
Query in Access

I have 2 tables like which I would like to query to form a new table. table 1 number type serial index 1000001 613 3 1 1000001 613 3 1 1000001 613 3 1 1000001 613 3 1 1000001 613 4 1 1000001 613 3 1 table 2 number type serial index 1000001 613 ...

Is there Carriage Return, Line Break constant in MS Access?

A simple question, doing my head in... I have a large access database to clean up. Is there a system constant for a line break in Access (Like VB's VBCrLf)? If not,I guess I'll just have to use Chr(13) + Chr(10) ...

MS Access Application - Convert data storage from Access to SQL Server

Bear in mind here, I am not an Access guru. I am proficient with SQL Server and .Net framework. Here is my situation: A very large MS Access 2007 application was built for my company by a contractor. The application has been split into two tiers BY ACCESS; there is a front end portion that holds all of the Ms Access forms, and then on ...

In Access 2007 CSV Export: Disable Scientific Notation.

When exporting a CSV from Access 2007, it automatically converts decimals into scientific notation. Unfortunately the tool that receives them treats these fields as text, and displays them as is. The values being exported are from a query being run against some Excel linked tables, and they appear perfectly in the query view. Is there...

How do you create a form in MS Access and use it to insert a records into a table?

How can I create a form in MS Access, and how can I get it to add records to a table? Where would I find a good tutorial to learn to do this? ...

How to convert an Access database to SQL?

Hi. I want to convert my Access database to SQL because my host only supports importing a database through SQL in their phpmyadmin. ...

Porting MS Access application

I have been asked by a friend to help him assess a number of quotes for porting a desktop application based on MS access and VBA to a web based app. The application seems to have a relatively large amount of business logic coded into the VBA. My question is very specific - are there any good tools or resources out there which could ass...

many-to-many into summary column

I've got a db like this: Accounts -------- id BankName AcctNumber Balance AccountGroups ------------- id GroupName JoinAccountsGroups ------------------ aid gid I'm trying to generate data like this: Bank AcctNum Balance Groups --------|--------------|----------|---------------- Citi 930938 400 P...

ASP.NET Access Database Error?

I have written some code that uses an Access DB, on my localhost the following - Select, Insert, and Delete queries work just fine and do what I programmed them to do. When I move the application to the staging server, the application throws errors when Inserting and deleting, however the select statements work just fine. I have made sur...

How to refresh linked tables in an Access mdb when ODBC changes

I can create an Access mdb and add a linked table to an Sql Server database via ODBC. If I change the Sql Server that the ODBC is connecting to with the ODBC control panel applet the mdb still connects to the original Sql Server until Access is restarted. Is there a way to relink these linked server tables without restarting Access? ED...

How to specify MS Access workgroup file in Sql Server linked server?

I have an Sql Server database that includes a linked server to an MS Access mdb database. The Access database has workgroup security and requires a valid user name and password. This is easily set up in the linked server dialog in sql management studio. The problem is that the Sql Server needs to be able to find the MS Access mdw file to...

DLast equivalent in .Net

In Microsoft Access, there is this DLast function that returns the application key of the last value from a specified set of records. I wonder what is the equivalent of DLast in .Net that enables me to retrieve the primary key of my last insert? I am using Access over OLEDBConnection ...

automatically query and convert access db table to excel using vbs

I have an Access database. I would like to automatically query the table Data_01 and export the results to an Excel spreadsheet using ADO in VBScript on a daily basis. At present my skills in ADO are lacking. I have a date time column that I would select items from yesterday and today. In a GUI query the criteria would be Between Date(...

What is the simplest way to set up a query form online to then plug into Access?

I want to experiment with putting a form on a website. Then take the answers from the filled form and viewing those answers in Access to be linked directly into a db. Any ideas? How do I create the form, ASP, html? I know connection using ODBC from ASP to Access can work - I need more info around the issue generally.. alternatives etc....

How to debug a Bad DLL calling convention error in MSAccess VBA code

Hi, The title says it all I made some changes to a function in a module and then got the error. How do a debug it to find the cause? The error occurs on the Exit function statement of the function...great hey! Malcolm ...

How do you insert new entries into an Access db table through an website?

I need to insert new records into an Access database. I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and firstly create a website. I can connect to the information in Access databse using dataview or gridview and can query a particular entry (ie. Proposal No. -brings up all details linking to that proposal). I can then edit the details of that pr...


Why in the ADVANCE section when I 'configure data source' is the 'GENERATE INSERT UPDATE AND SELECT STATEMENT' greyed out? On some tables it isn't greyed out and works fine. I know that a way around this can be achieved by changing the autogenerateeditbutton tag to true in properties and you can edit this way - but when this is done t...

Update SINGLE field of a table in Access db.

How do you update a single field in an Access database using an website in VisualStudio08. Assuming that the connection has been established, give step to step instructions of what to do in the design view. ...

suppress write conflict message in Access VBA

My problem. I have written a stored procedure to calculate a number of fields that are being presented through a form on an Ms Access front end (to a MSSQL2000 db). as soon as I call Me.Form.Requery to get the changed values. I can the irritating message that I have caused a write conflict. This record has been changed by another ...

Porting from MS Access

I've recently been given a MS Access .mdb database file and asked to make it usable in a Linux system. What I'm looking for is a way to convert the Access database to an open-source database such as MySQL or PostGres. I don't have MS Office, and it's a one-time project for a volunteer organization so I don't want to spend money if it...