
query for inner join of table 4.


MS-Access to SQL Server 2000 problem with datetime

I'm trying to transfer some data from Access to SQL Server 2000 (there are no other way to do this sadly), I'm using Access to mssql to do the job. The program fails everytime it finds a datetime in this fashion: 03/07/2009 10.17.00 While it imports date like this: 29/12/2008 I don't understand where this problem come from so I ask...

autoincrement in access sql is not working

How can I create a table with autoincrement in access. Here is what I have been doing but not working. CREATE TABLE People_User_Master( Id INTEGER primary key AUTOINCREMENT, Name varchar(50), LastName varchar(50), Userid varchar(50) unique, Email varchar(50), Phone varchar(50), Pw varchar(50), fk_Group...

Using INSERT INTO and setting one field value - Access VBA

Hi, I'm using INSERT INTO to copy rows of data from one table to another: INSERT INTO tblNewCustomers (CustomerID, [Last Name], [First Name]) SELECT CustomerID, [Last Name], [First Name] FROM tblOldCustomers How can I set one of the field values in tblNewCustomers for all of the new records that I am importing in withn this statement...

can we list all tables in msaccess database using sql?

Can we find all tables in the msaccess using sql . as we do in sqlserver select * from sys.tables in sqlite SELECT * FROM sqlite_master where type='table' ...

Ms Access Save record in subform

I have a main form with a tab control containing multiple subforms. I need to be sure that the data in a subform is saved when the user switches tabs. The problem is that DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord seems only applies to the current form so it doesn't save the data in the subform. I have tried different events on the subform such a...

making sure "expiration_date - X" falls on a valid "date_of_price" (if not, use the next valid date_of_price)

I have two tables. The first table has two columns: ID and date_of_price. The date_of_price field skips weekend days and bank holidays when markets are closed. table: trading_dates ID date_of_price 1 8/7/2008 2 8/8/2008 3 8/11/2008 4 8/12/2008 The second table also has two columns: ID and expiration_date. The expira...

Help Me With This MS-Access Query

I have 2 tables: "products" and "pieces" PRODUCTS idProd product price PIECES id idProdMain idProdChild quant idProdMain and idProdChild are related with the table: "products". Other considerations is that 1 product can have some pieces and 1 product can be a piece. Price product equal a sum of quantity * price of all their pie...

Explanation of converting exporting an XML document as a relational database using XSLT

I would like to better understand the basic steps needed to a take an XML document like this Breakfast Menu... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <breakfast_menu> <food> <name>Belgian Waffles</name> <price>$5.95</price> <description>two of our famous Belgian Waffles with plenty of real maple syrup</d...

VBA check if object is set

I have a global variable that is an instance of my custom class. How to I check if the object is set or if I need to initialize it? Thanks, Jeff ...

Linking Access records to Excel files

I've been trying to create a complete system using MS Access, but i really need to use the functionality of excel spreadsheets. I wish to do the following; when I create a record, i create a directory for that record, and copy an excel spreadsheet to that directory. The spreadsheet will be able to link to the corresponding record. So ...

SQL: how to get the left 3 numbers from an int

I want to retrieve the left 3 numbers from an integer to be stored in a table. For example, if the int is 1234567, I want to retrieve 123. I want the second number (123) to also be an int; I don't want to convert anything to a string. (And yes, really I should be working with strings. But I don't have control over that aspect of the iss...

Minimize the Office Ribbon with VBA?

I haven't searched real hard recently but in the past I have searched high and low to figure out a way to minimize the ribbon with VBA code. For me, most of my users have no use for the ribbon in Access, I would be very happy if I could reclaim the screen real estate for them. I know I could train them to minimize it but...well...they a...

Sample application using Northwind 2007 Access database

Is there a sample C# winform application (a starter kit or something ) which use the Northwind 2007 Acess Database version ? some concept like ? ...

Access 2007: Dynamic SQL to be run when opening a report

I'm trying to have some SQL execute when I open a report. This works fine when I try to match on a column that's an integer with an integer, but when I try to match on a "text" column, it keeps popping up a dialog asking for what you want to filter on. Here's a somple query: select person_phone_numbers.person_id from person_phone_numb...

Access Expression problem: it's too complex, so how do I turn it in to a function?

Access 2007 is telling me that my new expression is to complex. It used to work when we had 10 service levels, but now we have 19! Great! I've asked this question in SuperUser and someone suggested I try it over here. Suggestions are I turn it in to a function - but I'm not sure where to begin and what the function would look like. My e...

How to automate export from Access 2007 to Excel 2003

I want to automate exporting the results of an Access query to Excel. My environment is: Access 2007 A database in Access 2003 format Export should be in Excel 2003 format. The query includes a Memo column that can contain up to 512 characters. So far I've tried the following: Run the query in Access, then copy/paste the result gr...

Access 2007 not allowing user to delete record in subform

Good day... The root of my issue is that there's no context menu allowing the user to delete a row from a form. The "delete" button on the ribbon is also disabled. In Access 2003, apparently this function was available, but since our recent "upgrade" to 2007 (file is still in MDB format) it's no longer there. Please keep in mind I'm ...

Access sql query Circular Reference error

I'm creating a sql select query for an access database, and receiving a circular reference error, because my alias name is the same as a column name in my expression. Here is the fragment of my query: switch([CULET]='N','NONE', [CULET]='S', 'SMALL',[CULET]='VS','VERY SMALL', [CULET]='SL',' ',[CULET]='MD',' ') AS [Culet] This specif...

exporting access query to text file line feed

I am creating a sql query for an access database that will be exported to a text file. The requirements include a line feed separating each line. Does that happen by default, or its something that I need to add in? If I need to add it, how do I do that? TIA ...