Link ...

How to quickly analyse large MDB file

I need to know how to quickly analyse a large MDB file (about 1GB) to see which tables are causing it to be so big. Is there something that will easily allow me to show a breakdown of which tables are responsible for how much data. ...

What is an easy way to list the foreign key contraints in an MDB?

What is an easy way to list the foreign key contraints in an MDB? Is there a system table that can be queried in order to list this information? Specifically, I need to know whether any foreign key contraints exist in the MDB. ...

Is it possible to link one MDB to another in a standalone manner?

Is it possible to link one MDB to another in a standalone manner? Ie. If I have the accounts table in db1.mdb and the products table in db2.mdb, can both these MDBs be coded so that they can link to each of the tables in a seamless manner? ...

SQL Query: Using IF statement in defining new field

I have a table with many fields and additionally several boolean fields (ex: BField1, BField2, BField3 etc.). I need to make a Select Query, which will select all fields except for boolean ones, and a new virtual field (ex: FirstTrueBool) whose value will equal to the name of the first TRUE Boolean Field. For ex: Say I have BField1 = F...

"Parameter xxx has no default value" error when using Order by in SQL statement

I am trying to run the following SQL statement: "SELECT *, (IIF([Field]=TRUE,'StringValue1','StringValue2') AS [NewField] FROM [Table1] ORDER BY [NewField] ASC" But this gives me an error "Parameter NewField has no default value". How can I solve it? I am using Microsoft Access (MDB) database using Jet Engine from Delphi 7. Thank yo...

exporting code from Microsoft Access

Is there any way to bulk-export Microsoft Access code to files? I see I can export one file at a time, but there are hundreds and I'll be here all day. It there no "Export All" or multi-select export anywhere? ...

How do I read Unicode characters from an MS Access 2007 database through Java?

In Java, I have written a program that reads a UTF8 text file. The text file contains a SQL query of the SELECT kind. The program then executes the query on the Microsoft Access 2007 database and writes all fields of the first row to a UTF8 text file. The problem I have is when a row is returned that contains unicode characters, such as...