
Openform action was canceled in MS-Access VBA code

Hi, I am supporting an application which was running for the past 3 years. It was developed completely in MS Access and written in VBA. Suddenly the application is facing the mentioned error at the following lines: DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="frmNewPeerGroup", View:=acNormal, windowmode:=acWindowNormal, OpenArgs:=5 FrmNewPeerGroup cod...

How do I export an Access database in CSV format?

I have an Access database which I would like to export to a text file. I have a schema defined within Access, and currently use a macro to export it. I would like to use VBScript to always append the result of a query to the same file. If it is not possible to use my defined schema, I only need the fields to be comma separated and enclos...

Having difficulty combining JET SQL queries

Warning: Here be beginner SQL! Be gentle... I have two queries that independently give me what I want from the relevant tables in a reasonably timely fashion, but when I try to combine the two in a (fugly) union, things quickly fall to bits and the query either gives me duplicate records, takes an inordinately long time to run, or refu...

MDB comparison tool

Is there any other MS Access DB comparison tool like Cross-Database comparator? I want a tool that does a mass comparison like CDB ...

Duplicate Count(Distinct [f]) in MS Access

Is there a quick way to duplicate the effect of the Count(Distinct [f]) in MS Access? For example: Data Table for a single referral (there are a few thousand of these in the real data): | Referral ID | Assessment Date | Assessment Team | Service Provided | Service Team | 1 | 02/01/2008 | AAA | BBB ...

MSDataShape on Windows VISTA

I have a connection to an access database that implements MSDataShape that works perfectly on Windows XP, now when i try to run it on Windows Vista it game me an error. The error on vista error: Error # -2147467259 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified The same code works perfectl...

How to Add/Remove reference programmatically?

My Application is built to a scan MS Access database in VB.NET. When the Access application is distributed to end users, they may have different versions of COM components. Is it possible to Add/Remove references programmatically to resolve broken references due to differing versions? Please share me code or link for reference. ...

How to get id of newly inserted record using Excel VBA?

Seems a common enough problem this, but most solutions refer to concatenating multiple SQL commands, something which I believe can't be done with ADO/VBA (I'll be glad to be shown wrong in this regard however). I currently insert my new record then run a select query using (I hope) enough fields to guarantee that only the newly inserted...

Migrate Access 2007 Database Application to SQL Server 2005 using SSMA - Issues...

I have managed to get SQL Server 2005 Express up and running on my computer Ok in order to do some testing before trying this in the "Real World". I have a fairly large MS Access 2007 Database application I need to migrate to SQL Server retaining the "Front End" as the user interface. (The app' is already a "split" database with a Fr...

SQL: How to display records for only 30 days

I tried to use SELECT * from Results WHERE DATEDIFF(d,Date,getdate())<30 But it seem having error with this. For each record submitted will only display 30 days. May I know if my syntax is correct? Greatly Appreciated, Stan ...

MS Access Dropdown List/Combo Box

This should probably be pretty simple but my Google-Fu is as yet unable to find an answer. I simply want to create a dropdown list in Access so that upon selection I can perform some action based on the value of the selection. For instance, I have a list of people and I would like to populate the combo box so that their names appear in t...

VBA ListView Control

What is the fastest way to fill ListView from query when it has over 15000 lists with 9 subitems. it is taking me about 6 minute to load. Here is what I wrote to fill ListView control. Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly) With Me.listViewData .View = lvwReport .GridLines = True .FullRowSelect = ...

Disable Check Box Based on Other Values

Hi there. I have a relatively simple Continuous Form. There is an invisible Check Box, let's call it Frank. There is second Check Box (Ralph) which may be True or False. There's also a text box with a date (RalphDate). If Frank is True, I don't want the user to be able to change Ralph or RalphDate, regardless of what is already ther...

Is there an Access equivalent of the SQL server NewId() function?

I have written SQL statements (stored in a text document) that load data into a SQL server database. These statements need to be repeated daily. Some of the statements use the NewId() function to populate a keyed field in the database, and this works fine. While I'm in the process of writing an application replicate these statements, ...

OpenEdge ODBC for Access

I cannot update the links in my access to a new ODBC driver. I believe it to be that OpenEDge 10.1C is not doing a handshake with Access. The dns will import external data into excel. The error is "error(-7748) the is no message for this error" ...

MS access query using many tables

I have a database with 12 tables with pension details of employees for Jan-Dec 2008. I want to get the total pension for 12 months for each employee adding up amounts from all the 12 tables (jan through dec). How should I write the query? ...

Why does my VBA project fail in other computers?

I made a VBA project based on Excel and Access. When I copied to other computers, some methods (left, right, etc) or controls (ComboBox) sometimes disabled. I had to rebuild in that computer. But sometimes it's OK. Why? Is that because of licence issues? ...

Saving Unicode text to MS Access from VB.Net

Hey i am making a project on VB.NET in which my text boxes have FONT property set to "TERAFONT-VARUN, 12pt " which is for GUJARATI language. Now i want to save the data of text box into my MS ACCESS data base. I also want to retrieve that data for other purpose. Can you please tell me what to do? ...

Access query returns empty fields depending on how table is linked

I've got an Access MDB I use for reporting that has linked table views from SQL Server 2005. I built a query that retrieves information off of a PO table and categorizes the line item depending on information from another table. I'm relatively certain the query was fine until approximately a month ago when we shifted from compatibility...

Access Caching ODBC connection settings

My Company uses SAI heavily and in order to create reports from this system we use ODBC to connect to the DB. Are setup at the moment is regional and thus we have seperate environments for each region. When trying to access these environments using MS ACCESS I am finding that I cannot link to tables in different environments and retrei...