
How to manipulate a table from an Access Database with .NET

I have a table named "Streets" in an access db, and I have opened a connection with OleDbConnection con = OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"Data source=" + mdbFileName); How can I get at my table? ...

Query>Checking with Today Date in VB

I have created the database in Microsoft Access with this query SELECT * from booking WHERE BOOK_DATE = DATE() order by book_time* it returns 3 records which has BOOK_DATE = today date but... when i tried to place it in the Visual Basic with Data Control and DBGrid, i enter the query in the RecordSource property, but the data didn...

Please help, Excel ADO OLEDB SQL Statement problem

I'm reading from an excel XLS worksheet with no header rows. Some cells in the column have a list of numbers like 12345,12346,12347,12348. Other cells only have one number 12345. The "LIKE" operator finds the number when there is multiple numbers in a cell, but doesn't find the cells where only one number exists. SQL = "SELECT * FROM [...

Event needed on computed field

I have a field (Total) that has a computed value. This is the control source: =[FrmSupplierQuote].[Form].[TotalSupplierCost] This field is updating just fine when the subform is updated When this field updates I wish to execute the subroutine that updates the field FinalPrice: Public Sub Update_FinalPrice() Me.FinalPrice = Round(...

Access updatequery complains about uneditable query

I'm trying to run a very simple update query, like so: UPDATE tblSkuActueel INNER JOIN qrySkuTotaal ON tblSkuActueel.sku = qrySkuTotaal.sku SET tblSkuActueel.stock = [qryskutotaal].[stockaantal]; As you can see, it has to update the table. It should not have any problems doing so. Yet, I get the error message that I'm trying to edit ...

Access dataBase - Date\Time field issue

Hello, I use the UPDATE statment in order to update a Date\Time field. i use the Date.Now.ToShortDateString() statement. when i run in debug mode i see that the value is for example "18/09/2010". then, when i open the Data Base i see that the value that was insert is "09/18/2010". Does anyone know how can i fix it? (i later display this...

Best practices for deploying an Access (2007) application

Hello, What are best practices for deploying an Access application? I use a BE/FE architecture, both parts Access 2007. I don't want the users to change the VBA code or the design of forms or tables. May be adding adhoc queries. Should a make a ACCDE file? Thanks in advance for your suggestions. ...

VBA MS access functions

Following function is for evaluating dates called by procedure CheckEventDataIntegrity. This does only for events but now I want to add partnumber along with event type. Means it should evaluate dates with event and partnumber.How Can I do this?? '----------------------------- '----------------------------- ' Function : EvaluateDates ' ...

Maximum capacity of an MDB file?

Hi, I have a complicated system that is pushing data into an MDB file. The mdb filesize is currently at 40MB. Did anyone had any experience with larger mdb files and could tell me what is the maximum capacity that it will be still operational? (if it's dead slow at 150mb i don't call that operational). Thanks! ...

How can I enable my Access Database to be updated by a remote user?

I am an experienced computer programmer, but have done very little web-related development, so I would appreciate your ideas. Our family runs a tiny, seasonal retail business, managing the orders using an Access Database. We would love to allow our customers to place orders online. The catch is that we package the goods for shipping o...

Access VBA - How would I have a loop in VBA that allows me to loop through control names

So I have like 10 text boxes on a form that are actually used for display not entry. They are are named like txt_001_Name, txt_002_Title, etc..what kind of loop is used for this. I was wondering what kind of VBA would I use to actually loop through the names of the text boxes. So if I was to debug.print it would look like: txt_001_Titl...

Why is After Update DSUM Before Update Value

I have a subForm, aContinuous Form, filtered by the field JobItemId, that has a field Price, after price is updated I wish to determine the new total of Prices for JobItemId and pass this for processing elsewhere. I have this code: Private Sub Price_AfterUpdate() Dim TotalCost As Currency Dim strFilter As String strFilter = "[...

Converting ms access to mysql with relationships

I have tried some tools (such as mysql migration toolkit and bullzip's Access To MySQL utility.) that convert a ms access database to mysql which all successfully create the database, tables and insert the data. What they do not appear to do is recreate the relationships (constaints) from the original ms access database into mysql. Ar...

use GetOleDbSchemaTable to get the columns of a table named "Street"

I'm trying to read the column names of a table "Streets" in an Access database by opening an OleDbConnection. I call GetOleDbSchemaTable but I can't seem to figure out how to get at my columns. I'd like to use .NET 3.5 framework if possible. ...

Access 2000 automaticly add text to a form entry field.

I have an Access 2000 database with a custom form. People are entering info into this. On one of the fields I want to automatically append a ".zip" to one of the fields. How? ...

Access OutputTo acOutputReport prints extra page

I have a report in Access that we want split and exported to .rtf based on a group ID filter. The split works, but in each .rtf file I get an extra page at the end with the page header section but no detail or group footers. My report has the report header section hidden, page header taking up 1/2 the page, groupID header hidden, detai...

Is there a way to right-align a numeric column in a ListBox

We have a standard Access listbox with multiple columns. Is there a way to have integer or currency columns right aligned? ...

Using Access 2003 VBA functions through JET

Hallo all. I need to run the 'replace([column], [new], [old])' in a query executing on n Access 2003 DB. I know of all the equivalent stuff i could use in SQL, and believe me I would love to, but i don't have this option now. I'm trying to do a query where all the alpha chars are stripped out of a column ie. '(111) 111-1111' simply bec...

Cannot pull SAP data using Excel (Permissions issue?)

I recently (today, actually) got some new permissions to some SAP tables, but I'm getting permissions issues with importing them. Here's how my process looks right now: I have an Access db that links to SAP tables via an ODBC connection. In that same Access db, a set of spaghetti-like queries pulls & refines a modest data set (a dozen...

Microsoft Access SQL query matching names unexpectedly

Hey all, I tried using Access for queries and it returns extremely unexpected results (where it would return records from contacts table that didn't even appear in the temp_query: SELECT contacts.names_1, contacts.names_2, contacts.addresses, contacts.cities, contacts.us_states_and_canada, contacts.zip_codes FROM contacts, temp_query...