
MySQL very slow compared to MS Access when inserting hundred of thousands of rows

I am currently adding hundreds of thousands of rows of data to a table first on a MS Access Table then on a MySQL Table. I first tried with MS Access, it tooks less than 40 seconds. Then I tried exactly with the same source and with the same table structure to MySQL and it took 6 min and 40 seconds. That is 1000% slower!!! So is it a m...

How to change querydef sql programmatically in MS Access

I have done Dim qd as querydef set qd = Querydefs("MyQuery") qd.sql = "..." In debug qd.sql has been updated but the physical MyQuery still contains the old sql. How to update this physical query ? The source code given by microsoft here doesn't work either. ...

I can't fire event when clicking on tab page in MS Access 2007

I have a click_event handler on a Tab page but when I click on it, nothing occurs and with debug I can see it is never triggered. Is this a bug ? ...

how do you add a style to a blank access 2007 form?

If you create a blank form in access 2007, is there a way to apply a style to that form. So that the blank form can then have the same style as the other already created forms thanks ...

Is there a limit to the size for a richtextbox in ms access ?

I'm using a richtext box to concatenate a log message. And it seems I got an error: "the settings of this property is too long" So is there a size limit ? My code is very simple: I call multiple times: Public Function showMessage(MyTxtBox As String, ByVal message As String) Dim frm As Form On Error GoTo showMessage_Error ...

After MS Access Conversion 97 --> 2002 I get 'Enter Parameter Value' when exitting a form.

Hi, So when I exit a form from my newly converted .mdb it asks to Enter Parameter Value. It goes through (ie if i enter a value, it asks for another) the values required for a query that is run on a List Box on the page. The query has not been changed during the conversion. The values it is getting for the query are from text boxes...

Data type mismatch in criteira expression

I'm getting this error: Data type mismatch in criteira expression when trying to execute this query in access: select sum(total_sum) from totals_table where tot_date >= '3/01/2010' and tot_date < '4/01/2010' P.S. tot_date is of type Date/Time and tot_sum is of type Number ...

MS Access - Linked tables vs Access Data Project (ADP)? Security?

I am trying to determine the best approach when designing a new Access based application. Due to decisions made by others I have to use Access 2003 as my front end and SQL Server as my back-end data store (I would have preferred to use Winforms/WPF and SQL Server 2008 but that is another story). Originally I was thinking of using Access...

Trying to use VB to automate some queries. Running into what looks like a string problem

Hi there I'm using MS Access 2003 and I'm trying to execute a few queries at once using VB. When I write out the query in SQL it works fine, but when I try to do it in VB it asks me to "Enter Parameter Value" for DEPA, then DND (which are the first few letters of a two strings I have). Here's the code: Option Compare Database Public S...

MS Access raise form events programmatically

Is it possible to raise built-in MS Access form events programmatically? I have a feeling it isn't but thought I would check. (I am using Access 2003). For instance, I want to do something like this within a private sub on the form: RaiseEvent Delete(Cancel) and have it trigger the Access.Form delete event -- i.e. without actually de...

Changes in Access DB are not saved since updating to Windows 7

Hi I'm working with a program that accesses an MS-Access DB. The problem is that if I open the db file with Access, the values I see aren't the values I see when I'm using the program. For example, There is a table PARAMS with various program variables, one of them is the date I last loaded a certain file. In access it reads April 12th ...

MS Access vs SQL Server and others ? Is it worth taking a db server when less than 2 Gb and only 20 users

After my experiment with MSAccess vs MySQL which shows MS Access hugely overperforming Mysql odbc insert by a factor 1000% before I would do the same experiment with SQL Server I searched for some other's people and found this one: which says "As a side note, in th...

data type mismatch when comparing dates in MS-Access

I have dates stored in an MS-Access table in the 'General Date' format. I'm trying to create a query that returns records between a specific date range (all records from March 2010) however I encounter a 'data type mismatch in critera expression' message. Here is my statement; SELECT Loan.loan_datetimeLeant, product_name, [prod...

ms-access: report that displays records only within a certain date

i have a very simple report that is generated from just one table. one of the columns in the table is a date. i need to be able to allow the user of the report to enter a range of dates and display data only between those dates. how do i do this>? ...

Access report not showing data

I have two queries that I am using to generate a report from, the problem is when I run the report, three fields do not show any data at all for some reason. Query 1: SELECT ClientSummary.Field3 AS PM, ClientSummary.[Client Nickname 2] AS [Project #], ClientSummary.[Client Nickname 1] AS Customer, ClientSummary...

connecting visual studio 2008 with ms access 2007

pls i have created an application that will input some infomation but i do not how to save these input into microsoft access 2007 database. pls help me explain the steps i must take. ...

architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application?

I am using JDBC to connect to my microsoft access database. I get the following exception when I try to connect to the database: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application I am using 64bit windows7, and I am using eclipse which is al...

Is there a size limitation for an Access DB destination in SSIS?

I'm creating an SSIS package, which will read through a user's SQL database and populate the tables in an Access database. However, for the largest user databases, I start getting errors around the time the Access file reaches approx. 2 GB. Has anyone run into this problem? Is this a size limitation for this operation? More information...

Continuous Form, how to add/update records with external connection

EDIT After some more research I found that I cannot use a continuous form with an unbound form since it can only reference a single record at a time. Given that I've altered my question... I have a sample form that pulls out data to enter into a table as an intermediary. Initially the form is unbound and I open connections to two main...

Access Database connect C# local director

I want my connection to the database to be available all the time, so if i move the folder with the project, to an other computer, the connection to be made automaticaly. So, how can i change this connection: this.oleDbConnection1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Cristi\\Do" ...