
getting a combo box that has a row source equal to a query - and the query takes data from a form - to update

I have a combo box with a row source based on an SQL query about like SELECT DISTINCT Database_New.ASEC FROM Database_New WHERE Database_New.Date>= DateSerial([cboYear], 1, 1) And Database_New.Date<= DateSerial([cboYear], 12, 31); the trouble is that if I change the value of cboYear, the values in the drop down cboASEC do n...

SQL statement HAVING MAX(some+thing)=some+thing

I'm having trouble with Microsoft Access 2003, it's complaining about this statement: select cardnr from change where year(date)<2009 group by cardnr having max(time+date) = (time+date) and cardto='VIP' What I want to do is, for every distinct cardnr in the table change, to find the row with the latest (time+date) that is before year...

How to merge data from two separate access 2007 databases

Hi, I have two identical databases with same structure, database a in computer a and database b in computer b. The data of database a*(a.accdb)* and database b*(b.accdb)* are different. then in database a i have for example ID:1, 2, 3 and in database B i Have ID:4,5,6 Then i need merge these databases data in only one database(a or b, ...

Struggling to create correct relationships in MS Access Basically: an award(course) has many units, which can be either optional or core(mandatory), depending on the award. So for example: the unit 'Advanced Software Engineering' maybe a core unit for the award 'Software Engineering BSc' but only an optional unit for the course 'Web...

Resize form based on if subform visible

I have a form with a subform on it. If subform contains no records, it's visible property is false. In that case, I'd like the outer form to shrink so that there isn't a big empty space where the subform was. The long way to do this would be by setting the position for all the controls on the form based on whether the subform is visible...

Programmatic access Linked Master / Child fields in Access

How do I programmatically get the current linked value on a subForm in access. The documented string property subForm.LinkMasterFields throws an error when I try to reference it. ...

Access VBA sub with form as parameter doesn't alter the form

I have a Microsoft Access 2003 file with various tables of data. Each table also has a duplicate of it, with the name '[original table name]_working'. Depending on the user's choices in the switchboard, the form the user choose to view must switch its recordsource table to the working table. I refactored the relevant code to do such a...

MS Access: Order of Events in event ApplyFilter (ADP Project)

I'm having problems with the execution of ServerFilterByForm in Access 2003 When I apply the entered filter it returns the requested data but after it appear on screen (Form) it disappears. Don't know why this is happening Does anyone had the same problem? How can it be solved? Heris is part of the code Private Sub Form_ApplyFilter(Can...

Getting a list of users from an Access database

I know how to do this with the ldb file and Msldbusr.EXE. I'm trying to do it using OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, , "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}"). There seems to be a limit on the length of the filepath for the connection. Even if the connections opens correctly - for example OpenSchema(adSchemaTables) works fine, ther...

SQL query and MS Access query returns different data

Hi there I use MS Access as a front end to my MS SQL server. When I use a SQL query in ms Access that is (in my opinion) equivalent to a query I run from the SQL server, Access returns different data. The pictures below illustrate the difference. I use Access 2003 and I have connected the Access table to the SQL server (2008) through O...

Microsoft Access to SQL Server - synchronization

I have a client that uses a point-of-sale solution involving an Access database for its back-end storage. I am trying to provide this client with a service that involves, for SLA reasons, the need to copy parts of this Access database into tables in my own database server which runs SQL Server 2008. I need to do this on a periodic basis,...

Sql or VB for Access

I Have a table in Access as below SI Number Time 1.14172E+20 13:30:35 1244066650 18:58:48 1244066650 19:03:12 1244066650 19:05:50 01724656007_dsl 22:15:20 01724656007_dsl 22:18:00 01724656007_dsl 22:24:28 1141530407 10:27:49 1141530407 10:29:13 And require output in the same table is SI Nu...

How do I get the Date 5 Months from Now in access

How do I get the Date 5 Months from Now in access ...

Configuration can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has file open

I have a MS Access database with few tables and a form. When more than one user tried to save changes to data - I get this error: "Configuration can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has file open" Not sure why this is happening, since the design is not being changed just a data. Any thoughts?...

WHERE IN Query with two recordsets in Access VBA

Hi All, My first post here, so i hope this is the right area. I am currently trying to compare 2 recordsets, one of which has come from an Excel named range, and the other from a table in the Access database. The code for each is: Set existingUserIDs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT Username FROM UserData") Set IDsToImport = exceldb.OpenReco...

ACCESS.Visual basic. Make treeView object

I have a database(3 tables). I want to build treeView. I don't know how to create recordset and how to retrieve record from it. ...

What table is affected by delete when form based on query?

In MS Access 2003 I have a form whose record source is equal to a query that involves an INNER JOIN. The join is between a location table and a container table. Containers are objects that are stored in specific locations each location and container are specified by ID values. SELECT DISTINCTROW Container.Container_ID, Location.Location...

MSAccess database with Basic - accessing fields

Hello, First time I'm touching both access and basic, but I'm doing a favor for my sister. I have to retrieve data from a table and some headings have a % character in them and changing the headings is not and option. what does msaccess replace % with? Let Entitlement = rc![Entitlement% pozitia 1] rc is the recordset :P ...

Add a Keyboard shortcut to AutoKeys macro from VBA in Access 2003.

I have an Access 2003 application and it has AutoKeys macro. I would like to add an another Keyboard shortcut to this application from my VBA module. How can I do that? ...

MS Access: Copy/Paste selected record programmatically?

Sorry for the lengthy introduction but I think it best to explain the context of my question. I have an Access 2003 database in which users need to create new records based upon pre-existing records already in the table. Some of the users of the database are more familiar with computers in general and create a new record by ... 1. Selec...