
Best practices for implementing an Access (2007) application

Hello, Where can I find an overview (website) of best practices for implementing an Access (2007) application (with a FE/BE architecture) regarding to security, performance and maintainability? I know about designing tables, queries, forms and so on and I'm a reasonable programmer, but I'm wondering what's the "best" and most efficient ...

C# code for viewev tables

Can somebody write me a code, how to view data from tables in c# (using select statement)? I tried it myself and posted the code here, but i didn't get it right. Please help! ...

How do I show all group headers in Access 2007 reports?

This is a question about Reports in Access 2007. I'm unsure whether the solution will involve any programming, but hopefully someone will be able to help me. I have a report which lists all records from a particular table (call it A), and groups them by their associated record in a related table (call it B). I use the 'group headers' to...

How to retrieve data from access database for each item in a shopping cart and display in gridview in

Hi, I need to set up a CD shopping cart from scratch and it needs to use an access database. So far, I'm storing the AlbumID in the session, then use it to create a DataTable which is then bound to the GridView. But I want to retrieve album info from an access database and display that in the GridView rather than the values I've create...

Access ADP - For/Against?

I have been tasked with taking an Access 97 application and moving the back-end data to SQL Server while moving the front end to Access 2003 (using Access Data Projects). In the process of this migration the back-end data structures will be changed significantly to support new functionality. If I had my wish we would not be using Access...

Opening read-only OLEDB connection to MS Access back-end database while allowing updates via separate MS Access front-end

I have a back-end MS Access 2002-2003 database which stores blog entries. I created a separate front-end database with the forms for entering blog posts into the backend database. Finally, I have a website utilizing ASP to display the blog entries. The website connects directly to the backend database using an OLEDB connection object. W...

Updating MS - Access fields through MS-Excel cells

Hi everyone.... Consider that i have an excel workbook and an access table not necessarily having a similar structure (i.e. They may not have same number of columns) When i open the workbook the rows in the excel sheet get populated by the rows in access table (copied from the access table into the excel sheet's particular range of ce...

Microsoft flexgrid Control : Run-time error '438' Object doesnt support this property or method

I am maintaining a legacy Microsoft Access application that is using the Microsoft Flexgrid 6.0. It recently started causing the following error: Run-time error '438' Object doesn't support this property or method People say that this error can be caused by the KB960715 security update being applied, which sets killbits on variou...

In Microsoft Access 03. Creating 2 critera for one report

In Microsoft access 03.I am creating a database and want the user to have the option of two critera. Critera 1, the output on the report is filtered by accounts that have a varinace of >=10% or <=-10%. Or, Critera 2, allow the user to be able to input a specific variance on a form, that will only output on a report accounts that have tha...

should i advocate migrating from access to (my)sql

Hi: We have a windows MFC app that is written against an access database on a company server. The db is not that big: 19 MB. There are at most 2-3 users accessing it at any one time. It is used in a factory environment where access speed (or lack thereof) over the intranet becomes noticeable as it is part of the manufacturing time fo...

Pivotcache problem using ado recordset into excel

I'm having a problem with runtime error 1004 at the last line. I'm bringing in an access query into excel 2007. I know the recordset is ok as I can see the fields and data. Im not sure about the picotcache was created in the set ptCache line. I see the application, but the index is 0. Code is below... Private Sub cmdPivotTables_Cli...

Copying Primary key to another field in Access.

Hey, I'm struggling to copy the Primary Key to another field in Access. This is irrelevant , but clarifying on what I'm comparing. ... WHERE Tunniste=" & [Tarkiste] & "" Tunniste = Primary Key , Autonumber , ID (Generated by Access.) Tarkiste = This is the field I want to copy it to compare it. I'm open to suggestions, I've already...

convert function from Access SQL to T-SQL 2005

Can someone please convert this access sql function for me to work in t-sql 2005. I am tring to take the selling price minus the cost as one number. And divide that by the original selling price to produce a second number Thanks :) =IIf([Selling Price]=0,0,([Selling Price]-Nz([Cost]))/[Selling Price]) IIRC it should be something ...

How do I get rid of Duplicate Entries With Unique IDs in MS Access 2003?

I'm working on an MS Access Database with tons of duplicate entries. The problem is that there is a table of students, and sometimes instead of just updating a certain student's information, someone would just add the student in again with a different ID. I want to get rid of all the duplicates (which is a pain since there's barely any w...

reporting tool/viewer for large datasets

I have a data processing system that generates very large reports on the data it processes. By "large" I mean that a "small" execution of this system produces about 30 MB of reporting data when dumped into a CSV file and a large dataset is about 130-150 MB (I'm sure someone out there has a bigger idea of "large" but that's not the point....

Comparing textbox value to database

HI ! I would like to compare values from a textbox with data from a table. I tried this code but i got the error that the input string was in the wrong format! code: string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=save.mdb"; try { database = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); database.Open(); ...

How to insert Records to SQL/Server from Access to SQL/Server using "Insert Into" with slow connection

Here is what I tried. WHAT ELSE HAVE I MISSED OR SHOULD HAVE TRIED? My situation: SQL/Server in another country - direct Internet connection unreliable, private line cost-prohibitive, line condition changes constantly (ping 180 to 500+) Access SQL/Server via VPN connection - very slow but clean/reliable Access ACCDB (ace) database in...

PHP ODBC MDB Access on a Cloud Server

Hey! Hopefully quick question.... I have a .MDB file stored on my webserver and I'm trying to connect to it. I have no way of "registering" it with a name in ODBC. Is the only way to connect to it by specifying the absolute page of the .mdb file? $mdbFilename = "./db/Scora.mdb"; $connection = odbc_connect("Driver={Microsoft Ac...

MS Access form_current() firing multiple times

I have a form with two subforms (on separate tab pages). It's an MDB project in Access 2003. When it initially opens, Form_Current on the active subform fires once, as it should. But when you move to another record (ie. from the main form), it fires Form_Current on the active subform 4 times. Then subsequent record-moves result in Form...

SQL Statement to update the date

I have a string 1993-08-02 00:00:00.0 and I would like to update the date field in a Access Table This is what I have but it is not working. UPDATE [Table] SET `Birthdate` = '1993-08-02 00:00:00.0' WHERE `ID` = 000 ...