
crystal reports eclipse ms access

Does anyone know of any generic jdbc driver to use with eclipse crystal reports because I cant find any that work out. It works 100% in visual studio i.e ms access and crystal reports. ...

Populating data in multiple cascading dropdown boxes in Access 2007

Hello all, I've been assigned the task to design a temporary customer tracking system in MS Access 2007 (sheeeesh!). The tables and relationships have all been setup successfully. But I'm running into a minor problem while trying to design the data entry form for one table... Here's a bit of explanation first. The screen contains ...

MS Access query for time

Following data and using MS Access with VB6 UserID UserName LogTime LogDate 1 S 9:00 21/5/2010 1 S 10:00 21/5/2010 1 S 11:00 21/5/2010 1 S 12:00 21/5/2010 1 S 14:00 21/5/2010 1 S 17:00 21/5/2010 Need Output as in below 6 co...

MS Access group development

We are planning to redesign quite a huge MS Access application. Is there any way to work concurently on the same application or is it possible to merge two seperate instance of the same file (not the data, but the forms and code). Now Access contains the data, but in the future version MySQL will host the data and Access will be only the...

How to grab information from a site using Microsoft Access, or other program?

I have a database in Access with my movie collection and a very "professional" look. I would like to have a way to inform the IMDB's number of a movie and grab the information from the internet. Is there a way to read a page or download a page to read in automatically with MS-Access? If not, what language I should learn to have a databas...

creating setup of vb2008

Hello I have developed a s/w using acces and sqlserver 2008 and now trying to make a setup file. How could be the possible way?? I tried in VS2008 software and development. But after installing from the msi file and running the s/w it shows an error "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered” plz help ...

Conversion from Access 2010 to 2007

Is there a way to use a database created with Access 2010 in 2007? I keep getting the "unrecognized format" error... ...

Convert sql query

I have used this query in sql,pls convert this query to use for access database. Table structure is UserID,Username,LogDate,LogTime WITH [TableWithRowId] as (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY UserId,LogDate,LogTime) RowId, * FROM @YourTable), [OddRows] as (SELECT * FROM [TableWithRowId] WHERE rowid % 2 = 1), ...

Export view data programmatically in Access/SQL Server

We have an Access application front-end connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. We would like to be able to programmatically export the results of some views to whatever format we can (ideally Excel, but CSV / tab delimited is fine). Up until now we've just hit F11, opened up the view, and hit File->Save As, but we're starting to get re...

HTML, PHP No data in drop down box

Hey, I am trying to figure out why a website's drop down box will not show any options. The data file for this drop down box comes from a microsoft access .mde file. The file is present and after the last update was working fine. Some changes happened to the site, i.e. text got added along with some photos. Im not saying this was when...

How does Access 2007's moveNext/moveFirst/, etc., feature work?

I'm not an Access expert, but am an SQL expert. I inherited an Access front-end referencing a SQL 2005 database that worked OK for about 5000 records, but is failing miserably for 800k records... Behind the scenes in the SQL profiler & activity manager I see some kind of Access query like: SELECT "MS1"."id" FROM "dbo"."customer" "MS1"...

Get the AVG of two SQL Access Queries

Hi, I'm trying to get the AVERAGE from the results of two separate sql queries built in MS Access. The first sql query pulls the largest record: SELECT DISTINCTROW Sheet1.Tx_Date, Sheet1.LName, Sheet1.Patient_Name, Sheet1.MRN, Max(Sheet1.) AS [Max Of FEV1_ACT], Max(Sheet1.FEF_25_75_ACT) AS [Max Of FEF_25_75_ACT] FROM Sheet1 GROUP ...

Adding linked table to Access 2003 while keeping ODBC connection info in MDB

I have an Access 2003 database MDB where all of the tables exist as linked tables within SQL Server 2005. The MDB file contains all of the ODBC information that points to the correct SQL Server and log-on credentials (trusted connection). What I would like to do is add a new linked table to the MDB file however I am not sure how to go ...

Error: Syntax error in UPDATE statement

the error i get while executing the code below in OleDb Try con.Open() Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Select * from customer", con) cmd.CommandText = " update customer set hr =@hr,min =@min " cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hr", ComboBoxHr.SelectedIndex.ToString()) cmd.Para...

make field a dropdown in access 2007

I'm creating a HR database in access 2007 I have a main table of employee info and several tables that relate to that table ( education for example) that list the acceptable elements that can populate that cell in that row When i create a form it was created as just a plain text field which is constrained but I wanted to create a dropd...

isPostBack as Query Parameter

I created an ASPX page with search controls to the left bound as controls for an AccessDataSource. I want the data grid to be blank on the first calling of the page, but show the results for subsequent page loads. I plan to achieve this by putting [pFirstRun] = False as my first WHERE condition with the parameter pFirstRun tied to the ...

Truncated MySQL field when connections from MS Access

I have created a linked table to a MySQL table in MS Access 2003. I used the the mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.6-win32 driver I found on the MySQL site. When I view the table I can only see 70 characters in a VARCHAR(255) field. Has anybody had any luck using MySQL from MS Access? ...

Access 2007 and Special/Unicode Characters in SQL

I have a small Access 2007 database that I need to be able to import data from an existing spreadsheet and put it into our new relational model. For the most part this seems to work pretty well. Part of the process is attempting to see if a record already exists in a target table using SQL. For example, if I extract book information o...

Final form of parametric SQL commands in ADO.NET

I am getting a syntax error when I send a parameterized query to Access from my C# program via ADO.NET. I, of course, know what SQL string I have included in my code, with the parameter names embedded inside. Does anyone know how I can look at the SQL string that is finally sent to the DBMS during after I call cmd.ExecuteNonQuery? Tha...

Conditionally Summing the same Column multiple times in a single select statement?

I have a single table that shows employee deployments, for various types of deployment, in a given location for each month: ID | Location_ID | Date | NumEmployees | DeploymentType_ID As an example, a few records might be: 1 | L1 | 12/2010 | 7 | 1 (=Permanent) 2 | L1 | 12/2010 | 2 | 2 (=Temp) 3 | L1 | 12/2010 | 1 | 3 (=Support) 4 ...