
Access 2007 option group on report

Hello, I'm new to Access so please consider this when forming your response. This has been driving me crazy and I've looked high and low on the 'net for a solution. I look forward to your response. I have a form with an option group. I've wish to have this display on my report. Take for instance this "test" scenario: Options a, b, ...

Create & Copy Access tables to SQL via SSIS? SQL 2008

I am trying come up with a way to pull the tables out of an Access database, automate the creation of those same tables in a SQL 2008 DB, and move the data to the new tables. This process will happen on a regular basis and there may be different tables each time. I would like to do this totally in SSIS. C# SQL CLR objects are an optio...

Why should I use SQLite over a Jet database

Someone asked me this the other day, and I couldn't think of a good answer. Platform portability is completely irrelevant to the project. In fact, Jet has some features that SQLite does not, namely foreign keys. So can anyone think why SQLite should be used instead of a Jet database? ...

How do I use a Checkbox on a form to add a record into a subform in Microsoft Office Access?

I have a database for a carpet company. I have a form which enables the user to make a quote, including choosing the customer, etc. There is a also subform dealing with the products and extras, with quantities and unit prices. To state whether the user requires fitting there is a checkbox. When ticked I would like fitting to be added in ...

VC# 2008: Get Table names from DataTable into ComboList / How to merge tables from 2 MDBs ?

My program that I am writing's purpose arose with this issue: There are two users, each user saves to a .MDB file. One user has half the updated / correct information (the other half is outdated) and the other user has half the information (the other half is outdated). User1: 25% + 25% = 50% current information needed the other 50% is ...

Multipe keys in Access?

Years ago, I created a data base in MS Excel to keep track of my photographs. The way I designed it was as follows. I had a master sheet that had a primary key with a sequenctial number ID for every photo. Then I had several sheets in the workbook that contained specific photos of the same subject, e.g. landscapes (LS), seascapes (SC)...

Access Concatenate rows into single rows: extra conditions needed

I'm working with an Access database and I need to concatenate different related rows into 1 row. I found a solution here and used it with great success. However I need to add extra conditions to it, it should only be done if certain other columns are equal too. For example: 1 X Alpha 2 Y Beta 1 X Gamma 1 Z Delta should become 1 X A...

Error: "Could Not Find Installable ISAM"

I've written some VBA code in an Excel workbook to retrieve data from an Access database in the same directory on a desktop. It works fine on my machine and several other machines running Windows XP, but when we tested this on a Vista machine, we encountered the "Could not find installable ISAM" error. I've done a bunch of searching on...

Non-web SQL Injection

There seems to be some hysteria about SQL Injection attacks. Most recently, here If I'm creating a macro in Excel that connects to an Access database, do I really have to be concerned about SQL injection? It's not on the web, it's used in my office (you guy...

Access 2003 - Field from another database on form

I am 'fixing up' an old Access Database, and the client requested that a DATE field be added to a form. Problem is, I have NEVER used Access before. I'm a SQL guy, and I build my own UI's. This forms thing is getting the better of me. Ok - So I have two tables: tblQuestionairre QuestionairreID EventID blah blah blah tblEvent EventID D...

Is there a need to set Objects to Nothing inside VBA Functions

Hi, I always read that it is recommended to set objects to nothing, once I am done. But I normally use them only in functions inside forms. Isn't the reference lost when the function scope is left? So where is the need to do: Set db = Nothing Set record_set = Nothing Cheers, Ramon ...

Sequential numbering in database (MSACCESS)

Summary: I have a table that has a uique primary key identifying each record. I also have three more fields that can identify a record: Category CategoryNumber DuplicateNumber When I add a new record and choose the Category, how can I get CategoryNumber to increment correctly based on whether it is a duplicate or not. Note that thi...

Select Top (all but 10) from ... in Microsoft Access

Say I've got a query SELECT TOP 10 ... FROM ... ORDER BY ... in Access (well, really Jet). The question is: how can I get all the other rows... everything except the top 10? ...

ArcGIS MapControl and Ms Access delay map re-draw?

Hello, This pertains to embedding ESRI MapControls into Access Database Forms. I have two access files, split into a frontend and backend. My backend is also a PersonalGeoDatabase that ArcGIS uses to store a feature class for display on a From embedded ESRI map control. The feature class stores polylines, points, and polygons which a...

Compare subselect value with value in master select

In MS Access, I have a query where I want to use a column in the outer query as a condition in the inner query: SELECT P.FirstName, P.LastName, Count(A.attendance_date) AS CountOfattendance_date, First(A.attendance_date) AS FirstOfattendance_date, (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM(SELECT DISTINCT attendance_date ...

In SQL, How does using DISTINCT affect performance?

I am attempting to select a distinct list where duplicates are created over several fields. For example, SELECT tablename.field1Date, tablename.field2Number, tablename.field3Text FROM tablename; Would select duplicating records over the date, number and text fields respectively. Now, when I select distinct records t...

How do I insert 800000 records into an MS Access table?

I need to insert 800000 records into an MS Access table. I am using Delphi 2007 and the TAdoXxxx components. The table contains some integer fields, one float field and one text field with only one character. There is a primary key on one of the integer fields (which is not autoinc) and two indexes on another integer and the float field....

Why am I getting this error when trying to update an Access Database file (.mdb) with a Datatable:

I've been working on my issue for 30 hours. Each time I fix one thing a new error arises. All I want to do is take a DataTables from memory and simply update an Access .MDB file. Here is my code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.T...

To fix the run-time error: "Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information" How do I generate a primary key?

My code works. After I copy about 10 tables I get an error. Dynamic SQL generation for the DeleteCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information. Okay, I know I need to generate a primary key. But why can I copy 10 or so tables over, and THEN I get the error. Does each row have to return a...

How do you format date fields of a Union Query in MS Access?

I have two tables with date fields. Each table displays the date in Short Date format (MM/DD/YYYY). I wrote a Union Query to combine these tables, but the Union query displays the date in General Date (long) format (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS). I would be grateful for a solution to getting dates out of the Union Query in Short Date format. ...