
Can't connect twice to linked table using ACE/JET driver

I'm trying to connect to an MS Access database linked table in VBScript. It works fine connecting the first time on one connection but if I close that connection and open a new one in the same script it gives me an error. test.vbs(13, 1) Microsoft Office Access Database Engine: ODBC--connection to '{Oracle in OraClient10g_home1}DB_NAME...

could not find the installable isam

when i try to open a oledb connectionstring for msaccess it prompts an oledb exception "could not find the installable isam" in & . how can i solve the error ? ...

Is it possible to host Access forms online?

I have developed a few forms for analysing data on a access database. Now I would like to know if it would be possible to host the forms on a link over the net having the database in a different system. Basically I want the database to be in a different system, the user should see the forms and use it but all processing, must take place ...

Can't update date in aspx to a MS-ACCESS table

Hello I'm having problem with updating datatypes I insert the date in the C# part like this string strSQL = "INSERT into Frettir (CreatedBy,CreatedOn,Title,Description,Starts,Ends,CatId,SectionId,ArticleExt,Myndatexti,MyndUrAlbumi,NrMyndar) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@Starts",OleDbType.Date).Value = dstart...

Unable to remove master -> child subform links in microsoft access 2003

Hi, I am having an issue removing the master -> child link fields in an access subreport data form. I have tried every avenue to remove them, using the properties window of the subreport as well as the link wizard. I have also deleted the subreport from the database and then gone as far as re-importing the existing objects into a new ...

Pulling data from a text file to generate a report

Have a program in MS-Access, using VBA. I need to come up with an If statement to pull data from a text file. The data is a list of procedures and prices. I have to pull the prices from the text file to show in a report how much each procedure costs. ID PID M1 M2 M3 Total 1 11120390(procedur...

Row Source - combo box, filtering what pops up in a combo box by date

I have a combo box that I want to pop up when somebody wants to search by year. It will allow them to see in that combo box only results that happened in a certain year. So far I have something like SELECT DISTINCT Database_New.ASEC FROM Database_New WHERE (((Database_New.Date) >= DateValue('01/01/2001') AND (((Database_New.Date) <= ...

MS Access Print Report using VBA

I have a very VBA intensive report. When I preview it everything is great but when I print it after previewing things go wacky. I have spent many hours narrowing down the possibilities and I have conclude with a certain level of confidence that it is a bug in MS Access. Up to this point my method for printing reports was to open the rep...

MS Access 97 application working directly with MS SQL Server 2005

Please, give me the most serious arguments against this. Application directly opens a connection to ms sql server, directly executes queries. So what I'd like to ask: 1) Why it is wrong when the number of users can be up to 1000 executing huge queries? 2) What serious problems can that cause? 3) What should I do?:) Arguments, the mos...

automating write conflict messages

is there any method to avoid the annoying write conflict messages by automating and hiding the process so that it doesn't appear as if the program is defective? there doesn't seem to be any point to these messages anyway as there is only one real choice which is to drop the changes. ...

VBA: How go I get the total width from all controls in an MS-Access form?

Hi, This is probably very basic stuff, but please bear in mind I am completely new to these things. I am working on a procedure for my Access datasheet forms that will: Adjust the width of each column to fit content Sum the total width of all columns and subtract it from the size of the window's width Adjust the width of one of the c...

Help with this query in Access

ID- DATE- NAME 10100- 2010/04/17- Name1 10100- 2010/04/14- Name2 10200- 2010/04/17- Name3 10200- 2010/04/16- Name4 10200- 2010/04/15- Name5 10400- 2010/04/01- Name6 I have this fields(and others too) in one table. I need to do a query which return the ID with your respective name where more recently date for example th...

How to refer to a text in an Ms Access table?

I want to refer to a data cell, which if it is equals to some string, it will do something. The codes: If ds.Tables(0).Rows(i)("Status") = "Reserved" Then MessageBox.Show("Can't reserve") End If Is this the correct way to do this? Because I failed doing so.. ...

How to combine two sql queries?

Hi Guys, I have a stock table and I would like to create a report that will show how often were items ordered. "stock" table: item_id | pcs | operation apples | 100 | order oranges | 50 | order apples | -100 | delivery pears | 100 | order oranges | -40 | delivery apples | 50 | order apples | 50 | delivery Basically I...

Ms Access. How to resize a web browser in Access Form?

Hi, I have a web browser in my access form. I am embedding a gif file on it. but how ever i re size it there is a white border coming in the top and left side. The adjustments take place only at the bottom and right side. So when i embed a gif file with black background i end up getting a white background on the top and left sides, how d...

Applying changes easily in Access Database

I have got a bakcup of a live database (A copy of an ACCDB format Access database) in which I've worked, added new fields to existing tables and whole new tables. How do I get these changes and apply that fastly in the running database? In MS SQL Server, I'd right-click > Script Table As > Alter To, save the query and run it wherever ...

Unrecognised database format

Hey, I would like to load some data from an access-database in my C#-application. But when it tries to make a connection with the database, I get this error: Unrecognised database format How do I solve this? This is my code: private void btnBrowseDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(...

How do I remove the first 8 characters from a Microsoft Access database field?

Hi, I've got an Access '07 database that imports data from text files. The problem is one of the fields that is taken in comes with a date value before a place value that I don't need. For example, the field comes in like so: 01012010DUBLIN whereas I need it to just display DUBLIN. I'm stumped on this and any help would be greatly appre...

How do I insert data using a DetailsView into an access database without everything breaking?

Hey I'm getting the error: Data type mismatch in criteria expression. when I try to submit a DetailsView insert. Code for Default.aspx: (from inside an asp:Content tag) <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="125px" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="user_id" DataSourceID="AccessDat...

MS Acess SQL - where clause to get year from date based on the year - data located in MS access form

OK, back again. I have a problem getting a drop down list to populate based on information in two fields. I have got the SQL correct as to Select just one year if I put DateValue('01/01/2001') in both places, but I am trying now to get it to grab the year data from the MS access form - another drop down named "cboYear". I'd hate to ha...